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KCQ 2.

Something that was interesting to me personally and Explain why?

- One of the thing that was interesting to me personally is how important Land is to
every Pacific Island, as I watch the movie about One of the greatest injustices: Pacific
Island on the frontline of the climate change I see that in the Pacific it would be very
unfair for people if they got chased out of their own land that they used to own before
because Land is one of the main valuable assets that a Pacific Islander can own. In
Tonga, if someone owns a land for himself that is consider one of the most important
thing for that person and as I watch the video it was interesting to me how it is the
same to Samoa and other countries as well. One thing that was interesting to me is
how the climate change affected most of the Pacific Island. As I watch the video,
tropical cyclone and volcanic eruption also destroys many Islands in the Pacific and it
is the same to Tonga as well recently last year, a volcano eruption hits Tonga and
destroys lands, houses, swept most of the valuable assets that people live on. With
that being said the Pacific Islands are easily expose to those type of climate change
that easily destroys properties they own.

An important point from it and explain why that point seemed important to you.

- One of the main important point that stood out to me while watching the clip of the
Tuku Fonua is how the King made decisions out of love and intelligent towards his
people. He gave the land of Tonga to God because it was not just out of his own
decision but with the experience that he had while traveling the world and see how
other countries treated their people. He decided that he would not treat his people to
become slave but to have the freedom to do everything in their own free will and that
is why he gave the Land to God and give freedom to the people of Tonga because he
wants his own people not to treat each other with unloyalty, selfish but he wants them
to live freely and love towards one another. That is one thing that stood out to me
while watching the Tuku Fonua and I am proud of it that I am a Tongan because of
the generation of Christianity that comes from olden times.
Identify areas that you did not agree with and why.

- One of the things that I don’t agree with is how Climate change affected much of the
Pacific Islands. On the video of Climate Change one thing that stood out for me is
how climate change impacted Solomon Islands and how climate change swept out
more lands and make lands disappear. I don’t like how government does not help with
anything to minimize the effect of how climate change changes a lot of lands in many
Pacific Countries. Sea level rises in the island of Solomon affected the people as they
lost their livelihood and how people live their life. It also makes it hard for them to
find shelter for them because it moves them from places to places and it makes it hard
for them to find something to live on. If the government do not anything to save their
own people it will continue to harm people and chase them out of their own homes
and lands. It is saddened to see how people are affected by climate change and the
longest it takes for a humanitarian aids to help these people. It happens to our country
but not bad like how I see the video about the island of Solomon as they lost hope
with help coming along the way.

At least one question that came up for you while you were reading.

- One of the question that came up to me while watching and learning about these past
few reading and videos is How can government of a specific Pacific Island for
example Solomon Island helps their own people to save them from the impact of
Climate change in the future. As I watch the video about Solomon Island it sadden me
as people are losing hope of help from their own leaders that are watching out from
them not only in the Solomon Island but other Island as well.

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