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Elementary English (ENG001)

Fall 2021
Assignment No. 1
Total Marks: 20
Lessons: 6-9

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Q1. A dictionary provides different kinds of information and can be used to develop skills
with different factors given below:
Alphabetical Order, Guide words, Pronunciation, Syllabication, Derivation, Etymology,
Synonyms, Antonyms

Different statements are given below. Read them carefully and put the appropriate option
in front of them from the options given above. For example; wither, fade: Antonyms
(2*5=10 Marks)

1. Ca-pa-ci-ty or Ca/pa/ci/ty : Syllabication

2. Abacus, Backyard, Cantonment, Declivity : Alphabetical Order,

3. Cappuccino: it’s the diminutive form of the word cappuccio, which means “hood” in
Italian: Etymology

4. When the affix –er is added to a verb as in the word ‘cooker’.

cook + er = cooker : Derivation

5. Pretty, Attractive : Synonyms

Q2. Dictionary mysteries are anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or
unknown like the mysteries of nature. Keeping in mind the hidden mysteries of a
dictionary answer the following questions by using the dictionary.

(2*5=10 Marks)
Use your dictionary to answer the questions.

1. A zither is a musical instrument. Would you pluck it or blow into it?

2. Is an impala a mammal, bird, insect, or fish?

3. On what part of your body would you wear galoshes?

4. What color is an emerald?

5. How are an emu and a grouse alike?



Zither, any stringed musical instrument whose strings are the same length as its soundboard. The
European zither consists of a flat, shallow sound box across which some 30 or 40 gut or metal
strings are stretched.

A mammal because it is a vertebrate animal that have furs and giving milk to thier Youngs.

Your feet. Galoshes are a rubber boat, typically worn over other shoes to both protect the shoe
and keep your feet from getting wet.

The ideal color of emerald green is a slightly bluish, vivid green.

They're both birds.

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