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Eating Habits / Eating Disorders

Different people eat in different ways because of culture, surroundings, and personal
choices. But some folks can develop eating problems like anorexia or bulimia, where they act
strangely around food due to mental factors. Helping with these issues involves using medical,
food-related, and psychological approaches to support individuals in forming healthy and lasting
connections with food.

Sleep Management

Sleep management means having a routine for bedtime, making your sleep area comfy, and
doing things that help you relax before sleeping. Stick to a regular sleep schedule, avoid
screens at night, and don't have caffeine in the evening to sleep better. To sleep better, try to
have a regular routine for bedtime and make your sleep space cozy and relaxing.

Vices / Malpractices

Vices or malpractices can include behaviors that go against the principles of fair play,
sportsmanship, and safety. This may involve cheating, bullying, or showing disrespect to
teammates, opponents, or instructors. Additionally, neglecting safety guidelines, not following
rules, or engaging in harmful activities can be considered malpractices in the context of PE.

Stress Management

Stress management involves adopting strategies to cope with and reduce stress in daily life.
These strategies may include activities like deep breathing, exercise, or meditation to help relax
the body and mind. Creating a balanced routine, setting realistic goals, and seeking support
from friends, family, or professionals are also important aspects of stress management.
Developing healthy coping mechanisms and recognizing the signs of stress can contribute to
overall well-being and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Physical Activities

Physical activities refer to any bodily movements that engage muscles and require energy
expenditure. These activities can range from simple actions like walking and stretching to more
vigorous exercises such as running, swimming, or playing sports. Engaging in regular physical
activities contributes to overall health by improving cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength,
flexibility, and promoting mental well-being. It is essential to find activities that one enjoys to
make physical exercise a sustainable and enjoyable part of a healthy lifestyle.

My BMI calculation was underweight.

Muscle Strength / Endurance

I needed to improve on a lot of physical fitness tests, mostly on muscle
strength/endurance. I’m not really good at strength activities such as push ups, or
enduring more in physical activities, maybe doing more of this fitness might help
me be better in this.

My flexibility is good

I needed to improve more in balance area, I needed to strengthen my cores to
prolong my balance fitnesses and to also strengthen some of my muscles, most
of the exercises are connected to balance so I needed to improve it so I can
improve on some exercises

My coordination needs a bit of improvement as I tend to get low scores in these
exercises, coordination is needed mostly on dances or doing activities such as
juggling. Improving my coordination by practicing will improve my skills in these
exercises and it might as well improve my motor skills.

My Reaction Time was good

My Speed was good


Eating Habits / Eating Disorders

For a healthier lifestyle, consider choosing more fruits and vegetables in your meals to
provide your body with the right kind of energy. Cutting back on sugary snacks and opting for
nutritious options can make a noticeable difference in how you feel during physical activities. By
making these simple changes, you'll likely find yourself with more stamina and an overall
improved sense of well-being.

Sleep Management

To improve your sleep, try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to create
a consistent routine. Make your sleep space comfortable by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet,
which can help you relax better. Avoid using screens before bedtime, and consider doing
calming activities like reading to signal to your body that it's time to wind down for a good night's

Vices / Malpractices

Focus on promoting fair play and respect in your interactions, creating a positive atmosphere
for everyone. By distancing yourself from harmful practices, you're not only fostering a healthier
mindset but also contributing to a better community for physical activities. Embrace positive
values, and you'll find that your overall experience in various aspects of life, including engaging
in sports or fitness, becomes more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Stress Management

To handle stress better, consider incorporating activities like deep breathing or taking short
walks during the day to help clear your mind. Create a routine that includes moments of
relaxation, such as listening to music or practicing simple exercises, which can contribute to
your overall well-being. By focusing on positive coping mechanisms, you'll likely find that your
ability to manage stress improves, allowing you to approach physical activities with a more
relaxed and confident mindset.

Physical Activities

Make physical activities a regular part of your routine by finding something you enjoy, whether
it's walking, dancing, or playing a sport. Choosing activities you like makes it easier to stick with
them and helps keep you active. When you incorporate enjoyable exercises into your daily life,
you'll likely notice improved energy levels and a positive impact on your overall health.


>> To be healthy and to gain some fat.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Upper Body Low Impact HIIT Toned Arms Steady State

Strength Circuit Cardio

Friday Saturday Sunday —

Low Impact HIIT Rest Rest —

1 day Upper Body Strength

1 day Steady State Cardio
2 days Low Impact HIIT
1 day Toned Arms Circuit
2 days Rest




Submitted to


December 5, 2023

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