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Cristina Armijo

Writing 7
Time Writing #4 corrected
In what Aspects has Technology Changed Our Lives?

Technology might have completely changed our lives. The life we used to live 30

years ago could not be the same as we live now. Many people state that technology

has brought us many benefits by making our lives easier while others argue that it

has brought us lots of negative effects by making people lazy. One benefit that has

come out of this new technology is better communication, and one drawback is a

lack of sleep.

Currently, technology has helped many people to have better communication.

Millions of people around the world can communicate with each other no matter their

distance. This is an amazing benefit that our society has. For example, I remember

15 years ago my family and I traveled to a town while my friends and cousins stayed

in the city. It was hard to communicate with each other, and we were not the type of

people who sent letters. With the use of technology, we are always connected to

each other by using our cell phones. We can talk regardless of where we are,

whether it is in a different city, town, or country.

Despite the benefits we have with technology, there may be always a negative

effect, and one that technology has made is lack of sleep. This drawback could be

the main reason why many people cannot improve their healthy habits because

while we are trying to sleep, we are using technology such as computers, tablets, or

cell phones. Using cell phones, for example, we are navigating through social media

and spending many hours on it without even noticing how much time we have spent
watching it, which may result in bad habits. Some evidence suggests that this leads

us to feel tiredness, stress, and fatigue. That is why using this technology causes us

to lack sleep, especially at night, which we are going to regret the next morning when

we feel tired or stressed.

In conclusion, Either giving us better communication or making us lack sleep, this

technology could make our lives easier but at the same time can deteriorate our

good habits. We should try to find a balance to enjoy the benefits and avoid the

drawbacks of this technology.

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