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Structure & Written Expression

By: Tira Nur Fitria M.Pd
Skill 6

Coordinate connector digunakan

untuk menghubungkan antara satu
klausa dengan klausa lain yang
menggunakan AND, BUT, OR,
1.Mom is cooking, and dad is working in the
2.Tom is singing, and Paul is dancing.
3.Tom is tall, but Paul is short.
4.Tom must write the letter, or Paul will do it.
5.Tom told a joke, so Paul laughed.
6.Tom is tired, yet he is not going to sleep.
 The girl has some shoes, … none
of them are comfortable for brisk
 I want to know how customers
decide to buy … not to buy a new
 I would go to my friend’s party, … I
have a lot of homework
 Many students failed in the mid test, …
you should study hard.
 Diah is smart, … the teacher likes her.
 Does Ben have any brothers …

 I lent my friend $10 yesterday,

… her wallet was lost.
 My brother and I visited the
zoo last week, … we took
some photos.

 The candidate didn’t show up for

the interview, … the HR manager
crossed her off the list.
 I want to buy a new car, … I’m
planning to trade in my current
 I offered them a choice of chocolate
cake _____ apple pie for the
 Jinny is still a baby, _____ he can’t
talk yet.
 They came to my house ______
brought their young son.
 Vegetarians don’t eat chicken
______ meat, ______ sometimes
they eat a little fish.
 Some of my cousins are
vegetarians, _______ they don’t eat
 My friend ordered french fries ____ a
burger, ____I didn’t order anything.
 I immediately wanted to leave the
restaurant, ____ my friend wanted to
 Thomas says nice words, … you don’t
trust him
 Please calm down. Let’s wait … see.
 She is tired … she works really hard.
 I love watching drama … action
 Mia likes cakes … hates cookies.
 We can eat pizza … steak for dinner.
 Jim was hungry, … he ate all burger.
 They eat … watch television at the
same time
A power failure occured,
_____ the lamps went out.
a) then
b) so
c) later
d) next
A power failure occured, _____ the lamps went out.
a) then
b) so
c) later
d) Next

Dari kalimat di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa kalimat

tersebut mempunyai dua klausa 'a power failure occured'
dan 'the lamps went out'. Jadi kalimat tersebut butuh sebuah
coordinate connector untuk menghubungkan ke dua klausa
tersebut. Dari pilihan jawaban yang ada hanya 1 bentuk
connector yaitu so. Jadi jawaban paling tepat yaitu b) so.
_____ arrived at the library, he
started to work immediately.
(A) The student
(B) When
(C) He
(D) After the student
_____ arrived at the library, he started to work immediately.
(A) The student
(B) When
(C) He
(D) After the student

Dari dua klausa/kalimat diatas, kalimat pertama ".....arrive at the library"

belum memiliki Subject tapi sudah memiliki Verb. Sedangkan kalimat
kedua sudah memiliki Subject, he, dan Verb, started.
Tidak juga ada juga Connector untuk menghubungkan kedua kalimat
Jawaban terbaik adalah (D) karena ada subject, the student, untuk
melengkapi kalimat arrive, dan connector, when, untuk menghubungkan
kedua kalimat tersebut.
1. The software should be used on an IBM computer, and
this computer is an IBM.
2. The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but no has
3. They are trying to sell their home, it has been on the
market for two months.
4. So the quality of the print was not good, I changed the
typewriter ribbon.
5. The lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she
may require you to get out of the water.
6. You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not
close to being finished.
7. The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist
was not able to get much work done. (Correct)
8. The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit
cards had been removed.
9. Or you can drive your car for another 2, 0000 miles, you
can get it fixed.
10.The chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize, he flew to
Europe to accept it.
Pada kalimat 1, 5, 7, dan 8 merupakan bentuk
kalimat yang benar (sudah terdapat subjek dan
verb) beserta penggunaan coordinate
coordinator telah benar.
Pada kalimat 2 dan 6 kehilangan subjek. No. 3
dan 10 kehilangan connector. No. 4 dan 9 juga
salah karena salah penempatan connector.
1.The software should be used on an IBM computer, and this computer is an
2.The rain clouds can be seen in the distance, but no no rain has fallen.
3.They are trying to sell their home, and it has been on the market for two
4.So The quality of the print was not good, so I changed the typewriter ribbon.
5.The lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she may require you to get
out of the water.
6.You should have finished the work yesterday, yet it is not close to being
7.The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get
much work done. (Correct)
8.The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been
9.Or You can drive your car for another 2, 0000 miles, you can get it fixed.
10.The chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize, so he flew to Europe to accept it.
Structure & Written Expression
By: Tira Nur Fitria M.Pd
Skill 7
Expressing time, place and
cause using conjunctions:
[when, before, after, while, so,
since because], adverbs [then,
next, soon, therefore], or
prepositions [before, after,
during, in, because of etc].
Kalimat yang menggunakan klausa dari klausa keterangan
waktu mempunyai 2 pola dasar:

I will sign the check before you live.

Before you live, I will sign the check.
Tiap contoh di atas, terdapat 2 klausa: you live dan I will sign
the check. Dari ke dua klausa tersebut klausa keterangan waktu
(adverb time clause) nya yaitu you live karena didahului oleh
kata penghubung keterangan waktu (adverb time connector)
before. Perhatikan penggunaan komanya ketika adverb time
connector berada di depan kalimat.
_____ was late, I missed the
a) I
b) Because
c) The train
d) Since he
_____ was late, I missed the appointment.
(A) I
(B) Because
(C) The train
(D) Since he

Dan kalimat di atas dapat kita ketahul bahwa kalimat tersebut mempunyal kata
kerja/verb was yang membutuhkan subjek. Juga terdapat klausa yang lain I
missed the appointment.
Jika memilih jawaban (A) I atau (C) The train maka jawaban Anda tidak tepat,
karena hanya menyediakan subjek untuk kata kerja was, sementara connector
untuk kedua klausa tersebut Anda abaikan.
Untuk jawaban (B) because, hanya menyediakan connector, sehingga bukan
jawaban tepat. Jawaban paling memungkinkan yaitu (D) Since he (sejak dia).
He sebagai subjek dan verb was: he was late dan since sebagai connector
yang menghubungkan dua klausa he was late dan I miss the appointment.
_____ arrived at the library, he
started to work immediately.
(A) The student
(B) When
(C) He
(D) After the student
_____ arrived at the library, he started to work immediately.
(A) The student
(B) When
(C) He
(D) After the student

Dari dua klausa/kalimat diatas, kalimat pertama ".....arrive at the library"

belum memiliki Subject tapi sudah memiliki Verb. Sedangkan kalimat
kedua sudah memiliki Subject, he, dan Verb, started.
Tidak juga ada juga Connector untuk menghubungkan kedua kalimat
Jawaban terbaik adalah (D) karena ada subject, the student, untuk
melengkapi kalimat arrive, dan connector, when, untuk menghubungkan
kedua kalimat tersebut.
Although my boss has a lot of money, he is not
Since this weekend is raining, I will just stay at
While I was reading book, my aunt came.
She went to the meeting although she was ill.
Although I can drive, I often ask my parents to
drive to the city.
Jane began her work after her friend had gone.
He had gone before I spoke to himWe eat that
we may live.
Thousands died so that Indonesia may get
As the buyer was not there, the courier left the
package with the neighbor.
I was upset so much because Andi was angry
with me.
Though they are sibling, they are always
That cat follows me wherever I go. Return this
dress to the store where you bought.
Since Jason studied harder, he got good
As I was there, I knew what exactly
I’m not a smart student, so that I try to do the
best in this exam.
’m going to give her this present after our
surprise party on tuesday.
As soon as/once they finish filling the
questionnaire, I will process the data.
He was cleaning his kitchen floor when
he found an oil spill.
Before she went to Jakarta, she got her
flowers watered.
he has been very quiet since she arrived
on Sunday.
Let’s stay here until the sun comes up.
You can come to my house whenever you
His phone kept ringing while he was
We should be polite and humble wherever
we live.
The guide seemed nice though she spoke
very little English.

 … we have lived in Paris, we

have gone to every exhibit at
the museum.
 We are going to the beach …
we finish taking the exam
 … we have lived in Paris, we have
gone to every exhibit at the museum.
 We are going to the beach … we
finish taking the exam
 Toni doesn’t like wasting his money
… he has a lot of money.
 _____ being very rich, he never
shows off.
 I am not feeling well,______I will
come to the party.
 I will give you my car _____ you
come back before 5’o clock.
____the bad weather, he still
chooses to go by air plane.
A. Although
B. However
C. Despite
D. While
The play performed by Theater
EMWE was good, _____ it could
have been improved by adding the
sound effects.
A. thus
B. and
C. but if
D. or
Yosi continued playing game
______ he heard his mother
A. although
B. as soon as
C. after
D. because
Smith are not feeling well, ___
he will come to our house
a. But
b. However
c. Since
d. Because
Please come on time, _______
they may miss the train
a. So that
b. Because
c. Therefore
d. Otherwise
We must avoid high kolesterol
_______ be healthy
a. In order to
b. Finally
c. Consequently
d. Provided
My sister apologised ______
her bad behaviour
a. Since
b. As
c. Because
d. For
______ her brother, she is
very diligent
a. Likely
b. Unlike
c. Similar
d. Differently
Ardian knows Germany, ______,
our school selected him to go
student exchange in there
a. Therefore
b. Moreover
c. Otherwise
d. Since
Learning to play a musical instrument
often motivates a child to be
disciplined and focused, ______ it
can impart a feeling of social worth.
A. because
B. and
C. so
D. moreover
1.Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need
to be tallied immediately.
2.Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated before are
admitted to the organization.
3.The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about
traffic accidents whenever the accidents occur at that
4.The ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully
5.We can start the conference now that all the participants have
6. The building quite vulnerable to damage until the storm
windows are installed.
7. Once the address label for the package is typed, can be
sent to the mail room.
8. Because the recent change in work shifts was not
posted, several workers missed their shifts.
9. The mother is going to be quite upset with her son as
long he misbehaves so much
10. Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted
the outcome of the election cannot be announced.
Pada kalimat 1, 3, 5, 8, dan 9 merupakan bentuk
kalimat yang benar (sudah terdapat subjek dan verb)
beserta penggunaan adverb time atau cause
coordinator telah benar.
Pada kalimat 2, 4, 5, 7, dan 10 mempunyai kesalahan
masing-masing. No. 2 dan 7 kehilangan subjek. No. 4
juga salah karena tidak terdapat connector. No. 6
kehilangan verb. No. 10 kehilangan koma. Inasmuch
(karena) merupakan adverb time connector.
1.Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied
2.Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated before they are admitted to the
3.The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic accidents
whenever the accidents occur at that intersection.
4.After Tthe ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted.
5.We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived.
6.The building is quite vulnerable to damage until the storm windows are installed.
7.Once the address label for the package is typed, it can be sent to the mail room.
8.Because the recent change in work shifts was not posted, several workers missed
their shifts.
9.The mother is going to be quite upset with her son as long he misbehaves so
10.Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted, the outcome of the election
cannot be announced.
Structure & Written Expression
By: Tira Nur Fitria M.Pd
Skill 8
Adverb Clause
You will get a good grade on
the exam provided _____.
a) studying
b) study
c) to study
d) you study
You will get a good grade on the exam provided _____.
a) studying
b) study
c) to study
d) you study
Dari kalimat di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa kalimat adverb
connector nya yaitu provided yang berada di tengah kalimat.
Maka yang kita butuhkan yaitu satu klausa yang lain. Ingat
bahwa klausa merupakan kumpulan kalimat yang mempunyai
satu kombinasi subjek dan verb. Dari pilihan yang ada hanya
pilihan bagian jawaban d) yang mempunyai subjek dan verb.
Olehnya pilihan yang tepat yaitu d) you study.
You will have to pay the higher annual
tax ... you buy a mansion. Take your
time to think about purchasing it.

(A) although
(B) because of
(C) if
(D) so that
... city cars are cheap, they last a
long time.

(A) After
(B) Because
(C) Although
(D) In order that
______ getting the highest result in
the class, John still had problems
with the teacher.

(A) Despite of
(B) In spite of
(C) Even though
(D) Nonetheless
_______ air is composed of about 78
percent nitrogen and only about 21
percent oxygen, is a little known fact
on the streets.
A. How that
B. That
C. When
D. However
_______ he was seen to be an
aggressive politician, he was a quiet
and loving family man at home.

A. Although
B. Despite
C. In spite of
D. Nevertheless
_______ the variable drops by a unit
of 1, the rank drops by X amount.

A. Why
B. Whenever
C. How
D. What
This method is widely used _______
algorithm is not only effective but
also very simple.

A. because its
B. because
C. it is because
D. because of its
1.It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a
2.The commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers
left the post anyway.
3.No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she the education
4.While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked
for an extension.
5.I will take you wherever need to go to complete the registration
6. I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on
time or not.
7. Providing the employee is postmarked by this Friday, your
application still acceptable.
8. As the nurse already explained all visitors must leave the hospital
room now
9. This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two
chapters instead of one
10. Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the
church on time for the wedding
1. It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a teacher
2. The commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left the post anyway.
3. No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she the education requirements.
4. While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for an extension.
5. I will take you wherever need to go to complete the registration procedures.
6. I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on time or not.
7. Providing the employee is postmarked by this Friday, your application still acceptable.
8. As the nurse already explained all visitors must leave the hospital room now
9. This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead of one
10.Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on time for the
1.It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a teacher
2.Though Tthe commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left
the post anyway.
3.No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she meets the education
4.While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for an extension.
5.I will take you wherever you need to go to complete the registration procedures.
6.I will wait here in the airport with you whether the plane leaves on time or not.
7.Providing the employee is postmarked by this Friday, your application is still
8.As the nurse already explained, all visitors must leave the hospital room now
9.This exam will be more difficult than usual in that it covers two chapters instead of
10.Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on time for the

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