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Michel B.


Foster and Promote an Inclusive Learning Culture

Inclusively is when individuals with different identities and backgrounds are

welcomed in a group setting (e.g., company, office, meeting) they are valued
members of the group. Not only does inclusion mean these team members feel
like they belong, but they are also trusted and relied upon to contribute to the

Promoting inclusiveness and diversity within your workplace is one of the

best ways to foster an open-minded, global company culture. Not only does this
make good business sense-helping your company to better understand
colleagues, clients and costumers around the world, it also make the workplace
more interesting and personally enriching environment for everyone.

Key factors in inclusive education implementation include school and

classroom level implementation such as school reviews and plans; training and
supporting all teachers in inclusive practices; not just ' specialized ' ones; and
supporting school leadership to enact an Inclusive vision for their school.

Creating a learning culture at your organization is important because you

need to attract, develop and retain top talent, particularly during today's
rapidly changing work environment. Many employees are looking to find more
purpose, meaning and growth opportunities in their jobs and organizations.

Some common examples include video surveillance, computer and phone

use monitoring, GPS tracking and biometric time keeping. Each of these
technologies can assist employers with maintaining a safe, secure and
productive workplace.

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