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The profile of shear stress in the liquid at

turbulent flow
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1768, 020032 (2016);
Published Online: 23 September 2016

Zoltán Csuka and Róber Olšiak


Direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow up to

Physics of Fluids 11, 943 (1999);

On the relationship between the wall-shear-stress and transient-growth disturbances in a

laminar boundary layer
Physics of Fluids 22, 054103 (2010);

Comparison between the Q criterion and Rortex in the application of an in-stream structure
Physics of Fluids 31, 121701 (2019);

AIP Conference Proceedings 1768, 020032 (2016); 1768, 020032

© 2016 Author(s).
The Profile of Shear Stress in the Liquid at Turbulent Flow
Zoltán Csuka1a , Ing. Róber Olšiak1b
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Energy Machinery,
Námestie slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic
Corresponding author:

Abstract: The article describes the theory of cavitation at high values of shear stress in a viscous liquid. For this purpose,
a spatial model of two cylindrical shells imposed concentrically was designed. In the narrow gap between the cylinders
the temperature, density and viscosity of liquid is constant. Shear stress is induced by the rotary motion of the inner
cylinder, resulting in a change of velocity and pressure fields. Due to the pressure drop between the cylinders there is a
precondition to the formation of cavitation bubbles at the point of the lowest static pressure. To verify the assumption
was made CFD model based on simplified physical model, through which cavitation was qualitatively and quantitatively
assessed. In this paper the results of the numerical solution will be presented alongside with basic form of experimental
device for physical generation of cavitation at high values of shear stress.

The paper deals with the theory of shear stress in viscous liquids. It examines the relationship between the shear
stress against and the regime of flow in a closed volume between two cylinders. For the investigation of this task a
numerical model was used, which consists of two cylindrical walls composed concentrically with constant heights.
For numerical solutions was a Newtonian liquid were considered, also the circumferential velocity of the inner
cylindrical wall was assumed to be constant. The work also gives results for different methods for solving numerical
models such as steady and unsteady flow model. The results of different models of turbulence have also been
compared. Findings and attitudes toward the issues are described at the end of the article.

In the near-wall region are shear zones formed by the moving fluid´s own viscosity. The relative velocity vector
of fluid on the wall equals to zero. The basic type of wall shear zone is called boundary layer. Boundary layers are
formed close to the wall which is bypassed by fluid. For laminar flow of viscous Newtonian liquids arising between
layers the tangential (shear) stress, as action of friction forces in the axial direction. The size of the tangential stress
is depending on the velocity change perpendicular to the flow direction and viscosity of the fluid. For laminar flow
applies next relation. [1,2]

߬ൌߤ (1)

For turbulent flow a tangential stress in the liquid at the wall should be considered, that is in the viscous sublayer
where the flow is laminar and away from the wall where the flow is turbulent. The expression on the right is the total
shear stress ߬௧௢௧௔௟ , which consist of the viscous component ߬ఔ and the turbulent component ߬௧௨௥௕ . [1,2]

߬௧௢௧௔௟ ൌ ߬ఔ ൅ ߬௧௨௥௕ ൌ ߤ െ ߩ‫ݑ‬
ప ‫ݑ‬ఫ
݀‫ݕ‬ (2)

The Meeting of Departments of Fluid Mechanics and Thermomechanics (35MDFMT)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1768, 020032-1–020032-6; doi: 10.1063/1.4963054
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1426-6/$30.00

FIGURE 1: Progress of velocity and shear stress for laminar (left) and turbulent flow (right)

To determine the turbulent shear stresses we will use the filtered Navier-Stokes equation by which for the shear
stresses is applied the equation. [3,4]
݀‫ݑ‬ഥప ݀‫ݑ‬ഥఫ
߬௧௨௥௕ ௜௝ ൌ െߥ௧ ቆ ൅ ቇ (3)
݀‫ݔ‬௝ ݀‫ݔ‬௜

The equation determines the specific dissipation of shear stresses that results because of fluctuations in the speed
of the viscous fluid molecules in different directions. In this equation appears so-called turbulent (vortex) viscosity
ߥ௧ , which is not a characteristic of the fluid at the given physical conditions, but it is characteristic of turbulent flow.
Thus, we can relatively easily approximate the turbulent flow as a pseudo fluid flow with locally varying viscosity,
which approximates the turbulence diffusion of momentum and other characteristics of flowing fluid. [3,4]

ଶ തതതത
ߥ௧ ൌ ݈௠ หܵపఫ ห (4)

According to the theory of Prandtl’s mixing length, applies the following relationship in which appears ݈௠ as the
mixing length, which is derived empirically from experiments, to be constant. Further shear strain ܵ௜௝ which can be
described by the fluctuation of velocities. [3,4]

ͳ ݀‫ݑ‬ഥ ݀‫ݑ‬ഥ
തതതపఫത ൌ ቆ ప ൅ ఫ ቇ
ܵ (5)
ʹ ݀‫ݔ‬௝ ݀‫ݔ‬௜

After substitution we get the equation for the turbulent shear stress in the final form. [3,4]

߬௧௨௥௕ ௜௝ ൌ െʹߥ௧ തܵതതపఫത


Three dimensional geometry of the numerical model consists of two concentrically cylindrical imposed walls
(Fig. 2). The inner cylindrical wall of known geometry is rotating with known circumferential velocity. The outer
cylindrical wall is also known, the geometry is stationary. The volume between the two cylindrical walls is filled
with water of constant temperature and thus a constant density and viscosity. Computational mesh for that geometry
was generated from six wall elements with total number of 501 220 (Fig.2). Maximum size of elements was set to
0,1 mm. The thickness of the first element in the boundary layer in all solid walls was set to 0,001 mm. The size was
determined by calculation of the criterion Y^+. The growth of elements was constant throughout the entire volume
(1,15×). Simulation of flow takes place in a closed volume without the input and output of liquid applied. The
boundary condition is assigned to the inner cylindrical surface, with rotation around the Z axis with circumferential
speed 52 m/s. To the remaining surfaces has been assigned wall boundary conditions with zero velocity of
movement. Inside the volume was set reference pressure equal to atmospheric pressure. [5,6].

FIGURE 2: Geometry and mesh of numerical model

Numerical calculations were performed by three different turbulence models: stationary models k-İ Realizable,
k-Ȧ SST and non-stationary model of turbulence DES (Detached Eddy Simulation). Models k-İ Realizable and k-Ȧ
SST are included in the group of RANS models, which are the Reynolds time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations,
which do not work directly with the shear stress and strain rate in all directions, but with the turbulent kinetic energy
k. [7,8]
݇ ൌ ሺ‫ݑ‬ തതതതതሻ
‫ݑ‬ (7)
ʹ ప ప

As a next parameter in the model k-İ is introduced İ, which is the rate of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation:

ߥ௧ ݀ξ݇
ߝൌʹ ቆ ቇ (8)
ߩ ݆݀

In the model k-İ Realizable, the turbulent eddies viscosity detected by relationship (9), in which appears the
constant of model ‫ܥ‬ఓ . [7,8]
ߥ௧ ൌ ‫ܥ‬ఓ (9)

In models k-Ȧ is an established a parameter Ȧ, which describes the specific rate of turbulent kinetic energy
dissipation: [7,8]
߱ൌ (10)

In the model k- SST, was turbulent eddies viscosity determined by relationship (11), in which are appearing the
constants of model ܽଵ and ‫ܨ‬ଶ . [7,8]
ܽଵ ݇
ߥ௧ ൌ (11)
ƒšሺܽଵ ߱Ǣ ܵ ‫ܨ‬ଶ ሻ

Numerical calculation was carried out also in the unsteady (transient) regime, using the model of turbulence DES
(Detached Eddy Simulation), which solves the filtered Navier-Stokes equations: [8,9]

݀‫ݑ‬ഥప ݀ ͳ ݀‫݌‬ҧ ݀ ݀‫ݑ‬ഥప ݀‫ݑ‬ഥఫ ͳ ݀‫݌‬ҧ ݀

൅ ൫‫ݑ‬
‫ ݑ‬ൌെ ൅ߥ ቆ ൅ ቇൌെ ൅ ʹߥ ܵ
݀‫ݔ݀ ݐ‬௝ ప ఫ ߩ ݀‫ݔ‬௜ ݀‫ݔ‬௝ ݀‫ݔ‬௝ ݀‫ݔ‬௜ ߩ ݀‫ݔ‬௜ ݀‫ݔ‬௝ ௜௝ (12)

The DES method is based on a hybrid turbulence modeling approach which combines the advantages of methods
RANS (URANS) and LES while minimizing their deficiencies. RANS methods can achieve good prediction for the
boundary layer, but they are not able to capture the movements of unstable vortices. Methods LES achieve good
results, but become unreasonably costly for the calculations in boundary layers with increasing Reynolds number

where reduces the size of the eddies carrying energy. DES thus uses the method (LES) of turbulent core areas where
large unsteady turbulent eddies have a dominant role and near the walls of the relevant model it replaces RANS.
Between the individual models switches automatically, depending on the comparison of turbulent length scale ‫ܮ‬௧
and the size of the grid cells. If the scale of grid is smaller, the DES uses LES mode. [10]

݀ҧ ൌ ݉݅݊ሺ‫ܮ‬௧ ǡ ‫ܥ‬஽ாௌ ǡ ο௠௔௫ ሻ (13)


On the next figure we can see the speed profile evolved within the volume which is formed by a space between
the two cylindrical walls. Velocity data is determined on a line stored in the mid-height of the cylindrical walls, in a
direction perpendicular to the walls. The figure shows three curves which are the results of numerical simulations,
using three different models of turbulence. Velocity profile non-stationary and stationary model DES of model k-Ȧ
SST are almost identical. The curve of the velocity profile at turbulence model k-İ Realizable is different from the
other models in areas close to the wall. It is a known fact that the model k-İ is not completely suitable for the
simulation of flow close to solid walls. Therefore, the velocity profile may be affected by this fact and therefore it is
possible to consider that for task of this type is not suitable.

60 DES

50 kͲepsilonRea





0.005 0.0055 0.006

FIGURE 3: Progress of velocity and radius of gap between cylindrical surfaces

On the next picture we can see the progress of laminar shear stress, where the values were determined in the
same line as in the previous case. As can be seen, the laminar shear stress change is reflected in particular close to
walls, where are located so called viscous sublayer and the logarithmic region, where is the biggest change in
velocity. In this case, the biggest difference is in the values of laminar shear stress occurred using a turbulence
model k-Ȧ SST. It follows the shape of curve that the DES model results, but the value of the shear stress is
significantly lower. Model k-İ Realizable has different values compared with the non-stationary model of the DES,
nearest the rotating inner cylindrical wall, which was more specifically described in the previous paragraph, because
this model is not suitable for the simulation of flow near to the walls. Non-stationary (transient) model and the more
complex turbulence model DES was chosen because, at high circumferential velocities of inner cylindrical wall are
generated in the fluid so-called Taylor vortices, that arise because of the interaction of the centrifugal and the
viscous forces. The DES model for such simple geometry gives more accurate results, similar to the real physical

1000 DES

800 kͲepsilonRea
600 kͲomegaSST
0.005 0.0055 0.006

FIGURE 4: Progress of laminar shear stress and radius of gap between cylindrical surfaces

On the last picture we can see the progress of turbulent shear stress, the values of which are detected in the same
place as in the previous cases. At the first sight, we can say, that the values of turbulent shear stress in the tangential
direction, achieving about one order higher values, than the values of laminar shear stress. This is due to the flow in
the free stream away from your walls has strongly turbulent character, and the fluctuations of velocity are very
significant. In the figure we can also see, that the turbulent shear stress was beginning to show only in some distance
from the walls because close to the walls is a viscous sublayer located and the logarithmic region, where the flow
changes from laminar to the turbulent regime. In the area, close to rotating cylindrical wall, the progressions of k-Ȧ
SST and the DES is similar. In the central zone, the values are quite similar to models k-İ Realizable, and the k-Ȧ
SST. Close to the stationary wall have all three models different results. The lowest value of turbulent shear stress
gives the DES model. According to the total evaluation is possible to assess that the model k-İ Realizable for that
task is not suitable because flow at the walls, in this case, has a strong influence. Because the inner cylindrical wall
transmits the kinetic energy to liquid, through its own viscosity. Models k-Ȧ SST, and the DES are useful for this
task, but k-Ȧ SST is unable to correctly evaluate the Taylor vortices that arise inside the volume. Therefore, for that
task, the DES is the most suitable model, the in a range of three turbulent models, but represents an increased
demand for computational power and the computational time.
6000 DES

5000 kͲepsilonRea

4000 kͲomegaSST




0.005 0.0055 0.006

FIGURE 5: Progress of turbulent shear stress and radius of gap between cylindrical surfaces

This article is a part of the work, which deals with the research of cavitation under the influence of high values of
shear stress in the liquid. At the analytical level, the transport of shear stress is solved, depending on the difference
of velocities between the two parallel walls a certain distance from each other. This article presents results for
constant boundary conditions, but at different turbulence models, which have been selected and used for stationary
flow and for the non-stationary (transient) flow. Depending on the complexity of the used model and solver settings,
was raised the accuracy of the results and the similarity to the real physical experiment. Article serves as a guide for
solution of numerical problems of this kind. The results relate primarily to course of velocity at the radius and
courses of the shear stress of laminar components and turbulent components of flow. The results are indicating, that
the effect of turbulence at a given circumferential speed of the inner cylindrical wall, the turbulent component of the
flow, exceeds about one order the laminar component of shear stress. From the three turbulent models gives the best
results the non-stationary DES model, which solves filtered Navier-Stokes equations by the method which combines
LES model in regions away from the walls, and one of the RANS model type close to the walls.

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