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Activity 02 (Working Definitions of Globalization)

 Globalization is inevitable and irreversible

In a world where we constantly evolve and grow, globalization is inevitable. We cannot
deny that part of the growth of a human being is their necessities and wants. Due to this,
the demand for food, clothes, and everyday materials increases. In addition, the birth of
technology is also the biggest contributor as to why globalization cannot be avoided.
People everyday use the internet to interact with others around the globe and create
relationships with them. Government officials also use the digital media to communicate
with other countries and connect with them culturally and economically. Furthermore, the
international trade, export and import is also happening day by day to meet our demands.
Hence, this strengthens the fact the globalization cannot be prevented and is permanent.

 Nobody is in charge of globalization

It cannot be denied that no one can be fully in charge of globalization because it promotes
competition. If one is in control of it, it will result into a bias competition, and seeking for
funds from the opposing countries will be difficult due to the power and authority of the
said "Country in charge". To conclude, no such authoritarian power should exist in the
world of globalization for fair and equal competition of regions and countries

 Globalization benefits everyone

Globalization is undeniably the key ingredient for economic growth. Thus, it is a fact that
globalization lifted myriads of people from the excruciating effects of poverty. This is
because globalization opens the doors for products, information, ideas, and languages to
move across borders around the globe.

 Globalization furthers the spread of democracy around the world

Globalization promotes solidarity since citizens around the globe are free to exchange
their ideas, people are free to share their innovations across borders, and countries
became more open to each other which paves the way for democracy to enter.
Additionally, this said liberty enhances and strengthens the relationship of neighboring

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