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Communication flow is very important to workers. Employees have to feel

secure that they are receiving truthful and updated information from superiors.
They also want to have the ability to share ideas, and concerns within the

This are ways helps you in leading of your workplace discussion.

Sometimes, people may not express themselves as well as they want, or you
simply may not hear all of what they say. It's fine to ask for clarification,
particularly if you want to provide a counterpoint .Third is learn from others
experiences its of group discussion is it gives you a chance to interact with
people you might not normally have a conversation with .Fourth is Speak up
when you have an opinion. A group discussion should involve everyone in the
group, including yourself. Five back up what you have to say. Backing up your
statements helps you look credible. With this in mind, make sure you have
evidence or research to back up what you say .Stay on task. It’s easy for group
discussions to go off on a tangent. In fact, it can be a lot of fun.

I can handle the issues and problems arising in the work place , expressing
kindness are one possible way to handle workplace issues as leaders within
your company. Recognise and appreciate employees’ efforts. Recognitions and
rewards for a job well done are excellent motivators for employee everywhere.

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