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Title: Respiration
Aim: To investigate how breathing rate changes with exercise
Apparatus/Materials: stopwatch, Paper, pencil
1. sat quietly for 1 minute to ensure relaxation.
2. The number of breaths taken and recorded for the next minute.
3. Rigorous exercise was done for 3 minutes.
4. The number of breaths were counted and recorded immediately for 1 minute.
5. Rested for 1 minute and number of breaths were taken in the next minute.
6. Step 5 was repeated until breathing rated returned to normal.
7. Results were recorded in a table.
8. A line graph was constructed to show tabulated results.

Time (mins) Number of breaths taken

0 ( resting) 22
1(after excercising) 31
2 29
3 26
4 21
Respiration can be defined as the process by which organisms obtain the energy needed to
drive the chemical processes that takes place in their cells. Respiration occurs specifically in the
mitochondria. There are two types of respiration anaerobic and aerobic. Aerobic respiration
takes place in the presence of oxygen. The equation for aerobic respiration is C 6H1206 + 6O2 →
energy + 6CO2+ 6H20 and anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen. The
equation for anaerobic respiration in animal cells is C6H12O6 → energy + 2C3H6O3. Lactic acid
is the waste product.
A few common zRespiration can be affected by exercise when anaerobic respiration happens in
the muscles during hard exercise. Glucose is not completely broken down so less energy is
released than aerobic respiration.
Another factor that can affect respiration is the temperature rate, a low temperature decreases
cellular respiration in living tissues as the temperature rises and carbon dioxide affects
respiration rate by elevating the concentrations of carbon dioxide reduces rates of respiration.
The heart rate increases during exercise the rate and depth of breathing increases this makes
sure that more oxygen is absorbed into the blood. The breathing rate didn’t go back to its
normal rate after exercise because when you do vigorous exercise the muscles are not supplied
with enough oxygen. After exercising your beathing rate takes a long time because you used so
much oxygen during your exercise.
Sources of Errors: miss counting the amount of breaths and subject may suffer a respiratory
Limitations: A person may have a respiratory condition and Stopwatch started to
malfunction during the experiment.
Precautions: ensure stopwatch starts recording simultaneous to when the subject begins the
experiment and if the subject has asthma ensures they have an asthma inhaler in the event
they get an asthma attack.
Conclusion: After doing this experiment it can be concluded that exercising can change the
rate of you breathing when doing vigorous exercising.
Reflection: This experiment showed that when I did cross countries in places I ran a long
distance and as I was done I was breathing heavy because I used a lot of energy.

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