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First Evaluated Activity

Subject: English
Grade: Pre-Primary A, B, C & D

Learning Objective: Students are capable of expressing greetings, their

name and their favorite school activity in the English language.

Instructions: Record a short video expressing yourself using the following


Hello teacher! My name is _______ (first and last name)

and my favorite school activity is _______ (demonstrate
briefly the activity).

Upload the video to the Microsoft Teams Platform by Friday, January

24th, 2023. After the due date, the activity will be graded with a lower

School Activities and demonstration ideas

write letters count to ten draw a picture make a craft

Ej. Escribir su Ej. Contar del 1 al 10 Ej. Mostrar un Ej. Mostrar una
primer nombre con los dedos dibujo propio manualidad propia

read a book sing a song play a game

Ej. Leer el título de Ej. Cantar una línea Ej. Jugar la
su libro de una canción en peregrina
favorito Inglés

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