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Roles Of scrum:

*Three roles

1)Product Owner

2)Scrum master

3)Scrum Team

Product owner:

Product owner is the in charge to enhance ( to improve something or to make something look
better )the ROI and determining (to make something happen in a particular way ) the product
features, Prioritizing the list of items from product features, determining what should be prioritized for
the next sprint and many more. These items can be re-prioritized and modified on a regular basis .

Scrum master:

Scrum master is the person assist the team in learning how to use scrum to Maximize the business
value. Scrum master help the team to remove road blocks and help the team to focus on goal and
embrace(to include) agile methods

Scrum Team:

Scrum team is the group of people work together to guarantee the that the stakeholders needs are


Agile is a iterative project management and software development methodology that enable (to
make it possible for somebody/something to do something) the team to deliver the values to clients
faster and to fewer (Minimum or small) difficulties. The agile team provides the work in small,
consumable pieces instead of providing them in Big bang release. Requirements,
Strategies ,outcomes are evaluated at the regular intervals of time and gives team a natural method
for adopting to change.

Sprint of the scrum:

Sprint is the short, time boxed period where a scrum team works to complete a set amount of work.
It is heart beat of the scrum, where ideas turned in to values, The sprint encompasses the all other
scrum events. The sprint will be of about 02 weeks or 04 weeks where potentially releasable product
increment is generated. A new sprints starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous sprint.
All the work are necessary to achieve the product goal (Work contains Sprint planning,Daily
scrum,sprint review,Sprint retrospective)

Sprint Planning: The work to be done in the sprint is collectively discussed and planned by the team.
The main purpose is what can be delivered at the end of the sprint and How that work can be
achieved. The resulting plan will be created by collaborative work of the team. Attendees---Scrum
master, Product Owner, Development Team.Some time Stake Holders can attend to provide advice.

Time box for a period 02 hours or less

Daily scrum: It is a meeting held daily for a period of 15 minutes to get the updates from the
team .The three following questions used in daily scrum

 What did you do yesterday?

 What will you do today?
 Are there any impediments in your way?
Sprint review:

The scrum team gather together to review the completed work and determining any additional
changes is require or not. A potentially releasable product increment is reviewed, inspected, adopted
based on feedback. The time box period of one month sprint is 4 hours. For the shorter sprint event
is usually shorter.

Sprint Retrospective:

The purpose of sprint retrospective is the way to increase team quality and its effectiveness. This can
be achieved by reviewing the past performance of the team and generating concrete actions for
improvement to be executed in the next sprint. The time box period for one month sprint is of about
3 hours. For a shorter sprint the event is usually shorter.

During the sprint

*No changes are made that affect the sprint goal

*No compromise in quality

*Product backlog is refined when there is a need

*Scope is clarified and renegotiated with the product owner as more is learned in User story

Sprint Goal: It is the single objective of the sprint. The sprint goal also creates coherence (the quality
of being logical and consistent) and focus, encouraging the scrum team together rather than on
separate initiatives. Limited to 01 sprint.

Product Goal: It describes the future state of the product which can serve as a target for the scrum
team to plan against. The product goal is in the product backlog. The rest of the product backlog
become to define what will fulfill the product goal. Product goal is the Long term objective (in
Months) for scrum team

Product Vision: It is a long term aspirational state for the product. The product vision is gradually
achieved through completed product goals. Long term objective in years.

Empiricism: is the most important practice for you and your Scrum Team to embrace during the
Sprint. There is a lot unknown in complex environments. By embracing empiricism your team
will learn by doing and will continue to improve as you navigate complex work. Forward looking
decisions can only be made by the Scrum Team based on what has already happened. Various
practices exist to forecast progress, like burn-downs, burn-ups, or cumulative flows. While
proven useful, these do not replace the importance of empiricism.

Five values of scrum:

1)Courage: Scrum team members should have the courage to do the right thing and also to
solve the complex problems
2)Focus: Everyone of the scrum team should focus on sprint and sprint goal
3)Commitment: Every individual person in the scrum team should personally commit to work for
the goals of the scrum team
4)Respect: Every individual person should be respected and their thoughts, comments,
suggestions should be respected.
5)Openness: The scrum team and stakeholders should agree to be open about the work they
going to perform and also the challenges while performing the work.

3 pillars of scrum:
1)Transparency: Each and every person in the team need to know what is going on. All people
involved Scrum team, Investors, Customer, CEO should transparent for each day throughout
the project for good news as well as bad news. There should be no hidden agenda
2)Inspection: Once the work is done it should be checked. The inspection is not done by the
outside people of the team, It should be inspected by every one on the scrum team . The
inspection can be done for the practices, product, continuous improvement . For Eg the team
openly and transparently shows their product ast the end of the each sprint to customers for
their valuable feedback ,but the customer changes the requirements during inspection ,we
should not complain. Instead of that we need to consider this as an opportunity to collaborate
with the customer to clarify the requirements and test out the new hypothesis.
3)Adoption: If an inspector concludes one or more parts of a process are deviates beyond the
acceptable boundaries the method or the material being processed need to be modified. To
avoid future deviation, an adjustment need to be performed as soon as feasible.

Product Backlog: It represents all the user stories for the product . The product backlog contains
list of requirements from high priority to low priority. This is managed by product owner and
drive by business people. It is the source for sprint backlog
Sprint Backlog: It is the list of user stories that the team will work on during upcoming sprints. It
is the requirements of upcoming sprint and managed by the team. This is the source from
product backlog.
Product Increment: It is the combination of all product backlog items completed in a sprint and
the value of previous sprint increments. The output must be in usable condition even the
product owner doesn’t release it.
This is source for sprint backlog.

DOR: Definiton of Ready.

It is a checklist.
It is Dynamic(Changeable)------------Based on views ,Suggestion by teams,for continuous
improvement—Can be modified.
Over a period of time we will keep changing for betterment.
EG:If we planning for a trip and we are preparing the checklist(The things require for travel and
stay).But forgot to book the ticket.---Chance to drop the plan or you can book the ticket on the
way).Disadvantage is there is chance to drop the plan.may or maynot have a good trip.If already
planned it will be good trip.There will be no blocker.-----Preparing a checklist.
For a product backlog item like user story,spike,or bug when you have that in product backlog
you want to pull that in a sprint backlog you need to set some kind of statements-Checklist.
If those statements or guidelines are met then you can pull that item in to the sprint backlog.
By this sprint execution will be smooth without any blocker.
For every product backlog item to be pulled to sprint backlog item we set some certain check list
to be met for the execution.
-User story should have acceptance criteria,testing should be require or met ,If met then team
will commit the story.
DOD: Definiton of Done.
It is a checklist.
It is Dynamic(Changeable),
As a product owner to accept the story.To meet or to complete the user story we need to attain
certain guidelines that is known as DOD
EG:It should met acceptance criteria,Accept test is passed,No associate bugs or blocker should
be there etc.

Acceptance Criteria:Part of user story.

User story follows 3c model.
Conversation: Discussion with the team
Confirmation: Logical outcome of the story(Acceptance criteria).---It give information to testers
that these are acceptance test,these test passed means acceptance criteria is met.Helps PO to
check what is written in Acceptance criteria during the closure of the story.(Also it should meet
DOD is met).
For testers:To create accpetional test
For PO:To accept the story.
For developers:Help in what things to be developed
For every user story may be AC differs
User Story:

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