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15 Reasons Why You Should Travel the World



1. It’s outside your confort zone.

What is travelling if not leaving order and moving towards the unknown. How far into
the unkown you are willing to go. You’re going to places where we don’t speak the
language where people don’t know who you are and you get to be in control of yourself
for once. That’s why many new people never go to new places. They explored one place
with wich they are comfortable and they repeat that visit.

3. Travel is a more advanced form of education

Go exploring, travelling is like condensed education. So many skills and new forms of
interconnected knowledge merged together in a travel experience. Then you level up at
the end of your trip. What we love the most about the type of knowledge you get while
travelling is that it gives you a detail of insight which you cannot match otherwise. You
make sense of history, geography and international events which others only study on
school books. This type of experimental knowledge allows this information to stick
around a lot longer.

4. You get to meet new people and hear their stories

Despite being more connected than ever it’s hard to make new friends and expand your
network. Travelling is the perfect opportunity for this. Both parties actively want to
expand their networks with people form different places around the world so the
environment is optimized for this type of goal. The last thing you want when coming
back from a trip is to have never spoken to anyone new. It’s a missed opportunity to
learn about the world (…) talk to people and they will gladly tell you their stories about
their past lives and how thy ended up being the person they are today. This allows you
to understand context and form in non superficial relations with people which will
dramatically outlast the others. It doesn`t hurt to keep in touch once in a while either.

9. It de-stress you.

We’ve experienced this ourselves and it takes a strong toll on us as humans specially
since we are putting so much pressure on ourselves. Despite us justifying the
importance of whatever it is we’re stressing about for the momento the world keeps on
spinning in travelling provides us a scape from that. It makes you a passenger in other
people’s existences instead of your own usual position as the driver of your own life.
10. You make memories.

Memories are the one type of wealth which grows more value as time goes by. At some
point in life we’ll find ourselves left with just our memories. These will probably be the
last thing we have to give up before we die. So we might as well invest in them. People
who travel have stories to tell because they lived. They’ve seen places, they’ve met
people. Life happened to them and these memories are even better if they are shared
with the people you care about because memories are the underlying bond of
relationships. They set the cornerstores for true friendships.

12. Travel forces you to be more social

In this digital world people have become excessively boring they lack a personality
because they do not longer go out to form one because of their indorr existence. We are
forming our personalities based on almost the same type of pattern provided on the
Internet. We all laugh at the same memes. We all watch the same TV shows. We order
the same types of clothes from the same online retailers. Your’re no longer you. You’re
a product of what the affirmation companies want you to be.

13. It increases your problem solving skills.

What to get better at life? Travel inevitably. You will be faced with situations where
you will need to be quick on your feet to get creative in yoi problem-solving and figure
out how to get yourself out of difficult positions. All this makes you more a more
resourceful individual and has side benefits into whatever your’re planning to do in the
future because life is too cyclical in nature only the details change. We like people who
travel a lot. They seem more confident and are not shaken that easily.

15. Travel is a better investment than more material things.

We take experiences ever another set of fancy clothes anyday. We’ve touched on this
idea some time back but some investments you do for financial portfolio which is meant
to secure your freedom while others you do for your soul. Everything else is just an

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