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; Arrest and Execution of

President Barrios Popular Resentment Against the
Government End of the Revolution in Honduras.
Published: September 24, 1865


PANAMA, Saturday, Sept. 16, 1865.

The Panama Railroad Company's steamship Parkersburg arrived at Panama, from

Central American ports; yesterday morning.

The only important item of news is, that the Government of President DUENAS, of
Salvador, had tried, by court-martial, Ex-President Gen. GERARDO BARRIOS, of
Salvador, and shot him. Gen. BARRIOS, it will be recollected, was overthrown
nearly two years since by the joint action of the rebels of his own State and the army
of Guatemala, and escaped. He came to Panama and then went to New-York and
Washington with his lovely wife, where they made many friends in government as
well as in private circles. After several months in the United States, he returned to
Panama, and a few months since sailed from here in a vessel bearing the American
flag for Salvador, where he was promised aid to recover his lost power. He
proceeded on his voyage, but his vessel having been struck by lightning and badly
damaged, he was obliged to put into the port of Realejo, Nicaragua, for safety.
There his vessel's papers, which were made by the United States Consul at Panama,
were declared to be forgeries, and she was seized by the Nicaraguan Government,
which was friendly to DUENAS. Commissioners were sent from Salvador to
Nicaragua to demand the rendition of Gen. BARRIOS, and he was given up on the
express stipulation that he was under no circumstances to suffer death.

On the arrival of Gen. BARRIOS in Salvador, he was thrown into prison and
condemned to death, on the flimsy and dishonest pretence that the action of the
commissioners was illegal, as it restrained the Government of Salvador of its
sovereignty. The unfortunate man was notified of his sentence on the 28th of
August, at 11 at night, and in five hours after was shot, having been refused three
hours longer to settle his private affairs.

In Salvador, a deep feeling is said to exist against the government for this barbarous
act, and in Nicaragua the feeling against DUENAS for the act, and his bad faith, is
intense. The news will be received by hundreds in the United States with deep

In Honduras the revolution is at an end, and the people are turning their attention
to agriculture. It is said that the government has demanded the delivery to it, by
Salvador, of Gen. LATOUCHE, on the same grounds that the latter government had
claimed and obtained Gen. BARRIOS, and it is supposed he will be shot if given up.

There is nothing of interest from Costa Rica.


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