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Nama :
Kelas :
No. Absen :

A. Ubahlah Kata Didalam Kurung Menjadi Simple Past

1. My sister and her husband (come) from Greece yesterday
2. I (not like) the movie we watched last night
3. Many years ago it (be) very difficult to live without electricity
4. Last year, they (not buy) a house at the seaside
5. She (have) a wonderful holiday with her family last July
6. They (not finish) her homework yesterday
7. I (meet) him at the movie last night
8. My brother and his friends (be) happy at the party last night
9. We (go) to Spain by plane last month
10. They (not get) a good mark on the last test

B. Pilihlah Jawaban yang Paling Tepat

1. She … to my birthday party yesterday
a. Comes b. came c. coming d. come
2. We … math quiz last week
a. Have b. did c. do d. are
3. She … sad last night
a. Were b. was c. is d. do
4. They … many photographs when they were in a holiday
a. Takes b. took c. did take d. taking
5. I … sad when my best friend left me yesterday
a. Am sad b. were c. was d. be
6. My brother … a new motorcycle two week ago
a. Has b. had c. have d. having
7. Ms. Yoana … here yesterday
a. Is b. are c. was d. were
8. Nanda … pass the test of University Enrollment last year
a. Didn’t b. did c. does d. don’t
9. Yoga … his car three days ago
a. Sell b. selling c. sells d. sold
10. We didn’t … with his plan
a. To agree b. agreeing c. agreed d. agree

C. Ubahlah Kalimat Berikut Menjadi Kalimat Negatif

1. The teacher taught us to plant tree
2. We were close friends at that time
3. My sister could come to your house last night
4. They were tired after running 5 km
5. My mother breastfed me for two years.
Last year I joined the Chicago Marathon, my first marathon contest. I had to run
26,2 miles to complete it. It was hard.
At first, I just wanted to get the experience of joining a marathon. I thought it would
be one life time experience. After finishing it, I changed my mind. I wanted to join
another one. I was interested to complete at least one more marathon and improve my
time. I also experienced a good feeling between participants and spectators that made
me happy. It was a very wonderful thing for me. So, I decided that I had to join another
marathon the following year.

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