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Topic: Alcohol Awareness Among Grenadians

Problem Statement: What can persons within my community of Grenada do to create

awareness about the physical emotional and psychological effects of alcoholism

Answer all questions.

Part 1: Background

1. What is your gender:

a. Female
b. Male

2. What is your age:

a. 10 – 19
b. 20 - 30
c. 31 – 40
d. 41 – 50
e. 51 – 60
f. 61 +

3. Do you know what Alcohol is?

a. Yes
b. No

4. Do you know the dangers of using Alcohol?

a. Yes
b. Not sure
c. No

5. Have you ever Drank Alcohol before?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure
If your answer in question 6 is NO, skip question 7 and 8.
6. How old were you when you started drinking alcohol? Insert age in space
a. _________________

7. What influences you to start using drugs? Multiple answers are acceptable.
a. Peer pressure d. Financial Constraints
b. Personal Choice e. Media
c. Parental/Guardian Influence f. Stress

8. Have you ever discussed the danger of over consummation of Alcohol use with
a. Parents
b. Friends
c. Family
d. Other________________________

9. If yes, how often do you discuss this topic?

a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Never

10. How is/was this topic approached when discussing it?

a. Calm. (Example a family discussion or one-on–one)
b. As a threat. (Example saying: if you do you will get kicked out the house)
c. As a warning (Example saying: if you get involved in drugs, you will go to

11. What prompts these discussions?

a. When a social issue revolving around Alcohol occurs
b. When someone in the area gets arrested.
c. When a family member who uses them acts up.
d. A peer starts looking physically unwell from the use of them.
12. Do you know someone who consumes Alcohol?
a. Yes
b. Not sure
c. No

13. If you answered yes to the above question Who? (Multiple answers are
a. Mother e. Friend
b. Father f. Neighbour
c. Sibling g. Other: __________
d. Aunt/Uncle

Part 2: Consequences

14. Are you aware of the consequences of over consumption of drinking Alcohol?
a. Yes
b. Not sure
c. No

15. List some of the consequences of abusing drugs.




16. Does your family, peers, social group, or school discuss Alcoholism use and the
consequences that follow the use of Alcohol?
a. Yes
b. Not sure
c. No

17. If yes, how often do they address the consequences?

a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Never
d. When a social issue revolving around drugs occurs
Part 3: Social Interactions

18. Do you have friends who have tried to use Alcohol?

a. Yes
b. No

19. If yes, what did you do about it? Multiple answers are acceptable.
a. Told them not to use drugs
b. Told someone:
i. Police
ii. Family Member
iii. Friend
iv. Teacher
v. Religious Leader (Pastor, Priest, Minister)
vi. Social Worker
c. Joined them with the drug use
d. Did nothing
e. Took them to a support group (AA – Alcoholics Anonymous)
f. Referred them to rehab
g. Help them yourself

20. Do you think Grenada has proper facilities to help persons with Alcohol abuse
a. Yes
b. Not sure
c. No

21. What do you think the government can do to make people more aware of the
dangers of Alcoholism? Give your answer in the space provided.



22. How do you think your community can make people aware of the dangers of
alcoholism? Give you answer in the space below.



Thank you for your participation.

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