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A Reflection: Candidacy for Holy Orders

Live the life of a priest while you were still a seminarian. Because "a seminarian is the
father of a priest,” as the saying goes (Fr. Gil). The disposition you have throughout your
seminary days increases the likelihood that your disposition will be similar when you become a
priest. Thus, the temperament of seminarians reflects that of priests. a viz. But if I may ask what
is the life of a follower who responds to the call of the master?
There is one common question in relationships, just as in all other acquaintances: how to
keep the relationship going. A colleague once asked me, "Brother, can you give us advice on
how we may maintain our relationship?" I said to them, "Be faithful." They added, "How can we
be faithful?'', ending the conversation. This scenario is becoming more intense as I consider my
candidacy for Holy Orders. "Be faithful," I must tell myself from now on. This is one virtue that
needs to be cultivated by those who are called to the priesthood and pastoral ministry (cf. Ratio,
115). Being faithful is a wide concept that requires discussion. To help, I would like to know
how it works and how it appears.
First, it is giving of oneself completely (Rf, 39). How can I be faithful if I have plenty of
reservations? It is giving my entirety. Giving oneself is to give back once again what God has
given to me. A man is made in the image and likeness of God. But what about my sins,
weaknesses, ambition, wants, and desires? I give them to you, Lord, because they will
undoubtedly ruin my faithfulness to you. I give it to you because you will understand that I may
fall for these worldly allures. I know that when I feel like I love you, you will call me the same
way. I give you all of me without reservation. There is no halfway house here. When I'm halfway
through giving myself, it makes me whole again. realizing that it is in you that I may be whole
again. and may it bring you back to wholeness. Thus, let me always love you, Jesus, the Good
Shepherd. I know you love me completely, and I return it all to you, Lord. But when the time
came to love, you loved me more, Lord. For this, I am yours.
Second, it is being conscious that you love me through the manifestation of being called
to this particular path—priesthood. Being conscious of your priesthood I am your priest forever.
I remember in one of the topics in our class with Father Kelvin, he said, "Brother, when you
become a priest, be faithful, and fidelity is being conscious that you are the priest of God." To
this end, I am being reminded that I am not an engineer, doctor, police officer, teacher, and the
like. Maybe, in characteristics, I can be an engineer to build the church of God for the
community, the doctor of the soul, a guard for the people from the harm of the enemy,
catechizing them according to the mind of the church. Furthermore, it is an act of consciousness
that makes me aware of my identity and boundaries. Knowing that I am God's priest, I return to
where I am and what is my ground whenever I am faced with a test of faithfulness to the Lord.
Lastly, being faithful means abiding in God's love, mercy and grace (PDV, 2). Remain in
my love (John 15:9). It is only in the love of God that I find fulfillment and joy. Why would I
turn away when there is something that can give me complete fulfillment? In my human frailty
and distorted faculties, I may feel, "Lord, grant me serenity and a clear mind and heart," that I
will find myself only in you and you. Let me attest, Lord, that following you is the most joyous
activity of mine. Renew my thinking because I am afraid that someday, or in my ministry, I may
experience sadness because I follow you. When that time comes, know that you will always be
there for me.
Moreover, it is being said I am certain this that there are struggles and challenges I may
encounter being faithful to Him. In these hardships, I test my faithfulness to you. The more I
struggle, the more I need to be faithful. To remain at the bosom of Christ is attest of being
faithful. This essay may appear idealistic, but please assist me in bringing it to fruition with your
grace and love. For now, I have to submit myself to the formation. Forming my well-being
according to your image. Thus, if you want to be a faithful priest, ask yourself now, "Am I
faithful in my seminary formation?" How is my disposition? Look back, where are you now Frt.
The day I admitted to the Holy orders I considered it as an ordination to the priesthood.


Student of theology-First Year
(Date of admission)

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