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Michaela M.

Eavan Gerome Bonagua
Eiron Gonzales
BSIT 601A - 2001
Propose a topic for the project.
Online Web-based Billing and Reservation System for a Resort

Identify the research area of your project.

The research area of our project is IOT (Internet of things) where in our proposal system has the
ability to have transaction online as IOT does not require human to human interaction.

Construct a short description of your project.

The proposed topic for the proponents’ project is Online Web-based Billing and Reservation
System for a Resort which will be beneficial to all stakeholders (owner, manager, cashier, staff,
guests) of this system since its interface contains the checking of available rooms, cottages,
amenities, and function hall including its price and capacity which will reduce time consuming in
replying to inquiries. It also allows the potential guest to make reservations wherever they are
and make payments online.

Identify the purpose of your project.

The purpose of Online Web-based Billing and Reservation System for a Resort is to solve and
avoid resorts’ problem like having data redundancy, inaccurate records of data, miscomputed
bills, slow service, and data loss in their reservation and billing process.
Resort – To maintain their Resort competitive, and provide easy, seamless and good service to
their guests.
Owner – To easily monitor all the records of transactions of his resort from time to time.
Guests – To have contactless, secured, reliable and seamlessly transaction with the Resort
wherever they are.
Researchers – To practice and apply all the learnings they had in this course.

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