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Joint Bone Spine 2002 ; 69 : 155-60

© 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

S1297319X02003858/REV REVIEW

The natural history of lumbar disc herniation

and radiculopathy

Michel Benoist*
113, avenue Victor-Hugo, 75116 Paris, France

(Submitted for publication March 23, 2001; accepted in revised form June 26, 2001)

Summary – The majority of patients suffering from a radiculopathy caused by a herniated nucleus
pulposus (HNP) heal spontaneously without surgery or chemonucleolysis. The clinical course of the
radiculopathy varies as well as the efficacy of conservative treatment. In some patients the symptoms
decline after a week or two; in others the pain may continue for many months or years. Despite an abundant
literature there is still a controversy concerning the treatment of radiculopathies related to ruptured lumbar
intervertebral discs. Obviously knowledge of the natural history of discal herniation, and of the mechanisms
leading to the changes of the extruded discal tissue, would be of great help in planning the therapeutic
procedure. The purpose of this article is to review the reliable data concerning the clinical and pathomor-
phological evolution and the biological mechanisms associated with the morphologic changes of discal
herniation. Joint Bone Spine 2002 ; 69 : 155-60. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS
inflammatory cytokines / lumbar disc herniation / metalloproteinases / natural evolution

CLINICAL EVOLUTION group of 126 patients with uncertain indication for

surgical treatment, who had their therapy decided by
Very few studies concern the natural evolution of the randomization which permitted comparison between
clinical symptoms, as most patients undergo some kind the results of surgical and conservative treatment. Sixty-
of medical treatments. Hakelius [1] reviewed the course six patients were randomized in the conservative group.
of the acute sciatica syndrome with conservative treat- They all had a positive myelography and were treated
ment in 38 non-operated patients with a discal hernia- by rest, bracing and paracetamol. Tables II and III show
tion on myelography. Treatment only consisted of bed the assessments of results in the conservatively treated
rest and bracing. Appreciation of evolution of symp- patients after 1 and 4 years. After 1 year 60% (n = 40)
toms was made according to the patient’s subjective of patients had good or fair results, 17 had been oper-
assessment, and to the period of official sick registra- ated on and nine were still incapacitated by back pain
tion. As shown in table I, 35 out of the 38 patients and sciatica. After 4 years, five of the 49 non-operated
(88%) were free of symptoms after 6 months but 11 of patients remaining in the original group were still suf-
them were still registered as sick. Weber [2] analyzed a fering from sciatica. At that follow-up time the differ-
ence in the randomized surgical group was no longer
significant. Only minor changes took place during the
* Correspondence and reprints. last 6 years of observation. In a multicenter prospective
156 M. Benoist

Table I. Evolution of 38 cases of sciatica in non-operated patients patients. At one year 20–30% are still complaining of
with positive myelography (from [1]). back and/or leg pain. Surgery is usually decided within
10–30 days 2 months 3 months 6 months the first year.
Free of symptoms 58% 60% 75% 88%

study Weber et al. [3] analyzed 208 patients with In recent years numerous studies have shown that a disc
obvious symptoms and signs of lumbar radiculopathy herniation may decrease in size and even disappear
probably due to a disc herniation. All patients were spontaneously. No report on this subject could be
examined within 14 days of onset. A concomitant found before the advent of computed tomography
double-blind investigation of the effect of the nonste- (CT). In order to evaluate the frequency and time
roidal anti-inflammatory drug piroxicam was per- frame of regression of discal herniation in patients
formed. Results were assessed at 2 and 4 weeks using a recovering with a conservative treatment, a computer
visual analogue scale and Roland’s functional tests. In literature search was performed. As the clinical course
addition questionnaires were sent at 3 and 12 months. of a symptomatic lumbar disk herniation is generally
During the first month, significant decrease of pain unpredictable it would be very helpful to document the
(V.A.S. mean score 54 to [19] was observed in 70% of predictive parameters of regression. The literature data
the patients; 60% were back to work. After 1 year 30% will be analyzed in a chronological order.
still complained of back pain and/or sciatica and 20% Teplick [6] was the first to report 11 patients in
had not resumed work. Four patients had been oper- whom there was unequivocal regression or disappear-
ated on. The piroxicam-treated group had the same ance of a herniated lumbar disc on follow-up CT study,
results as the placebo control group. with a clinical improvement accompanying the mor-
In a randomised double-blind study Fraser [4] ana- phologic changes. In 1990, Saal and Saal [7] reported
lyzed 60 patients with a discal herniation documented on 12 patients treated non-operatively with a good
by myelography. Thirty underwent a chymopapain outcome. After a successful treatment the patients
chemonucleolysis and 30 received a placebo. At 6 weeks underwent follow-up MRI scans that revealed that
37% of the placebo group had a good outcome, which 46% had 75–100% resorption, 36% had 50–75%
increased to almost 60% at 6 months. By 2 years 40% decrease in size, and 11% had 0–50% diminution. The
of patients of the placebo group had been operated [5]. mean interval between the two scans was 25 months.
In spite of the paucity of information, results of these Total resorption was more frequently observed in the
studies and personal experience suggest that natural largest herniations. Clinical improvement and mor-
evolution of the clinical symptoms can be summarized phologic changes did not necessarily follow the same
as follows: in the first 2 months there is a marked time course. In 1992, several authors reported similar
decrease of back and leg pain in approximately 60% of findings. Bozzao et al. [8] reported on a series of non-
operated 69 patients with discal herniations of various
locations and sizes proven at MRI imaging. The mean
Table II. Assessment at 1 year of 66 patients conservatively treated interval between the two scans was 11 months. Reduc-
with positive myelography (from [2]).
tion of more than 70% was observed in 48% of patients,
Good and fair 40 30–70% in 15%. No change or increase was observed
Poor and bad 9 respectively in 29% and 8% of the remaining patients.
Operated 17 40 % There was no significant correlation between the loca-
Total 66
tion of the herniations and the reduction of the hernia-
tion. In contrast, the high rate of resorption (over 70%)
was observed in the large and medium herniations.
Table III. Assessment at 4 years of 66 patients conservatively Delauche et al. [9] have treated successfully and conser-
treated with positive myelography (from [2]). vatively 21 patients with a lumbar discal herniation
Good and fair 44 proven by CT scanning. A subsequent CT was per-
Poor and bad 5 formed with a mean interval of 6 months. Disappear-
Operated 17 33 % ance or major decrease was observed in ten patients,
Total 66
moderate diminution in four, and no change in the
Lumbar disc herniation and radiculopathy 157

Table IV. Evolution of the discal herniation in 48 conservatively Table VI. Correlation between MRI changes and clinical outcomes in
treated patients. Interval between the two scans: 1 to 40 months patients conservatively treated. Mean interval between the two scans:
(from [10]). 150 days (from [12]).
No of cases MRI changes Excellent and good Poor
Group 1 (Decrease less than 25%) 9 Disappearance (n = 10) 10 0
Group 2 (Decrease from 50 to 75%) 8 Marked decrease (n = 25) 25 0
Group 3 (Decrease more than 75%) 31 Slight decrease (n = 14) 14 0
48 No change (n = 28) 13 15
62 ( 80 %) 15 (20 %)

remaining patients in spite of the disappearance of the

clinical symptoms. Maigne et al. [10] have followed the
course of 48 patients who had a second scan 1 to 40 The data provided by the studies previously analyzed
months after the first imaging. A decrease in the size of can be summarized as follows: large and migrated her-
75% or more was observed in 64% of patients, with a niations tend to decrease to a greater extent than pro-
diminution from 50–75% in 17%, and from 25–50% trusions or small contained herniations which have less
in 19%. Tables IV and V summarize respectively the tendency to spontaneous regression. Morphologic
comparison CT1 and CT2, and the evolution accord- changes are usually observable after 6 months and
ing to the size of the herniation. Only half of the small correspond to a favourable clinical outcome but they
herniations decreased by over 75%. Conversely, the tend to lag behind improvement of leg pain. Finally,
great majority of the large herniations disappeared or there is a group of patients who become asymptomatic
underwent a major shrinkage. without any decrease in size of their herniation. This
In a prospective study, Bush et al. [11] followed 111 finding raises the problem of the mechanism of the
patients successfully with either a discal herniation radicular pain.
(n = 84) or a generalized or focal bulge (n = 27). The
second scan was done 1 year later in all patients treated MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN
conservatively with a satisfactory outcome. Sixty-four THE PATHOMORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES
out of 84 herniations were resolved or improved after 1
year. Only seven out of 27 bulging discs showed any Before the advent of CT scanning and MRI it was
resolution. In 1995, Komori et al. [12] studied retro- generally thought that clinical improvement of patients
spectively 77 patients with lumbar radiculopathy caused with a positive myelography was related to decrease of
by a disc herniation. All patients were studied more the nerve root inflammation and swelling. Moreover,
than twice by MRI imaging during the conservative retraction of the annulus and its associated herniation
treatment, with a mean interval of 150 days. Morpho- after extreme flexion of the spine, which is the usual
logic changes and their correlation with the clinical position taken by bed-rest patients, was also hypoth-
outcome are presented in table VI. Improvement of esized [13]. The recent imaging findings have demon-
clinical findings was usually seen before those observed strated that the herniated discal tissue was indeed able
on MRI. The further the herniated nucleus pulposus to decrease in size and even disappear, thus releasing the
migrated the more decrease in size could be observed. mechanical pressure on the nerve root. Until recently
Small herniations and protrusions showed little or no little was known about the mechanisms leading to the
change. decrease of the discal herniation. Teplick [6], who was
the first to report on spontaneous regression of herni-
ated nucleus pulposus (HNP), suggested three theoreti-
Table V. Decrease of the discal herniations according to their size in cal possibilities: i) Dehydration and shrinkage of the
48 conservatively treated patients. Interval between the two scans: 1 HNP; ii) regression of the HNP into the annulus via
to 40 months (from [10]).
the tear in the annulus; and iii) fragmentation and
Herniations Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 subsequent sequestration at a distance from the annulus
less than 25% 50–75% Over 75% and from the nerve root. In the case of a contained
Small (n = 13) 5 1 7 fragment behind the posterior ligament, the main
Medium (n = 20) 3 5 12 mechanism may be dehydration but this theoretical
Large (n = 15) 1 1 13
consideration remains speculative. In the case of
158 M. Benoist

extruded or sequestrated fragments exposed in the epi- lagenase and stromelysin have a high specificity for
dural space, recent studies have demonstrated that cartilage matrix and are effective in degrading cartilage
resorption was the mechanism of regression of the matrix as shown by experimental studies using these
HNP [13-18]. proteinases as chemonucleolytic agents [22]. As previ-
Histologic studies [13, 16] have shown the presence ously mentioned the production of proteolytic enzymes
of a granulation tissue with an abundant neovascular- by activated macrophages can be stimulated by cytok-
ization surrounding the fibrocartilage fragment. Mono- ines including Il1 and TNF alpha [18]. Production of
nuclear cells infiltrate along the margin of the necrotic Il1 by the mononuclear cells might be the main starter
and degenerated part of the disc tissue. This granula- of the cycle leading to the production of the cytokines,
tion tissue was seen in 11 of 16 extruded HNP and which in turn stimulate the production of the protein-
three of five sequestrated HNP in one study [13] and in ases. However, the biochemical process is likely to be
30 of 35 sequestrated HNP in another study [16]. The more sophisticated. Other cytokines are probably
high vascularity of the granulation tissue explains the involved. For example, Haro et al. [15] have demon-
findings of gadolinium-enhanced MRI. The intense strated the production by the mononuclear cells of the
peripheral enhancement of the discal fragment is related granulation tissue of monocyte chemotactic protein 1
to the accumulation of the contrast material in the and macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha. Both
blood vessels of the granulation tissue around the cytokines belong to the beta-chemokine family which
extruded or sequestrated disc [19]. Gronblad et al. [14] further recruit and activate macrophage into the lesion.
have studied immunocytochemically the abundant Doita et al. [13] have also shown that the cells infiltrat-
inflammatory cells present in the granulation tissue. ing along the margins of extruded discs express cell
Using specific monoclonal antibodies, they demon- adhesion molecules which regulate immune cells’ migra-
strated that macrophages were the predominant cells. tion and activation. Moreover, basic fibroblast growth
In a histological analysis of many samples from patients
factor which promotes neovascularization is also
with extrusion or sequestration types, fibroblasts and
expressed on the endothelial cells and chondrocytes of
endothelial cells were also disclosed, constituting with
the granulation tissue. Obviously, the pathophysiology
the macrophages the granulation tissue. Takahashi et
of the resorption process is extremely complex as well as
al. [18] investigated samples from patients with the
protrusion type. The majority of cells were chondro- the autoregulation of the cytokine network.
cytes. It is interesting to point out that many years ago, Figure 1 presents a hypothetical and rough sketch of
back in 1950, Lindblom [20] had clearly understood the biological events leading to the discal resorption.
the resorption process. He considered that the cellular The main instigator which brings the cells into the
and vascular in-growth was ‘eating’ and destroying the lesions and starts the cycle remains hypothetical. Doita
discal tissue. et al [13] have postulated that extrusion of nucleus
The intimate mechanism of the destruction of the pulposus into the epidural space could evoke an autoim-
discal tissue has not been fully elucidated. However, it mune reaction to the antigenic components of the
has been demonstrated that at the site of lumbar disc discal fragment considered as foreign. This theoretical
herniation, inflammatory cytokines such as Il1, Il6, consideration has already been discussed by a few
TNF alpha, and granulocyte macrophage colony stimu- authors [23]. It is interesting to point out that Il1 and
lating factor are produced (by macrophages in extru- TNF alpha produced at the site of disc herniation
sion and sequestration types, and by chondrocytes in increase the production of prostaglandin E2 in the
the protrusion type [18]. It has also been shown that tissue which may result in direct stimulation of the
cells of herniated degenerated discs produce matrix nerve root and cause sciatic pain. Recently Aoki et al.
metalloproteinases, nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2. [24] have shown that TNF alpha was the cytokine
This production is increased if the cells are stimulated directly responsible for nerve root injury. Therapeutic
by Il1 [21]. An increased production of collagenase use of anti-TNF alpha to reduce sciatic pain may inter-
(MMP-1) and of antihuman stromelysin (MMP-3) fere with the production cycle of the proteinase respon-
associated with inflammatory cells in herniated discs, as sible for HNP resorption. It can be concluded that
well as chondrocytes, has also been demonstrated by more basic research is needed to clearly understand the
Matsui et al [17]. This suggests a causal correlation of complex biological scenarios leading to discal tissue
the proteinases in degradation of the discal tissue. Col- resorption and radicular pain.
Lumbar disc herniation and radiculopathy 159

Figure 1. Hypothesis for discal herniation resorption, radicular injury and pain.

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