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Good day everyone, welcome and thank you for joining us; I’m Maisie I. Garcia your moderator.

We are here to
discuss women’s rights specifically to bring light to the treatment of women in everyday life and why people should
fight for it. We are joined by 7 individuals who are here to speak about their experiences, thoughts, opinions and
knowledge about this topic. First up we have

Ms. Ellyza Millave a student of Malvar school of arts and trade

Ms. Klarence Paz a single mother of 2

Mr. Mhike De Torres an office worker

Ms. Eyssa Burgos an operator

Ms. Sharlene Verdad a rape victim

Atty. Nicole Bries

Police officer Cymon Valero

All: What comes to mind when you hear the word women’s rights?

Student: what made you want to fight for women rights?

Single mom: how is being a single mother in this age?

2 strangers: Have you seen the kind of treatment women in your field of work? What’s your opinion about it?

Victim of rape: How did the law treat you and your case?

How are you now?

Lawyer: what are the laws that help protect women's rights?

Police: Have you seen the kind of treatment women in your field of work? What’s your opinion about it?

All: why should every one fight for women’s rights?

Oh, wow different point of views same goals, well I do hope there will be equal rights in the near future.

And for all the women out there experiencing discrimination and unfair treatment I hope you will find the courage to
fight alongside the other people who fight for women’s rights, we deserve it.

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