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Colle, Alyssa A.



1. In your own words, discuss what community relations in the context of commerce is.
 Community relations to the various methods companies use to establish and maintain a
mutually beneficial relationship with the communities in which they operate. For instance,
they give employees a reason to be proud of the company, which increase loyalty and may
help to reduce labor and production cost.
2. What do you think is the importance of having a good relationship with the different
communities that brands or companies have?
 You must provide value to your customers. Brands must understand their consumers so they
can provide them value in the way they expect it. As a key to any good relationship,
communication is the essential way to build customer relationship.

3. What could be the consequences of having a negative impression on your brand?

 A positive brand image will earn you customers. A negative one will lose you customer and
worse, possibly lead to the failure of your business.

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