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1. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of well-being. School Heads should
prioritize the physical and mental health of themselves as well as their teachers, without
sacrificing the learning of the students. Thet must also encourage breaks, provide mental
health resources, and create a culture that values work-life balance.
2. Moving forward through distributed leadership to increase balance and capacity is a
strategic approach to harness the collective abilities and potential of individuals within an
organization. We can start by fostering an environment where trust, open
communication, and collaboration are encouraged and rewarded.
3. Studying hiring and turnover trends in other industries can provide us some valuable
insights, like how we can have a higher retention of teachers, not wanting to resign nor
be transferred to other station. It is important to analyze successful recruitment
4. It is important that we establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. We
must define specific working hours and stick to them. Let us make it a point to
disconnect from work at the end of the day and on weekends. We can do this by using
effective time management techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix (urgent vs.
important), the Pomodoro Technique (work in focused intervals), and task lists to
maximize productivity during work hours, leaving more time for personal life.
5. Heads must learn to collaborate with one another to achieve common goals. They also need to
share the workload while sharing their expertise and learn from others to enhance collective
knowledge and skills.
6. We can nurture the leadership pipeline through implementing leadership development
programs that will provide structured training, mentorship, and coaching to high-
potential teachers. These programs can include workshops, seminars, and online courses
focused on leadership skills. Also, we can pair emerging leaders with experienced
mentors who can give guidance, feedback, and support.
7. By focusing on both growing internal talent and improving the hiring process, we can
build a robust and adaptable workforce that meets the needs of our school now and in
the future. We can achieve this through investing with our trainings and development
8. By cultivating a growth mindset where we encourage a culture of continuous learning and
improvement within the organization, we can enhance these opportunities. One is by taking
advantage of all the possible scholarships available with the network.
9. We can support our new heads on their first year by creating an environment where they feel
comfortable. We can also ensure them that they have the access to every necessary resource,
tools and, technologies within the capability of the organization.
10. The secret to a fruitful relationship within the organization is having an open communication. So
the head and the board or the teachers on our case must practice this kind of communication in
order to process the correct progress within the school organization.

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