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1.1 Introduction to IoT
1.2 Definition of IoT
1.3 Characteristics of IoT
1.4 Physical Design IoT
1.5 Logical design of IoT
1.6 IoT Enabling Technologies
1.7 IoT in Healthcare
1.8 IoT in Home/Home Automation
1.9 IoT in Environment
1.10 Summary
1.11 Keywords
1.12 References and Further Readings
“If we had computers that knew everything there was to know about things – using data they
gathered without any help from us – we would be able to track and count everything, and
greatly reduce waste, loss and cost. We would know when things needed replacing, repairing
or recalling, and whether they were fresh or past their best.”
----- Kevin Ashton, an expert on Digital Innovation
The new rule for the future is going to be, "Anything that can be connected, will be connected."


The Internet of Things means taking all the things in the world and connecting them
to the internet.

Figure 1.1: Internet of Things (IoT)


Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off
switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cell
phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and
virtually any object for which remote communication, data collection, or control
might be useful, such as vehicles, appliances, medical devices, electric grids,
transportation infrastructure, manufacturing equipment, or building systems. This
also applies to components of machines, for example, a jet engine of an aeroplane or
the drill bit of an oil rig etc. The IoT is a giant network of connected "things" (which
also includes people) as shown in Figure 1.1. The relationship will be between people
to people, people to things, and things to things.
Broadband Internet has become more widely available, the cost of connecting is
decreasing, more devices are being created with Wi-Fi capabilities and sensors built
into them, technology costs are going down, and smartphone penetration is sky-
rocketing. All of these things are creating a "perfect storm" for the IoT.
In other words, the IoT potentially includes huge numbers and kinds of interconnected
objects. It is often considered the next major stage in the evolution of cyberspace.
Some observers believe it might even lead to a world where cyberspace and human
space would seem to effectively merge, with unpredictable but potentially momentous
societal and cultural impacts.
Two features make objects part of the IoT - a Unique Identifier and Internet
connectivity. Such “smart” objects each have a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address
to identify the object sending and receiving information. Smart objects can form
systems that communicate among themselves, usually in concert with computers,
allowing automated and remote control of many independent processes and
potentially transforming them into integrated systems.
Those systems can potentially impact homes and communities, factories and cities,
and every sector of the economy, both domestically and globally. Although the full
extent and nature of the IoT’s impacts remain uncertain, economic analyses predict
that it will contribute trillions of dollars to economic growth over the next decade.
Sectors that may be particularly affected include agriculture, energy, government,
health care, manufacturing, and transportation.
The IoT can contribute to more integrated and functional infrastructure, especially in
“smart cities,” with projected improvements in transportation, utilities, and other
municipal services.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
 Define Internet of Things.
 Explain the characteristics of IoT
 Discuss physical and logical design of IoT and
 Describe various applications of IoT


IoT is a ubiquitous network except that all of those electronic devices have access to
the Internet. IoT is the concept created around the idea of full ubiquitous computing,
which is the processing of information linked with external activity or objects.
Ubiquitous computing involves connecting electronic devices with microprocessors
and sensors to talk to each other.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a computing concept that describes the idea of
everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to identify
themselves to other devices and send and receive data. The term is closely identified
with radio frequency identification (RFID) as the method of communication, although
it also may include other sensor technologies, wireless technologies or QR codes.
The IoT is significant because an object that can represent itself digitally, becomes
something greater than the object by itself. No longer does the object relate just to its
user, but it is now connected to surrounding objects and database data. When many
objects act in unison, they are known as having "ambient intelligence."


The IoT is a complex system with a number of characteristics. Its characteristics vary
from one domain to another. Some of the general and key characteristics identified
during the research study are as follows:
IoT comes with the combination of algorithms and computation, software & hardware
that makes it smart. Ambient intelligence in IoT enhances its capabilities which
facilitate the things to respond in an intelligent way to a particular situation and
supports them in carrying out specific tasks. In spite of all the popularity of smart
technologies, intelligence in IoT is only concerned with means of interaction between
devices, while user and device interaction is achieved by standard input methods and
graphical user interface.
In the case of IoT, the most important feature one can consider is connectivity.
Without seamless communication among the interrelated components of the IoT
ecosystems (i.e. sensors, compute engines, data hubs, etc.) it is not possible to execute
any proper business use case. IoT devices can be connected over Radio waves,
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Li-Fi, etc. We can leverage various protocols of internet
connectivity layers in order to maximize efficiency and establish generic connectivity
across IoT ecosystems and Industry. There may be special cases, where the IoT
ecosystem is built on-premises or in an intranet.
Connectivity empowers Internet of Things (IoT) by bringing together everyday
objects. Connectivity of these objects is pivotal because simple object level
interactions contribute towards collective intelligence in IoT network. It enables
network accessibility and compatibility in the things. With this connectivity, new
market opportunities for Internet of Things can be created by the networking of smart
things and applications.
Dynamic Nature
The primary activity of Internet of Things is to collect data from its environment, this
is achieved with the dynamic changes that take place around the devices. The state of
these devices change dynamically, example sleeping and waking up, connected and/or
disconnected as well as the context of devices including temperature, location and
speed. In addition to the state of the device, the number of devices also changes
dynamically with a person, place and time.
Enormous scale
The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other
will be much larger than the devices connected to the current Internet. The
management of data generated from these devices and their interpretation for
application purposes becomes more critical. Gartner (2015) confirms the enormous
scale of IoT in the estimated report where it stated that 5.5 million new things will get
connected every day and 6.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in
2016, which is up by 30 percent from 2015. The report also forecasts that the number
of connected devices will reach 20.8 billion by 2020.
IoT wouldn’t be possible without sensors which will detect or measure any changes in
the environment to generate data that can report on their status or even interact with
the environment. Sensing technologies provide the means to create capabilities that
reflect a true awareness of the physical world and the people in it. The sensing
information is simply the analogue input from the physical world, but it can provide
the rich understanding of our complex world.
Heterogeneity in Internet of Things as one of the key characteristics. Devices in IoT
are based on different hardware platforms and networks and can interact with other
devices or service platforms through different networks. IoT architecture should
support direct network connectivity between heterogeneous networks. The key design
requirements for heterogeneous things and their environments in IoT are scalability,
modularity, extensibility and interoperability.
IoT devices are naturally vulnerable to security threats. As we gain efficiencies, novel
experiences, and other benefits from the IoT, it would be a mistake to forget about
security concerns associated with it. There is a high level of transparency and privacy
issues with IoT. It is important to secure the endpoints, the networks, and the data that
is transferred across all of it means creating a security paradigm.
Nearly any physical object can become a part of the IoT if it’s connected to the
internet to communicate, be controlled, or exchange information. Anything from a
webcam to a smart appliance that could be controlled with a smartphone app is an IoT
device. Even larger objects such as self-driving cars or planes are becoming IoTs, or
are at least enhanced by critical IoT components, such as the sensors and actuators
mounted on larger ship or jet engines to ensure they are operating efficiently.
Most people think about being connected in terms of computers, tablets and
smartphones. IoT describes a world where just about anything can be connected and
communicate in an intelligent fashion. The IoT has moved far beyond its original
emphasis on machine-to-machine (M2M) applications for manufacturing and business,
and is now within everyone's reach. IoTs are growing at a staggeringly fast speed.
There were more than 50 billion IoT devices as of 2020, which are expected to
generate 4.4 zettabytes of data, compared to just 100 billion gigabytes in 2013. A 28.7
percent compound annual growth rate is expected in that number through 2025.
IoT devices can gather data from urban and public areas to affect the environment,
public safety and resource management. Eventually, whole factories and even cities
will become smart, interconnected pieces of the larger IoT system through the
widespread implementation of regional sensors. In other words, with the Internet of
Things, the physical world is becoming one big information system.


Two features make objects part of the IoT
 A Unique Identifier and
 Internet Connectivity
Such “smart” objects each have a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address to identify the
object sending and receiving information. Smart objects can form systems that
communicate among themselves, usually in concert with computers, allowing
automated and remote control of many independent processes and potentially
transforming them into integrated systems.
The IoT is not separate from the Internet, but rather, a potentially huge extension and
expansion of it. The “things” that form the basis of the IoT are objects. They could be
virtually anything streetlights, thermostats, electric meters, fitness trackers, factory
equipment, automobiles, unmanned aircraft systems (UASs or Drones), or even cows
or sheep in a field. What makes an object part of the IoT is embedded or attached
computer chips or similar components that give the object both a unique identifier and
Internet connectivity. Objects with such components are often called “smart” such as
smart meters and smart cars.
Internet connectivity allows a smart object to communicate with computers and with
other smart objects. Connections of smart objects to the Internet can be wired, such as
through Ethernet cables, or wireless, such as via a Wi Fi or cellular network.
To enable precise communications, each IoT object must be uniquely identifiable.
That is accomplished through an Internet Protocol (IP) address, a number assigned to
each Internet connected device, whether a desktop computer, a mobile phone, a printer,
or an IoT object. Those IP addresses ensure that the device or object sending or
receiving information is correctly identified.
What kind of information do IoT objects communicate? The answer depends on the
nature of the object, and it can be simple or complex. For example, a smart
thermometer might have only one sensor, used to communicate ambient temperature
to a remote weather monitoring centre. A wireless medical device might, in contrast,
use various sensors to communicate a person’s body temperature, pulse, blood
pressure, and other variables to a medical service provider via a computer or mobile
Smart objects can also be involved in command networks. For example, industrial
control systems can adjust manufacturing processes based on input from both other
IoT objects and human operators. Network connectivity can permit such operations to
be performed in “real-time”, that is, almost instantaneously.
Smart objects can form systems that communicate information and commands among
themselves, usually in concert with computers they connect to. This kind of
communication enables the use of smart systems in homes, vehicles, factories, and
even entire cities. Smart systems allow for automated and remote control of many
A smart home can permit remote control of lighting, security, HVAC (heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning), and other appliances. In a smart city, an Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) may permit vehicles to communicate with other vehicles
and roadways to determine the fastest route to a destination, avoiding traffic jams, and
traffic signals can be adjusted based on congestion information received from cameras
and other sensors. Buildings might automatically adjust electric usage, based on
information sent from remote thermometers and other sensors. An Industrial Internet
application can permit companies to monitor production systems and adjust processes,
remotely control and synchronize machinery operations, track inventory and supply
chains, and perform other tasks.
IoT connections and communications can be created across a broad range of objects
and networks and can transform previously independent processes into integrated
systems. These integrated systems can potentially have substantial effects on homes
and communities, factories and cities, and every sector of the economy, both
domestically and globally.


In an IoT based system there are five phases of IoT lifecycle:
Phase 1: Create phase, where devices or sensors collect information from the physical
environment around them. The data from smart connected devices can be used to
generate insights that can help businesses, customers and partners,;
Phase 2: Communicate phase, where the data and events generated are sent through
the network to the desired destination;
Phase 3: Aggregate phase, where data collected are aggregated by devices itself;
Phase 4: Analyse phase, where, upon further sophisticated analytics the aggregated
data can be used to generate basic patterns, control and optimise processes and
Phase 5: Act phase, where suitable actions are performed based on the information


There are a wide variety of technologies that are associated with the Internet of Things
that facilitate its successful functioning. IoT technologies possess the above-
mentioned characteristics which create value and support human activities; they
further enhance the capabilities of the IoT network by mutual cooperation and
becoming part of the total system. There are many examples of what this might
look like or what the potential value might be. Say for example you are on your
way to a meeting; your car could have access to your calendar and already know the
best route to take. If the traffic is heavy your car might send a text to the other party
notifying them that you will be late. What if your alarm clock wakes up you at 6 a.m.
and then notifies your coffee maker to start brewing coffee for you? What if your
office equipment knew when it was running low on supplies and automatically re-
ordered more? What if the wearable device you used in the workplace could tell you
when and where you were most active and productive and shared that information
with other devices that you used while working?
The IoT can be applied to things like transportation networks. On a broader scale
"smart cities" can help us reduce waste and improve efficiency for things such as
energy use; this is helping us understand and improve how we work and live as shown
in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2: IoT Enabling Technologies

(Source: 50 sensor applications for a smarter world;


a) Define IoT. What are the different characteristics of IoT?

b) Discuss the physical and the logical design of IoT.
c) What do you understand by IoT enabling technologies?


Remote sensing medical devices have existed for over more than two decades, and
telemedicine has already been around for a while. The underlying technology has
evolved. We have an interconnected network of intelligent devices capable of making
decisions, working as groups, and sending information to the cloud — Internet of
IoT is slowly getting traction and evolving alongside the new ultra-fast 5G mobile
wireless, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data. Combing these powerful
technologies with the Internet of Things will likely revolutionize the healthcare
industry. IoT in healthcare using 5G wireless and AI could, for example, completely
transform the way patients are monitored and treated remotely. IoT will not only help
with the patient’s health but also improve the productivity of the healthcare industry
IoT in the healthcare industry is a great example of omnipresent computing. For
example, hundreds of intelligent electronic devices can be set up in a hospital to
monitor patients’ health status 24/7, talk to each other, make decisions, and upload
information to a healthcare cloud platform.
IoT In Healthcare Examples
The workable Internet of Things healthcare examples as shown in Figure 1.3, explains
how IoT can be used in healthcare effectively:
i) Sensing and uploading up-to-date patient information to the cloud in
emergency situations, from the ambulance or even from home.
ii) Medical devices capable of performing self-maintenance. IoT healthcare
devices will sense their own components, detect low thresholds, and communicate
with medical personnel and manufacturers.
iii) IoT and wearables can help home patients and elderly communicate directly
with a healthcare facility.
iv) Telemedicine can be considered a “primitive” form of an Internet of Things in
healthcare example. With IoT, a patient can be observed and in some cases treated
remotely through video cameras and other electronic actuators.

Figure 1.3: IoT Application in Health Care Sector

(Source: IoT in Healthcare: Benefits, use cases, challenges and future;

In healthcare, these devices can gather different patient data and receive inputs from
health practitioners. An Internet of Things Healthcare example is continuous glucose
monitoring for insulin pens that works effectively for patients with diabetes.
All these devices are able to communicate with each other and in some cases take
important actions that would provide timely help or even save a life. For example, an
IoT healthcare device can make intelligent decisions like calling the healthcare facility
if an elderly person has fallen down. After collecting passive data, an IoT healthcare
device would send this critical information to the cloud so that doctors can act upon it
and view the general patient status, see if calling an ambulance is necessary, what type
of help is required, and so on.
Thus, Interne
t of Things Healthcare can greatly improve not only a patient’s health and help in
critical situations but also the productivity of health employees and hospital
Process of IoT Healthcare Workflow:
i) A sensor collects data from a patient or a doctor/nurse inputs data.
ii) An IoT device analyzes the collected data with the help of AI-driven
algorithms like machine learning (ML).
iii) The device makes a decision whether to act or send the information to the
iv) Doctors, health practitioners, or even robots are enabled to make actionable
and informed decisions based on the data provided by the IoT device.
IoT Devices In Healthcare
Although not all IoT devices should have a sensor, they at least need to have a radio
and a given TCP/IP address to enable communication with the Internet. As long as a
device has access to the Internet, it can be considered an IoT device as shown in
Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4: An IoT Device

(Source: IoT in Healthcare: Benefits, use cases, challenges and future;

So, every smartphone is an IoT device. A smartphone with the right set of healthcare
apps can help you detect diseases and improve your health. Some examples of these
are skin cancer detection apps that use your camera and AI-driven algorithms to map
moles on your skin. Other examples would be sleep, yoga, fitness, and pill
management apps.
Still, a smartphone is a smartphone. Monitoring healthcare is not its primary
application. A dedicated healthcare IoT device can do significantly more.
 Smartwatch: Wearables sold at consumer electronics stores come with a
sensor and Internet connection. Some of them (like iWatch Series 4) can even
monitor the patient’s heart rate, control diabetes, help in speech treatment, aid
in improving posture, and detect seizures.
 Insulin Pens and Smart CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring): These
devices can monitor blood glucose levels and send the data to a dedicated
smartphone app. Patients with diabetes can use these devices to track their
glucose levels and even send this data to a healthcare facility.
 Brain Swelling Sensors: These tiny sensors are implanted within the cranium
to help brain surgeons keep track of severe brain injuries and avoid further
deathly swelling. They measure pressure on the brain and are able to dissolve
by itself in the body without further medical interference.
 Ingestible Sensors: Prescribed medication is swallowed with a tiny digestible
medical sensor that sends a small signal to a wearable receiver on the patient,
which, in turn, sends data to a dedicated smartphone app. This sensor can
help doctors ensure patients take their medication at all times.
 Smart Video Pills. A smart pill can travel through a patient’s intestinal tract
and take pictures as it travels. It can then send the collected information to a
wearable device, which in turn would send it to a dedicated smartphone app
(or straight to the app). Smart pills can also help visualize the gastrointestinal
tract and colon remotely.
Benefits of IoT In Healthcare:
Remote Patient Monitoring
In 2020, experts believe we will start to see the introduction of remote patient
monitoring (RPM), thanks to hospital at home devices. This will help monitor chronic
conditions and elderly patients to support their in-person care. Wearable IoT
devices can monitor heart rate and blood pressure, sending data in real time to
healthcare providers.
In the future we can expect to see the introduction of IoT ingestible devices to provide
highly accurate data on patient’s insulin levels for diabetics, vitals levels, active
infections etc. They currently face many challenges to ensure ingestible are safe to
ingest and can continue functioning without losing charge or breaking within the
human body.
Applications for Diagnosis and Treatment
We have also started to see the incorporation of AI software within hospitals to
improve the accuracy of diagnosis. Google’s DeepMind AI software was able to
identify breast cancer more accurately than radiologists proving that doctors must start
incorporating these Artificial Intelligence technologies into their practices or fall
behind. Allowing AI to automate laborious processes, means doctors can focus more
on care advice and treatment.
However, the human like qualities that doctors provide; reassurance, care and
empathy cannot be replicated by an app.
The technology enables expert surgeons to operate from the other side of the world
with highly intelligent robotics connected to the internet.
5G is expected to accelerate the capabilities in telesurgery as it relies on extremely
fast internet speed to provide accurate haptic feedback. If there is even a slight delay
in what the remote surgeon can feel via the robot hands, there is a high chance of error.
It is expected to reduce the second latency period from 0.27 to 0.01 seconds!
IoT in the healthcare industry has countless benefits. However, the most important is
that treatment outcomes can be significantly improved or maximized, as the data
gathered by IoT healthcare devices is highly accurate, enabling informed decisions.
Health facilities and practitioners will be capable of minimizing errors because all
patient information can be measured quickly and sent to a board of doctors or a
healthcare cloud platform. AI-driven algorithms running on these IoT devices could
also help make intelligible decisions or suggestions based on existing data.


a) Enumerate a few IoT healthcare devices.

b) Discuss the benefits of IoT in healthcare.


The concept of Home Automation aims to bring the control of operating your
everyday home electrical appliances to the tip of finger, thus giving user affordable
lighting solutions, better energy conservation with optimum use of energy. Apart from
just lighting solutions, the concept also further extends to have an overall control over
your home security as well as to build a centralised home entertainment system and
much more. The Internet of Things (IoT) based Home Automation system, aims to
control all the devices of a smart home through internet protocols or cloud based
The IoT based Home Automation system offers a lot of flexibility over the wired
systems. It comes with various advantages like ease-of-use, ease-of-installation, avoid
complexity of running through wires or loose electrical connections, easy fault
detection and triggering and above and all it even offers easy mobility.

Figure 1.5: IoT Home Automation Components

(Source: Top 10 vulnerabilities that make IoT Devices insecure;

 Home automation is constructing automation for a domestic, mentioned as a
sensible home or smart house. In the IoT home automation ecosystem,
devices like light, fan, TV, etc. can be controlled is as shown in Figure 1.5.
 A domestic automation system can monitor and/or manage home attributes
adore lighting, climate, enjoyment systems, and appliances. It is very helpful
to control your home devices.
 It’s going to in addition incorporates domestic security such as access
management and alarm systems. Once it coupled with the internet, domestic
gadgets are a very important constituent of the Internet of Things.
 A domestic automation system usually connects controlled devices to a
central hub or gateway.
 The program for control of the system makes use of both wall-mounted
terminals, tablet or desktop computers, a smartphone ​ application, or an
online interface that may even be approachable off-site through the Internet.
A typical Home Automation System consists of the following:
 IoT Sensors
 IoT Gateways
 IoT Protocols
 IoT Firmware
 IoT Cloud and Databases
 IoT Middleware (if required)
The smart home components like smart lighting, smart appliances, intrusion detection,
smoke/gas detector, etc. are explained below:
1.8.1 Smart Lighting
One example of application of IoT is smart lighting. Imagine a room that can sense
the brightness in a workspace. On a sunny morning, the building could turn off the
overhead lighting in order to save energy. When the clouds roll in, or the sun begins to
set, the building would know to turn on the lights in order to maintain a constant
lighting level throughout the day.
 Smart lighting for home helps in saving energy by adapting the life to the
ambient condition and switching on/off or dimming the light when needed.
 Smart lighting solutions for homes achieve energy saving by sensing the
human movements and their environments and controlling the lights
1.8.2 Smart Appliances
 Smart appliances with the management are here and also provide status
information to the users remotely.
 Smart washer/dryer can be controlled remotely and notify when the washing
and drying are complete.
 Smart refrigerators can keep track of the item store and send updates to the
users when an item is low on stock.
1.8.3 Intrusion Detection
 Home intrusion detection systems use security cameras and sensors to detect
intrusion and raise alerts.
 Alert can we inform of an SMS or an email sent to the user.
 Advanced systems can even send detailed alerts such as an image shoot or
short video clips.
1.8.4 Smoke/Gas Detectors
 Smoke detectors are installed in homes and buildings to detect smoke that is
an early sign of Fire.
 It uses optical detection, ionization for Air sampling techniques to detect
 Gas detectors can detect the presence of harmful gases such as CO, LPG, etc.
 It can raise alerts in the human voice describing where the problem is.
Hyper-local data is a major upside of IoT sensors. The advent of increasingly accurate
home-based sensors is creating powerful results. IoT in the smart home context has
other environmental implications as well, as the potential to apply commercial style
building management strategies to homes becomes increasingly feasible.
The potential to cut consumers’ utility bills, reduce waste, and improve the
environmental footprint of individual homes is a highly attractive prospect. The
integrated solution is being planned is to create a single platform and interface to
manage smart home IoT devices, including heating and cooling systems, PV
installations, and battery storage or chargers for electric vehicles. The system will
have the ability to determine when people are home or on their way and to adjust the
home’s temperature accordingly in advance. Additionally, it will use AI to control
energy consumption intelligently by methods such as preferentially using self-
generated renewable power. Another interesting possibility is using a combination of
EV batteries and PV generation to store power, then release it into the grid when
prices are favourable.


a) Describe the various applications of IoT in Home/Home Automation.

b) Discuss the smart home components.


Environmental concerns are playing an increasingly significant role in our everyday
lives. Threats such as climate change and rising pollution are becoming more visible.
IoT networks allow us to monitor and combat environment pollution as climate
change accelerates. The IoT Technology can be useful for environmental uses in a
number of ways:
1.9.1 Environmental Sensors
Sensors can get the job done where people cannot. Deploying sensors to measure
elements like air or water quality, radiation, or sensors to detect hazardous chemicals
can help track the evolution of the environment. Inaccessible, polluted or
uninhabitable spaces can be accessed without risking the health of technicians. Parents
of infants with breathing problems and asthma affected citizens could also receive
precise information in real time. Workers that need to operate in hazardous conditions
(like mines or workplaces exposed to radiation), can benefit from this real time
environmental data more than anyone.
1.9.2 Energy Efficiency
A Boston Consulting Group report determined that ICT-enables climate mitigation
strategies could reduce global climate change 16.5% by 2020 compared to current
efforts. No other climate mitigation strategy is expected to be as effective. These
improvements include Smart Home and Smart Building energy management, efficient
use of home appliances, smart grid devices, asset tracking applied to logistics and
smart industrial motors that adapt speed variably to illustrate with only some
The applications of IoT in environmental monitoring are broad − environmental
protection, extreme weather monitoring, water safety, endangered species protection,
commercial farming, and more. In these applications, sensors detect and measure
every type of environmental change. The Internet of Things is one of the biggest
enablers of the green buildings movement. The ability to capture and analyze
previously “dark” data from buildings is giving us deeper insight into energy and
resource use, and the ability to control the use of those resources through an
intelligent building management system is taking buildings to new levels of
sustainability. Smart buildings around the world are consuming less energy; in fact
they are creating their own energy through solar panels and other renewable energy
sources, and giving back the energy they don’t use. Siemens’ Crystal building has
been dubbed one of the most sustainable buildings on the planet, using intelligent
1.9.3 Air and Water Pollution
Current monitoring technology for air and water safety primarily uses manual labour
along with advanced instruments, and lab processing. IoT improves on this
technology by reducing the need for human labor, allowing frequent sampling,
increasing the range of sampling and monitoring, allowing sophisticated testing on-
site, and binding response efforts to detection systems. This allows us to prevent
substantial contamination and related disasters.
1.9.4 Air Pollution Monitoring
The challenge of pollution isn’t exclusively an industrial one. It’s estimated that poor
air quality costs the global economy $225 billion annually in lost labor
income, according to the World Bank. With global urban areas set to expand by at
least 2.5 billion people before 2050, the air pollution issue is only going to intensify.
A project announced in July 2018 is based on IoT based solution approach. Fixed and
mobile pollution sensors were rolled out across London’s streets. 100 fixed sensors
were placed in the worst affected areas and sensitive locations. Two dedicated Google
Street View cars roam the city, providing real-time air pollution data on the move.
The two Google Street View cars take air quality readings every 30 meters with the
aim of flagging pollution “hotspots” by analysing data trends over a year’s worth of
data. Online maps showing the data in real time give Londoners information on
pollution levels at a granular level, enabling people to plan accordingly.
This hyper local pollution sensing has also been tested in Oakland, California and
Houston, TX, and features specially tweaked Google Street View cars equipped with a
sensor platform that measures black carbon, nitric oxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
1.9.5 Commercial Farming
Today's sophisticated commercial farms have exploited advanced technology and
biotechnology for quite some time, however, IoT introduces more access to deeper
automation and analysis. Smart Farming. Efficient farming has a huge positive impact
on the environment. IoT technology is being used to control crop or greenhouse
irrigation through sensors. Automatic irrigation in Southern California is being
deployed as a way to fight the periodic droughts providing water according to the
conditions of soil. Connected drones are also being deployed in farming. Their
spectral on-board sensors help farmers optimise the use of fertilizers and plant
protection products besides providing airborne soil condition data to complement soil
sensor information.
Figure 1.6: IoT Sensor Based Applications in Farming
(Source: Thereza, Nadia & SAPUTRA, Iwan & HAMDADI, Antonius. (2020). The Design of
Monitoring System of Smart Farming Based on IoT Technology to Support Operational Management of
Tea Plantation)

Much of commercial farming, like weather monitoring, suffers from a lack of

precision and requires human labour in the area of monitoring. Its automation also
remains limited. IoT Sensor based application is shown in Figure 1.6.
IoT allows operations to remove much of the human intervention in system function,
farming analysis, and monitoring. Systems detect changes to crops, soil, environment,
and more. They optimize standard processes through analysis of large, rich data
collections. They also prevent health hazards (e.g., e. coli) from happening and allow
better control.
1.9.6 Weather Monitoring System

Figure 1.7: IoT Based Weather Monitoring System

Weather variables such as wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity and
rainfall may all be important factors in determining the course of a wide range of
events. For example, agriculture has always been heavily dependent on the weather
and weather forecasts, both for its control on the quality and quantity of a harvest and
its effect on the farmer’s ability to work the land or to graze his stock. IoT based
weather monitoring system is shown in figure 1.7.
Water resources generally depend critically not just upon rainfall, but also other
weather phenomenon that together drive plant growth, photosynthesis and evaporation.
Just as pollen and seed dispersal in the atmosphere are driven almost entirely by the
weather, so too is the direction and distance of travel of atmospheric pollution.
Weather monitoring is also important not just in defining present climate, but also for
detecting changes in climate and providing the data to input into models which enable
us to predict future changes in our environment.
Because of the wide variety of uses for the information, there are a large number of
environmental variables which are of interest to different groups of people. These
include solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, air
temperature, humidity and net radiation.
The demand for these data, usually on an hourly or more frequent timescale, has
increasingly been met by the development and widespread deployment of automatic
weather stations (AWSs) over the past 30 years or so.
A Weather Monitoring System (WMS) includes several sensors Temperature Sensors,
Humidity Sensors and Barometric sensors. A Scheduler component is connected to
the sensors and triggers the readings of the values of the sensors. Report Manager
collects the data received from sensors and on request provides a Report. The Report
is displayed on Screen by Screen Manager. Finally, History Tracker keeps a log of the
historical data provided by Report Manager. The architecture of WMS is as shown in
Figure 1.8.

Figure 1.8: IoT Based Architecture of Weather Monitoring System



a) Briefly explain the various applications of IoT in Environment.

b) Briefly explain IoT based Weather Monitoring System.
The pyranometer measures solar radiation available at the project site. The irradiance
measured by the pyranometer is an indicator of the solar energy available for
generation. Generally, a minimum of two pyranometers are used in every project,
first is installed at a horizontal level to measure Global Horizontal Irradiance and the
second at an inclination, the same as the solar panel inclination for the measurement
of Global Tilt Irradiance. The ground-mounted, also called Utility-scale solar power
plants use a thermopile based secondary standard pyranometer for
accurate measurement.
Module Temperature
The energy output from a solar panel depends on its temperature. Therefore, the
measurement of module temperature is important for the estimation of the plant
performance ratio. The module temperature is measured at multiple locations in the
plants, typically at every block level or more.
Wind Speed and Wind Direction
The wind data is very critical for the wind farms because the energy output is
dependent on the wind speed. The wind at the solar project site affects the temperature
of the solar modules which in turn affects the energy output. Therefore wind data is
useful for solar as well as wind energy plants.
Air Temperature & Humidity
The ambient temperature and humidity affect the heating of the solar panel and thus
affects the energy generation. In wind farms, the heating of the wind turbines is
dependent on the ambient conditions. Hence this data is important for
renewable energy plants.
Barometric Pressure
The barometric sensor is used to measure the atmospheric pressure at the location of
the solar and wind energy plant.
Rain Gauge
The rain gauge measures the rainfall at the project site. The rainfall data helps in
better estimation of the annual energy generation. This data is also sometimes used for
the insurance of the power plant.
Cloud Cover Sensor
The cloud cover sensor measures the cloud height and cloud base. The presence of the
cloud at a solar project site adversely affects the energy generation. The cloud cover
data helps in the better estimation of energy generation. There are different types of
cloud cover sensors available for use in solar power plants.
Soiling Station
Solar panel's energy output reduces because of the accumulation of the dust on the
panel surface. This loss of energy due to soiling is measured using Soiling Station.
Extreme Weather
Though powerful, advanced systems currently in use allow deep monitoring, they
suffer from using broad instruments, such as radar and satellites, rather than more
granular solutions. Their instruments for smaller details lack the same accurate
targeting of stronger technology.
New IoT advances promise more fine-grained data, better accuracy, and flexibility.
Effective forecasting requires high detail and flexibility in range, instrument type, and
deployment. This allows early detection and early responses to prevent loss of life and
Weather Reporting Bot
Weather forecasting is an application/technology which will predict the condition of
an atmosphere for a given location and time. It is important to track the weather report
daily convenience. There is some third-party application available for mobile
application to track the weather forecast. But it would be better if those applications
are wrapped in some messenger platform.
This Weather bot will help us look for the weather report to get the Current and
Forecast weather details of a location.
It will provide the following details of the location which are provided.
 Current Temperature
 Max/Min Temperature
 Humidity
 Wind Speed
Open the Weather Bot and start a chat with the Bot to get the Current or Forecast
weather details. Weather Bot will be able to provide the following
 Current Weather Report with respect to the Map Location
 Current Weather Report with respect to the City
 Forecast Weather Report with respect to the Map Location
 Forecast Weather Report with respect to the City
Forest Fire Detection
Forest fires (wildfires) are common hazards in forests, particularly in remote or
unmanaged areas. It is possible to detect forest fires, elevated CO2, and temperature
levels using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. You can deploy IoT, satellite and solar
sensors in remote areas without the need for internet, cellular/mobile or mains power.
When forest fires burn, they emit large volumes of carbon dioxide gas (CO2); you can
use a network of IoT CO2 and temperature sensors for forest fire detection. IoT
sensors can operate alongside satellite and optical detection systems or form a
standalone network of sensors near key strategic assets.
Existing detection methods such as satellite and optical systems can cover large areas;
satellite systems identify infrared signatures, while optical systems look for smoke
plumes. Despite using these systems, CO2 and temperature IoT sensors can offer an
inexpensive alternative to help detect forest fires.
Remote IoT Sensor Networks
CO2 and temperature IoT sensors are battery and solar-powered, using a combination
of LoRaWAN and satellite communications to provide coverage even in remote areas.
A LoRaWAN gateway can provide network coverage for up to 15KM outdoors, while
satellite backhaul ensures traffic can be sent back to your monitoring system without
requiring mobile or internet coverage.


a) Enumerate a few sensors used in the Weather Monitoring System.

b) Explain “Forest Fire Detection”.
In this unit, we will be discussing about Internet of Things and its applications.
Internet of things means nothing but linking all the devices, vehicles, home appliances,
wearable devices, smartphones with internet through mobile app to get and pass the
data/information seamlessly. Internet of things plays a big role in smart cities
applications. Smart Cities are building in India and even everywhere in the world.
There is a big opportunity for IoT and its applications in implementation in the smart
cities. Various IoT technology applications like IoT Healthcare, IoT Home and IoT
Environment have been discussed in this unit.

IoT :
The Internet of Things means taking all the things in the world and connecting them
to the internet. Internet of Things (IoT) is a computing concept that describes the idea
of everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to identify
themselves to other devices and send and receive data.
A Weather Monitoring System (WMS) includes several sensors Temperature Sensors,
Humidity Sensors and Barometric sensors etc;.
Wearables sold at consumer electronics stores come with a sensor and Internet
connection. Some of them (like iWatch Series 4) can even monitor the patient’s heart
rate, control diabetes, help in speech treatment, aid in improving posture, and detect
Home Automation:
The concept of Home Automation aims to bring the control of operating your
everyday home electrical appliances to the tip of finger, thus giving user affordable
lighting solutions, better energy conservation with optimum use of energy. Apart from
just lighting solutions, the concept also further extends to have an overall control over
your home security as well as to build a centralised home entertainment system and
much more. The Internet of Things (IoT) based Home Automation system, aims to
control all the devices of a smart home through internet protocols or cloud based


1. Internet of Things: A hands on Approach: Authors: Arshdeep Bahga
and Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press, Hyderabad
2. Internet of Things: Author: Jeeva Jose, Khanna Publishing, New Delhi
3. New Age Technology and Industrial Revolution 4.0: Author: Narendra
Jadhav, Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd, NewDelhi
4. The Smart City Transformations: Authors: Amitabh Satyam and Igor
Calzada, Bloomsbury Publishers, New Delhi
5. Smart Cities: Author: Dr.Sameer Sharma, Bloomsbury Publishers, New
6. Smart Cities and Urban Development in India: Author: N.Mani, New
Century Publications, New Delhi
7. Introduction to Smart Cities: Author: P.P.Anil Kumar, Pearson
Publishers, Noida
8. Building Smart Cities: Author: Carol L.Stimmel, CRC Press Taylor &
Francis Group, New Yark
9. India Automated: Author: Pranjal Sharma, Macmillan Publishers,
10. Big Data Analytics for Connected Vehicles and Smart Cities: Author:
BoB McQueen, Artech House, Bostan

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