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Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10

Soxhlet extraction of solid materials: an outdated technique

with a promising innovative future
M.D. Luque de Castro*, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of CoÂrdoba, E-14004 CoÂrdoba, Spain

Received 8 December 1997; received in revised form 23 March 1998; accepted 30 March 1998


An overview of the evolution of Soxhlet extraction of solid materials and its comparison with the performance of other
conventional and new extraction techniques is presented. First, a discussion on both conventional Soxhlet as compared with
other conventional extraction techniques and some minor improvements of the former for speci®c applications is done.
Secondly, a critical comparison of conventional Soxhlet with the new extraction techniques such as supercritical ¯uid
extraction, microwave-assisted processes and microwave-assisted solvent extraction shows the reasons why major, recent
improvements of this technique (namely Soxtec1 System HT, Soxwave-100 and focused microwave-assisted Soxhlet
extraction) have been proposed, aimed at overcoming most of the shortcomings of conventional Soxhlet and converting it into
an updated tool for leaching which competes advantageously with the most recent alternatives in the extraction ®eld. # 1998
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Updated Soxhlet; Review

1. Introduction physicochemical terminology, as leaching or lixivia-

tion, is one of the oldest ways of solid sample pre-
Sample pretreatment is often one of the most time treatment. Among the techniques used for
consuming steps of the analytical process, particularly implementation of this step, Soxhlet has been the
when solid samples are involved. The search for leaching technique mostly used for a long time. This
modi®cation of the present devices, the design of assertion is supported by the fact that Soxhlet has been
new devices and the use of auxiliary sources of energy a standard technique during more than one century
which shorten and/or enable automation of sample and, at present, it is the main reference to which the
pretreatment have been the aim of analytical chemists performance of other leaching methods is compared.
in the last decades. In conventional Soxhlet, originally used for the deter-
Solvent extraction of solid samples, which is com- mination of fat in milk [1], the sample is placed in a
monly known as solid±liquid extraction, but which thimble-holder, and during operation gradually ®lled
should be referred to, in a more correct use of the with condensated fresh solvent from a distillation
¯ask. When the liquid reaches the over¯ow level, a
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 57 218615; fax: +34 57 siphon aspirates the solute of the thimble-holder and
218606; e-mail: unloads it back into the distillation ¯ask, carrying the

0003-2670/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S0003-2670(98)00233-5
2 M.D. Luque de Castro, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10

extracted analytes into the bulk liquid. This operation The aim of this review is both to outline the
is repeated until complete extraction is achieved. This importance of Soxhlet as a model to which the per-
performance makes Soxhlet a hybrid continuous±dis- formance of other methods is referred and offer to the
continuous technique. Inasmuch as the solvent acts readers a critical overview of the evolution of this
stepwise, the assembly can be considered as a batch technique from the most simple to the most innovative
system; however, since the solvent is recirculated and useful modi®cation thus enabling to predict its
through the sample, the system also bears a continuous promising future.
The most outstanding advantages of conventional
Soxhlet are as follows: the sample is repeatedly 2. Soxhlet vs. other conventional leaching
brought into contact with the fresh portions of the techniques
solvent, thereby helping to displace the transfer equi-
librium. The temperature of the system remains rela- Methods based on Soxhlet extraction have been and
tively high since the heat applied to the distillation are at present used as reference when conventional
¯ask reaches the extraction cavity to some extent. No methods based on other principles have to be evalu-
®ltration is required after the leaching step. Sample ated. In this context the methods most frequently
throughput can be increased by simultaneous extrac- compared with Soxhlet have been those based on
tion in parallel, since the basic equipment is inexpen- the use of ultrasounds, shaking or stirring and on a
sive. It is a very simple methodology which needs little combination of both of them. Most of these conven-
specialized training, has the possibility to extract more tional methods have in common with Soxhlet, the fact
sample mass than most of the latest methods (micro- that they are time-consuming and require large
wave-extraction, supercritical ¯uids, etc.), and is non- amount of solvent. On the other hand, they are rela-
matrix dependent. There is a wide variety of of®cial tively simple both in performance and fundamentals,
methods involving a sample preparation step based on so their development does not require specialized
Soxhlet extraction [2±7]. personnel. Finally, these methods are cheap, which
The most signi®cant drawbacks of Soxhlet extrac- has favoured signi®cantly their widespread use parti-
tion, as compared to the other conventional techniques cularly both in industries and routine laboratories.
for solid sample preparation are, the long time Ultrasound-assisted extraction is, together with
required for the extraction and the large amount of Soxhlet, the most accepted conventional leaching
solvent wasted, which is not only expensive to dispose technique. Ultrasound-assisted methods are usually
off but which can itself cause additional environmen- developed in a discontinuous, batch mode, and the
tal problems. Samples are usually extracted at the shortening of the extraction time (with respect to that
boiling point of the solvent for a long period of time in the absence of ultrasounds), is due to an increase of
and the possibility of thermal decomposition of the both pressure (which favours penetration and trans-
target compounds cannot be ignored, when thermo- port), and temperature (which improves solubility and
labile analytes are involved. The conventional Soxhlet diffusivity), both increasing the transport phenomena
device is unable to provide agitation, which would and displacing the partitioning equilibrium. Two
accelerate the process. Due to the large amount of major shortcomings of the ultrasound-assisted extrac-
solvent used, an evaporation/concentration step after tion are: (i) its inability to renovate the solvent during
the extraction is mandatory. The technique is restricted the process, which causes its ef®ciency to be a func-
to solvent selectivity and is not easily automated. tion of the partition constant, and (ii) the mandatory
Due to these advantages and disadvantages asso- ®ltration and rinsing steps after extraction, which
ciated with Soxhlet, a series of authors have tried to involve a longer time for the overall process, a higher
improve the conventional Soxhlet device, either by solvent consumption and the danger of both loss and/
modifying its design or the operational procedure. or impuri®cation of the extracted species during
Other Soxhlet changes have been aimed at developing manipulation. The increase in polarity of the system
special applications prohibited to the conventional (including solvents, analytes and matrix) increases
extractor. ef®ciency, which can either surpass [8±11] or can be
M.D. Luque de Castro, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10 3

similar to [12] that obtained by conventional Soxhlet. mance other conventional extraction techniques and
A co-solvent is sometimes added in order to increase which is only surpassed by speci®c designs referring
the polarity of the liquid phase [13,14]. The use of to a limited ®eld of applications.
ultrasound-assisted extraction is advisable for thermo-
labile analytes which are altered under Soxhlet work-
ing conditions [15]. In a number of comparisons, the 3. Minor soxhlet improvements
ef®ciency of both the alternatives is similar [16±20],
but Soxhlet extraction provides better reproducibility The majority of simple modi®cations developed
[21,22], and in other comparisons the ef®ciency of from the original Soxhlet device [1] has been focused
Soxhlet is higher than that of ultrasound-assisted to pre-established goals. These changes consisted of
extraction [23±27]. Therefore, a wider ®eld applica- minor alterations aimed at applying them to a parti-
tion, better reproducibility and ef®ciency and less cular type of sample (liquid, thermolabile, etc.) and
sample manipulation are the advantages of Soxhlet new designs of basic units such as the thimble-holder,
extraction vs. ultrasound-assisted extraction, but at the siphon, condenser, etc. which slightly improved the
expense of a longer extraction time. features, application ®eld and/or results of the meth-
Shaking extraction and stirring extraction (or Vor- ods thus developed.
tex extraction) methods have also been compared with In order to develop the liquid±liquid extractions, the
their Soxhlet counterparts. The former are in general conventional Soxhlet extractor has been adapted for
less effective than Soxhlet [28±32] as they involve the continuous extraction of a liquid with either a
most of Soxhlet disadvantages, but none of its advan- lighter or heavier solvent. Its performance is similar to
tages. Some additional help (namely, an enzymic a combination of functions of a separating funnel and a
reaction [33,34], ultrasound radiation [35], solvent Soxhlet extractor, working in a manual [53], or auto-
mixtures [36±38], etc.) has sometimes been coupled mated way [54]. The extraction of lipids under con-
to the shaking or stirring step in order to improve the stant moisture and vacuum conditions requires a
overall ef®ciency, it hardly surpasses that of Soxhlet sealed Soxhlet extractor [55], while the extraction
extraction. of biological materials without heating has been car-
Only devices based on one of these principles but ried out by a modi®ed extractor in which liquid±liquid
especially designed for speci®c purposes surpass extraction is carried out with percolated rather than
Soxhlet extraction performance. For example, distil- with the fresh solvent [56]. Combination of heating
lation with solvent re¯ux, frequently used in organic under re¯ux and percolation has been used for fat
chemistry has only been compared to Soxhlet extrac- extraction from the vegetable samples [57] and a
tion in the exhaustive extraction process [39] with hot hybrid Soxhlet extractor and Dean-Stark distillator
thermal degradable samples [40,41]; perforation in has enabled the removal of chlorinated dibenzo-p-
H2SO4 [42], which avoids artefacts formation, com- dioxins and dibenzofurans from matrices with high
mon in some Soxhlet extractions; azeotropic distilla- water content [58].
tion [43], useful for the removal of analytes from The units which constitute a Soxhlet extractor have
environmental matrices as most of the interferences been modi®ed with different aims. Thus, changes in
are unable to form azeotropes which cannot be dis- the thimble-holder have been aimed at, (a) the simul-
tilled and therefore remain in the extraction ¯ask [44]; taneous performance of extractions using a glass
homogenization [45±47]; thermal degassing in special cylinder with a stainless-steel wire platform on which
devices [48]; Gerber extractor for fat [49,50], Gul- eight porous plastic cartridges stand [59]; (b) the
baran extractor of oil from seeds [51], and Mojonnier development of room temperature extractions for
method [52] for the extraction of fat from foods, are thermolabile species by locating the extraction thim-
some of the concrete approaches which provide better ble-holder separated from the solvent ¯ask in such as
results than Soxhlet extraction at the expense of a way that the heat from the heating source never
more limited application. reaches the sample zone [60]; (c) avoiding turbulence
In short, Soxhlet extraction is a general, well-estab- in the sample zone during the siphoning step by
lished technique which clearly surpasses in perfor- positioning a glass support into the thimble-holder,
4 M.D. Luque de Castro, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10

where a small weighing bottle is mounted in [61]; and of new methods, those based on the use of microwaves
(d) the distillation and re-use of the solvent, minimiz- as auxiliar energy source, supercritical ¯uids as
ing both the solvent losses and the time taken for the extractants and the so called `accelerated solvent
removal of the solvent from the extract [62]. extraction' are most relevant. In order to perform a
The Soxhlet siphont has also been modi®ed by better sustained comparison with Soxhlet the funda-
putting a sintered-glass disc at the bottom of the mentals and the more salient aspects of these methods
extraction chamber and an outlet with a PTFE stop- are commented.
cock below the disc. The stopcock has twofold objec- The usefulness of microwave irradiation as a heat-
tive of controlling the ¯ow of the solvent, thus ing source for the assistance of wet ashing techniques
maintaining a constant level above the solid to be was demonstrated in 1975 [75]. Microwaves have
extracted, and avoiding dropping of the toxic solvent assisted mainly digestion steps [76±80]; nevertheless,
from the chamber by closing it when the ¯ask is they have also been successfully used to help leaching
exchanged [63]. Another modi®cation which enables steps. The ®rst in this ®eld were Ganzler and Salgo
constant solid±solvent contact is achieved by convert- [81,82], who used a domestic microwave oven in order
ing the siphon tube into a constant-level device by to demonstrate a higher extraction of polar compounds
leading a tube from its upper bend back into the by this leaching as compared to the Soxhlet method for
extractor and then to the atmosphere [64]. In situ these compounds. In order to avoid degradation of the
evaporation of the solvent after extraction has been target analytes the authors carried out their process in
achieved by inserting a stopcock in the siphon tube several short heating and cooling cycles. After the
[65]. A no-siphon Soxhlet, ®tted with either a sprink- pioneers, a number of researchers have used micro-
ler device or a cylindrical glass tube with a serrated waves, either in cyclic mode [83] or in the continuous
bottom end (depending on the use of solvents lighter mode [84] for helping extraction, but it has been only
or heavier than water) has been designed and used for in the late 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s after
the drugs extraction from biological ¯uids [66]. the development of the commercial devices, this
Both the geometry of the condenser and its perfor- method for sample pretreatment has been widely
mance have been optimized in order to maximize both accepted. Noticeable contributions to expand the
the boiling rate and the solvent temperature in the use of microwaves as an alternative to conventional
extraction chamber [67,68]. Also the condenser has methods have been reported by Pare and LoÂpez-A  vila
been modi®ed for increasing the safety by minimizing (microwave-assisted processes MAP [85,86] and
or avoiding losses of boiling liquid which result from microwave-assisted solvent extraction MASE [13,23])
bumping in a superheated solution [69]. A faster using focused and multimode microwaves.
extraction in compact samples has been achieved The advantages of microwave-assisted leaching vs.
when the extractor was modi®ed for ®tting a stirrer conventional Soxhlet result from the performance of
inside the ®lter cartridge and the re¯ux condenser was this heating source. Unlike conventional heating based
sealed into the side of the extractor making an angle of on the conduction and convection phenomena, that is,
308 with the vertical axis [70]. Some other less notice- by exterior contact, microwave heating is based on
able modi®cations [71±74], have also been reported. dielectric loss. The heat appears in the bulk of the
irradiated material, thus giving rise to an inverse
temperature gradient; that is, volume rather than sur-
4. Soxhlet vs. new leaching techniques face heating. The high temperatures reached by micro-
wave heating reduce dramatically both the extraction
Recent leaching methods have as a common feature time and the volume of solvent required. Absorption
an improvement of the extraction ef®ciency due to the of microwave-energy is proportional to the relative
use of solvents at high temperature and pressure. In sample or solvent permittivity [87], so the extraction
addition, they require shorter extraction time, use less ef®ciency improves when the polarity of the analytes
amount of solvent, allow simultaneous extraction of increases; that is from PAHs [88±91] to more polar
several samples most of the times, and either work compounds such as organochlorinated [83,23,89] and
automatically or are easy to automate. Among a pleiad organophosphorous pesticides [23], phenols [89,92],
M.D. Luque de Castro, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10 5

etc. and with the solvents with a high dielectric making extraction faster and more effective. Despite
constant. other supercritical (SC) ¯uids such as freons, ammo-
The main difference in the use of open vs. closed nia, organic solvents, etc. have been used as extrac-
microwave-based extractors is the high pressure to tants, the most common SF extractant used at present
which the sample±solvent system is subjected later is CO2. This fact is due to its low toxicity and
[PTFE, hermetically closed vessels] in a microwave in¯ammability, reasonable critical conditions and its
oven. An open vessel (glass or quartz) to which the chemical inertness. The most important shortcoming
monomode radiation is focused is used for the former of SC±CO2 is its weak interaction with both analytes
type, thus achieving a precise, localized and controlled and matrices which, when pure, provide poor ef®cien-
heating vs. a drastic heating. The positive aspects of cies in the extraction of environmental persistent
both modes of microwaves for assisting leaching pollutants (namely, PAHs [104], PCBs [105], chlori-
processes looks like the panacea for the problems nated dioxines [106], etc.) from complex matrices as
with Soxhlet, the only advantage of the latter being soils or sludges. This problem has been overcome
its lower acquisition cost. More in depth studies [93± either by addition of co-solvents (namely methanol
95] have demonstrated that the ef®ciency of micro- [107], pentane[108], toluene[109]), so as to increase
waves can be very poor when either the target analytes the polarity of the extractant, or by reducing the
or the solvents are non-polar or of low-polarity, when polarity of the analytes to be leached by complex
they are volatile and/or when the solvents used have or ion pair formation, esteri®cation and reverse-
low dielectric constants. In these cases, very common micelle formation. Both alternatives have been used
in organic chemistry, Soxhlet extraction is superior to separately or in combination, whereas a third one
microwave-assisted extraction. consisting of addition of polarity modi®ers plus active
Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) constitutes a components which decrease matrix effects on SFE
leaching technique which is based on the principles [109] has also been proposed. The advantages of SFE
similar to those of MAP and MASE, but microwave- vs. both Soxhlet and other conventional leaching
energy is replaced in ASE by conventional heating in techniques are time reduction, facility for on-line
an oven [96]. Commercial devices are automated and coupling with either detectors or chromatographs
the extraction step is developed in a very short time [110], less necessity for cleanup due to the high
with small volume of organic solvents at elevated selectivity achieved by manipulating pressure and
temperatures (>2008C) and pressures higher than temperature [111], and, most of all, suppression of
200 bar in order to keep the solvent in liquid state solvent removal steps as the extractant is released from
[97]. This approach has been tested by extracting the leached species after depressurisation. Between
PCBs [98], PAHs [99], chlorinated herbicides [100] the three trapping systems usually employed for ana-
and pesticides [101], etc. from soils, showing as main lyte collection after extraction [112], namely, liquid
drawback a strong background interference and high collection, cryogenic trapping and solid-phase trap-
detection limits [102]. Most of the applications of ASE ping, the last is the most effective as it allows simul-
are screening methods. In cases where this alternative taneous collection, cleanup and concentration prior to
has been used for quantitative purposes and the results either individual chromatographic separation or direct
are compared to those from conventional Soxhlet, an detection. In spite of the advantages of SFE and the
acceptable agreement has been found [102] despite wide display of commercially available apparatuses
Soxhlet extraction has not been performed under and instruments which have stimulated the develop-
optimal conditions. ment of new applications, this technique has not
Supercritical ¯uid extraction (SFE) is one of the ful®lled the expectations of traders and users so far
most successful and recent contributions to leaching owing to the following facts: (a) the big discrepancies
techniques [103]. The very special properties of ¯uids in ef®ciency between spiked and natural samples
under supercritical conditions, between those of liquid [104,105,113,114]; (b) the number of methods
and gases (i.e. solvation power similar to liquids, but reported in the literature in which the ef®ciency is
low viscosity and high diffusivity similar to gases) lower than that provided by Soxhlet methods
dramatically facilitate transport phenomena, thus [108,115]; (c) the poor ruggedness of SF extractors,
6 M.D. Luque de Castro, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10

particularly the restriction and trapping units [116], obtainment of ef®ciencies higher than 100% referred
which hinders transfer of an optimized±validated to conventional Soxhlet (even 200%, despite Soxhlet
method from one extractor to another; (d) the scarce has been continued for 80±90 h). This behaviour can
knowledge about both the way of overcoming ana- be explained by the non-drastic conditions used in
lyte±matrix interactions and the use of the most Soxhlet: when some fraction of the target analyte is
appropriate modi®er. strongly bound to the matrix there is not enough
Enhanced-¯uidity liquids is a mode of SFE in which energy involved in the Soxhlet process for its separa-
the extractant consists of a big proportion of organic tion, which is achieved under the working conditions
solvents associated to a liquid of low viscosity such as of these new alternatives. This fact has called for
CO2. The resulting mixture is used in a single phase improvements of the conventional Soxhlet approach
region of the corresponding phase diagram at tem- in order to circumvent this serious negative aspect
perature below the critical value of the mixture. The which had not been identi®ed before.
approach has been used for the extraction of phenolic
pollutants with results similar to those provided by
conventional Soxhlet [117]. The advantages and dis- 5. Present, major soxhlet improvements
advantages of this leaching mode with respect to the
existing ones have not been clearly stated yet. Most of the modi®cations of the conventional Soxh-
The use of sub- and supercritical water for contin- let extractor developed in the last few years have been
uous leaching takes advantage of the excellent fea- aimed at making its performance more similar to that
tures of this universal solvent such as price, of the recent techniques for solid sample treatment:
environmental compatibility, facility for achievement namely shortening the time for the leaching step, using
of a high purity quality, etc. However, the most auxiliary energies and automation. Thus, the most
important feature of water from the point of view essential alterations of conventional Soxhlet have
of its use as a general extractant is the high manipula- led to the design of high-pressure, automated and
tion of its dielectric constant by changing the tem- microwave-assisted Soxhlet extractors.
perature under moderate pressure. Thus, from a High pressure in a Soxhlet extractor has been
dielectric constant close to 80 under normal condi- achieved by constructing it either of heavy Pyrex-
tions, this parameter decreases to 27 at 2508C and glass [126], or stainless-steel [127], or by placing the
40 bar, and to less than 10 under SF conditions. This Soxhlet extractor in a cylindrical stainless-steel auto-
allows the range of polarity of the extracted analytes to clave [128]. The aims of this modi®ed Soxhlet extrac-
be dramatically expanded. Thus, compounds such as tor have been the removal of highly reactive
hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs, etc., which are not extrac- compounds with solvents of low boiling point [126]
table by water under normal conditions [118,119], are and gases under normal pressure and temperature
ef®ciently extracted when the temperature is raised [128], thus keeping the extractant in liquid state, as
and the appropriate dielectric constant is reached in the extraction of PAHs from aerosols using fresh
[120±123]. The most important shortcoming of water liquid±CO2 at 45±50 bar which passed through the
as extractant vs. SC±CO2 is its liquid state under sample cartridge for 3±6 h [129], or at 60 bar for the
normal conditions, which yields diluted solutions of extraction of essential oils [130]. Also Soxhlet extrac-
the extracted species. This shortcoming is circum- tion with supercritical CO2 has been carried out using
vented by in-line connection of a preconcentration stainless-steel equipment both laboratory-made [127]
device after the restrictor (namely, absorption or ion- and commercial one [131]. The former device was
exchange minicolumn) [124,125]. This approach has used among others for the removal of morphine
not been systematically compared with Soxhlet alkaloids from seeds and biological ¯uids. Despite
because of the very different operating conditions the device was described, used and shown as more
required by both techniques especially when it comes ef®cient than other extraction alternatives, further
to the extractants used. applications have not been reported by the authors
A remarkable aspect of these new leaching techni- [127]. A commercial high-pressure Soxhlet stainless-
ques when applied to some natural samples is the steel extractor was used by Bernal et al. [131] for the
M.D. Luque de Castro, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10 7

removal of PCBs from different foodstuffs-certi®ed ®ltration is not required. Therefore, these techniques
reference materials using liquid CO2 at a working maintain the advantages of conventional Soxhlet over-
pressure of 55 bar and at a temperature between 428C coming the limitations of the latter such as the long
and 468C. Working conditions close to those corre- extraction time, incapability for both automation and
sponding to the supercritical state of the extractant quantitative extraction of strongly retained analytes,
dramatically complicated the performance of the etc. The two alternatives of microwave-assisted Soxh-
extractor as the cycles were halted. That is a result let are the Soxwave-100 extractor, patented and com-
of solvent evaporation. So, despite the fact that super- mercialized by Prolabo (Paris, France) and the focused
critical ¯uid Soxhlet extraction could, in principle, microwave-assisted Soxhlet extractor (FMASE),
seem simple and with lower maintenance costs than designed by the authors of this review and constructed
conventional continuous supercritical ¯uid extraction by Prolabo. The main differences between both are as
[103] due to fresh solvent recycling with minimal follows: (a) the principle of Soxwave-100 is similar to
consumption, and with higher ef®ciency than recircu- Kumagawa extraction, but with operational perfor-
lating conventional SFE, the change from supercritical mance similar to Soxtec1 System HT [132]; that is, a
state to liquid and vice versa adversely affects Soxhlet three-step extraction. The FMASE device works as a
performance. This limitation hinders the expansion of conventional Soxhlet; that is, a series of cycles in
supercritical ¯uid-based Soxhlet. which the extractant is completely renewed but with
A mandatory step of Soxhlet extraction evolution is sample irradiation by microwaves at preset time
automation. The commercial equipment called Sox- within each cycle. (b) While the Soxwave-100 extrac-
tec1 System HT is the more widespread device in the tor uses a single heating source (i.e., focused micro-
®eld of automated Soxhlet as it performs extraction waves) which acts both on the sample and the solvent,
with similar precision as conventional Soxhlet, but the FMASE uses two energy sources: microwaves for
with a signi®cant saving of time [132]. The approach sample irradiation and electrical heating of the extrac-
employs a combination of re¯ux boiling and Soxhlet tant. This latter distinction in performance leads to a
extraction (both assisted by electrical heating), in such number of differences in behaviour, namely:
a way that the overall process involves two extraction
steps: a boiling and a rinsing step. Finally, a step for 1. the dielectric constant of the solvent used as
the recovery of the solvent is also developed. Statis- extractant is of paramount importance in the
tical comparison of Soxtec methods with Soxhlet ones Soxwave-100 extractor as the heating source of
[133] has shown correlation coef®cients (r) higher the solvent is microwaves; so polar solvents are
than 0.98. Since its commercialization in 1982, Soxtec more favourable than the non-polar or low-polar
methods have been developed and put into practice in ones. Solvent distillation in FMASE is achieved
a large number of applications [134±136]. Despite the by electrical heating, which is independent of the
fact that Soxtec is mainly used as a way of shortening polarity;
the leaching time [137±139], it also improves the 2. as far as the energy required by the solvent is
ef®ciency of the process in strongly bound analytes, different from that required by the sample for
whose transfer to the liquid phase is highly favoured removal of the target analytes, the adoption of a
during the boiling step [140,141]. The ef®ciency of compromise is mandatory in Soxwave-100 extrac-
extraction is, at least, equivalent to that obtained with tion. This is not the case with FMASE, in which
conventional Soxhlet. each temperature can be optimised independently;
Microwave-assisted Soxhlet extraction shows four 3. the Soxwave-100 performance involves a first step
main differences concerning other microwave- in which the sample is immersed into the boiling
assisted extraction techniques, namely: (1) the extrac- solvent, followed by lifting of the cartridge over the
tion vessel is open, so it always works under normal solvent and continuous dropping of the condensate
pressure; (2) microwave irradiation is focused on the on the cartridge. In this step, a matrix-solvent
sample; (3) the extraction process is totally or partially partitioning equilibrium of the extractable species
performed as in conventional Soxhlet, i.e. with per- is established while the microwave radiation acts
manent sample-fresh solvent contact; (4) subsequent on both the sample and the solvent; in the second
8 M.D. Luque de Castro, L.E. GarcõÂa-Ayuso / Analytica Chimica Acta 369 (1998) 1±10

step the partitioning equilibrium is displaced to solvent extraction and microwave-assisted solvent
extraction completion due to the contact of the extraction, among others, had relegated conventional
fresh solvent with the sample, which is not sub- Soxhlet as an old-fashioned, time consuming and
jected to microwave energy during this step. In manual technique which has been updated by incor-
FMASE clean solvent and microwave irradiation porating auxiliary energies such as microwaves,
are simultaneous, thus favouring the mass transfer endowing Soxhlet with features which enable it to be
and shortening the extraction time as a result. advantageously compared with its recent counterparts.

Soxwave-100 applications described so far are

restricted to `application sheets' from Prolabo Acknowledgements
(namely, environmental [142±144], polymers [145],
drugs [146] and food samples [147±149]). The results Spain's ComisioÂn Interministerial de Ciencia y
have been compared with those provided by conven- TecnologõÂa (CICyT) is gratefully acknowledged for
tional Soxhlet and a lower ef®ciency than by the latter ®nancial support (Project PB95-1265).
has been found in all the instances. Applications of
FMASE to the extraction of PAHs, alkanes and her-
bicides [150], as well as to fat in foods (edible oil-
seeds, cheese and milk) [151,152] show ef®ciencies References
comparable to or higher than conventional Soxhlet.
[1] F. Soxhlet, Dinglers' Polyt. J. 232 (1879) 461.
It is worth emphasizing that the Soxhlet-100 is an
[2] British Standard, BS 3762: Part 3, vol. 21, 1986, 4 pp.
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