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Name: Judith Atieno Otieno

Registration Number: BDS/2019/49894

Unit Code: BUCU001

Unit Title: Communication Skills

1. Using academic type of library as your point of reference, discuss the various types and
forms of catalogues.
(i)Physical form of library catalogue: This is meant its outer appearance or format which
determines physical form of library catalogue. Under physical form there are various
types of library catalogue as follows:
 Card catalogue: In this catalogue, the entries of which are made on cards of
uniform size and quality i.e.12.5* 7.5 cm. and stored in any desired order on their
edges in drawers or any form of container or cabinet, where each card are being
restricted to a single entry and with details of class number to enable the item to
found easy.
 Book catalogue: A catalogue is produced in book form where the entries are
handwritten or printed and bound into a volume and this is mostly used in
National library.
 Sheaf catalogue: This formed by sheets, slips or cards fastened in a binder that
permits the new material. These slips are usually of 6 by 4 in size notched at the
left hand side, it is usually used in public libraries where books or printed
catalogue has been removed.
 Machine readable catalogue: This catalogue is computerized where the catalogues
are prepared on magnetic tape or disc. To some extent the entries are held in
computers files and search can be made directly to the computer or projected on
the screen.
 Microform catalogue: This form of catalogue entries are reduced and printed upon
a microfilm or microfiche, it requires microfilm reader for magnifying the image
on the film or fiche and displays information on the screen.
 Computerized catalogue: Computerized libraries usually store the bibliographic
records in computers in such a way, records are accessible from computer
database via a computer terminal or within the library.

(ii) Inner/ Internal form of library catalogue: This form refers to various varieties of
construction and arrangement of the catalogue. These are the various types of inner
 Classified catalogue: Refers to a catalogue which some entries are number
entries and some are word entries. This is divided into two, classified and
alphabetical. Where classified consist of all number entries i.e main entry,
cross reference entries while the alphabetical consist of words i.e. book index,
class index entries and cross reference index.
 Alphabetic classed catalogue: It’s an alphabetic subject catalogue which the
subjects are grouped in broad classes with numerous alphabetic sub- divisions.
In this form it may also include the author and title entries in the same
 Alphabetical catalogue: This is categorized into different types as follows:
-Author catalogue: This type contains sources with author’s name as heading
and arranged alphabetically, the names may be of persons or corporate bodies.
-Title catalogue: This is both title and author entries interfiled in one
sequence, and are also arranged alphabetically.
-Subject catalogue: in this catalogue the subject entries are arranged
alphabetically according to the subject headings.
-Name catalogue: is restricted to author and subject catalogue arranged in one
alphabetical sequence. For example the name of persons according to their
subjects headings.

2. Discuss how non verbal communication could be used in the teaching and learning

-Use of eye contact could be another way to improve non verbal in communication
skills, where the teacher looks around the classroom, she / he will secure the trust of
the students while also getting their attention for example if a student is not
concentrating in class and realized that the teacher is staring at him/her definitely will
stop whatever he/she was doing and concentrate.

-Voice modulation for example like clapping hands, tapping the board this will attract
the attention of the students who were making noise and immediately they will gain
back their concentration.

-Use of charts or graphs: This is mostly used by instructors in teaching situations like
seminars or trainings where he/she can demonstrate or illustrate over certain topics like
preventive measures on HIV/AIDS (use of condoms), Family planning methods, how to
treat and use malaria nets, use graphs to show how the economy of Kenya is flowing
among others.
-Body language: Its important way of communication where students can read their
teachers, for example crossing of arms mostly it seen as a negative stand and could
put students on the defensive for no reason.

-Wait time: it marks a conversational turn begins or ends for example when a teacher
asks a question, the wait time both allows and prompts students to formulate
an appropriate response. or during exams there is time set for the exam to take .

-Space: For example a teacher wants to point a student to answer the question he/she as
asked, the right way for addressing the student, the teacher should not point to the
student by his/her finger when asking question because the student feels fearful
and anxious in this case, the best method is that the teacher assumes the space with
the student looks at him/her directly and points on him/her with full hand.

-Freeze body: in this is when teacher/tutor freezes his/her body and stands still it will
clear consistent message that the teacher is ready to start and it will conquer
the attention of student and they’ll be attentive and ready to listen.

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