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Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Chapter 1 Simultaneous Linear Equations

Name: _____________________________ ( ) Class: ____________ Date: ____________

(1) What are Simultaneous Linear Equations?

• They are a set of equations where unknowns are shared.
• For two unknowns, e.g. x and y, there must be two equations.
• Solution is a pair of values x and y that satisfy both equations simultaneously.
• This solution is unique.  (only one pair of values)
• Solution is the coordinates of the point of intersection of the graphs of the simultaneous


Intersection point

(2) Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations

Three methods available,

1. Graphical method

2. Elimination method

3. Substitution method

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Graphical Method
Objective: To be able to solve simultaneous equations using the graphical method.

Steps to finding the solutions:

• Find the table of values
• Draw the two straight lines.
• Solution of the equations = the point of where the two lines cut each other. (x, y)

1. The tables below show you some coordinates of the points on the lines y = 2 x and y = − x + 2 .

x 0 1 2
y = 2x a 2 4

x 0 1 2
y = −x + 2 2 b 0

(a) Calculate the values of a and b.

(b) In the graph paper given below, plot the points given and draw the lines y = 2 x and y = − x + 2
(c) Use your graph to solve the simultaneous equations
y = 2x
y = −x + 2

–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x





Answer: x = ………………… , y = ……………………..

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

2. (a) Complete the following table for the equation y = 3 − x.

x 0 1 2 3 4
y 3 2 1

(b) Draw the straight line y = 3 − x on the graph provided below.

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4


(c) Draw the straight line y = 2 on the same diagram.

(d) Write down the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines.

Answer: (d) ( ………… , ………….. )

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

(a) Complete the following table for the equation y = 4 − x.

x 0 4 8
y 2

(b) Draw the straight line y = 4 − x on the diagram provided.

(c) Write down the y-intercept.  (the value of y at the point where the line crosses the y axis.)

Answer: (c) y = ………………………..

(d) Draw a straight line y = 3 on the same diagram.

(e) Write down the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of the two lines.

Answer: (e) ( ………… , ………….. )

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

(a) Complete the following tables.

y = −2 x + 4
x 1 3 5
y 2 −2

2 x − y = 12
x 3 4 5
y −6 −2

(b) Draw the 2 graphs on the grid given below.

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 x






(c) Hence, solve the simultaneous equations y = −2 x + 4 and 2 x − y = 12 .

1(c) x = 0.65 to 0.75, y = 1.25 to 1.35 3.(a) 4, 0 (c) 4 (e) (2, 3)

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Elimination Method (Part 1) - Basic

Objective: To be able to solve simultaneous equations using the elimination method.

(i) Add or subtract the equations to get rid of one unknown variable first.
(ii) Must  Ensure the coefficients of ONE of the unknowns are the same.
(iii) Signs are DIFFERENT  ADD the equations.
(iv) Signs are SAME  SUBTRACT the equations.

Example 1

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

3a − b = 9 x + 3 y = 13
(a) (b)
2a + b = 11 2x + 3y = 9

Solution Look at coefficient of Look at coefficient of

unknown b. unknown y.
(a) (b)

Answer: a = ……… , b = …….… Answer: x = ……… , y = ………

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Class Practice 1
Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

x + y = 13 4m + n = 17
(a) (b)
x− y=5 2m + n = 11


(a) (b)

Answer: x = ……… , y = …….… Answer: m = ……… , n = ………

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

2x + y = 9 5 x + 2 y = 18
(c) (d)
2 x − 3 y = 29 6 x − 2 y = 26


(c) (d)

Answer: x = ……… , y = …….… Answer: x = ……… , y = …….…

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

3 x − 5 y = −3 4 x + 3 y = −10
(e) (f)
2x − 5 y = 3 5x − 3 y = 1


(e) (f)

Answer: x = ……… , y = …….… Answer: x = ……… , y = …….…

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method. Hint: Rearrange the terms

3x − 2 y = 5 5 x + 7 y = 17
(g) (h)
2 y − 5x = 9 7 y + 3x = 27


(g) (h)

Answer: x = ……… , y = …….… Answer: x = ……… , y = …….…

Answers: Class Practice 1

(a) x = 9, y = 4 (b) x = 3, y = 5 (c) x = 7, y = -5 (d) x = 4, y = -1
(e) x = -6, y = -3 (f) x = -1, y = -2 (g) x = -7, y = -13 (h) x = -5, y = 6

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School

Elimination Method (Part 2) - Intermediate

(i) Add or subtract the equations to get rid of one unknown variable first.
(ii) Must  Ensure the coefficients of ONE of the unknowns are the same.
(iii) Signs are DIFFERENT  ADD the equations.
(iv) Signs are SAME  SUBTRACT the equations.

Example 2

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

3x − 2 y = 14 5 p − 2q = 19
(a) (b)
x+ y =8 2 p − 3q = −10


(a) (b)

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: p = ……… , q = ………

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School

Class Practice 2
Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

m+n=4 3x + 5 y = 1
(a) (b)
3m + 2n = 11 4x + 7 y = 2


(a) (b)

Answer: m = ……… , n = ……… Answer: x = ……… , y = ………

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

2 p − 3q = 7 4x − 5 y = 7
(c) (d)
3 p + 4q = 19 − 5x + 3 y = 1


(c) (d)

Answer: p = ……… , q = ……… Answer: x = ……… , y = ………

Answers: (c) 𝑝𝑝 = 5, 𝑞𝑞 = 1 (d) 𝑥𝑥 = −2, 𝑦𝑦 = −3

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School
Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by elimination method.

24 x − 8 y = −4 5a − 9b = 32
(e) (f)
12 x − 10 y = 7 3a − 8b = 27


(e) (f)

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: a = ……… , b = ………

Answers: Class Practice 2
(a) m = 3, n = 1 (b) x = -3, y = 2 (c) p = 5, q = 1
(d) x = -2, y = -3 (e) x =− 3 , y = -1.5 (f) a = 1, b = -3

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School

Substitution Method
Objective: To be able to solve simultaneous equations using the substitution method.

(i) Choose one equation.

(ii) Make x OR y the subject of the formula.

(iii) Label the new equation.
(iv) Do proper substitution and solve for the answer.

Example 3

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by substitution method.

y = x+3 x + 3y = 8
(a) (b)
2 x + y = 15 2 x + 5 y = 13


(a) (b)

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: x = ……… , y = ………

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School

Class Practice 3
Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by substitution method.

x + 2 y = 12 a + 3b = 19
(a) (b)
3x + y = 1 4a + 3b = 49


(a) (b)

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: a = ……… , b = ……….

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School
Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by substitution method.

2x − y = 1 2x − 3y + 7 = 0
(c) (d)
2 x + y = −13 3x + y + 5 = 0


(c) (d)

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: x = ……… , y = ……….

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang Secondary School

Let’s Discuss
Using the same pair of simultaneous equations, let’s try to solve them using the 2 different methods.

3 x + 7 y = 13
5 x + 2 y = 12

(e) Solve by substitution method. (f) Solve by elimination method.

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: x = ……… , y = ………

Which method do you prefer to solve this pair of simultaneous equations?

In which situation do you think elimination is preferred over substitution method?

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Class Practice 4
Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by using either the elimination or the
substitution method.

5 x − 9 y = 17 10 x + y = 5
(g) (h)
3x − 8 y = 5 14 x + 2 y = 1


(g) (h)

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: x = ……… , y = ……….

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Solve the following pairs of simultaneous equations by using either the elimination or the
substitution method.

x+ y x y
=3 + = 4
*(i) 3 *(j) 3 2
3x + y 2x y
=1 − = 1
5 3 6


(i) (j)

Answer: x = ……… , y = ……… Answer: x = ……… , y = ……….

(a) x = −2, y = 7 (b) a = 10, b = 3 (c) x = −3, y = −7 (d) x = −2, y = 1 (e) x = 2, y = 1
(f) x = 2, y = 1 (g) x = 7, y = 2 (h) x = , y = −10 (i) x = −2, y = 11 (j) x = 3, y = 6
Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Word Problems

Objective: To be able to solve word problems using simultaneous equations

Example 1

A bottle of apple juice costs $x and a bottle of orange juice costs $y.

(a) David bought 3 bottles of apple juice and 6 bottles of orange juice.
The total cost was $33.
Write down one equation in x and y.
(b) Jeremy bought 2 bottles of apple juice and 1 bottle of orange juice.
The total cost is $10.
Write down another equation in x and y.
(c) Solve the simultaneous equations to find
the cost of a bottle of apple juice and
the cost of a bottle of orange juice.


Answer: Cost of apple juice = $.........................................

Cost of orange juice = $.........................................

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

Class Practice 4

1. A 2x + y B

4x + 5y – 7 x+y

D 3x + 5y + 3 C

In the diagram, ABCD is a rectangle. Given that AB = (2x + y) cm, BC = (x + y) cm,

CD = (3x + 5y + 3) cm and AD = (4x + 5y – 7) cm.
(a) Form two equations involving x and y.
(b) Find the values of x and y.
(c) Calculate the area of rectangle ABCD.


Answer: (b) x = ........................................

y = .......................................
(c) ................................. cm2
Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

2. 6 stools and 4 chairs cost $58 but 5 stools and 2 chairs cost $35. Find the cost of each stool and
each chair.

Solution: Let the cost of each stool be _______.

Let the cost of each chair be _______.

Answer: Cost of each stool = $.........................................

Cost of each chair = $.........................................

3. A belt and a wallet cost $42 while 7 belts and 4 wallets cost $213. Calculate the cost of each

Answer: Cost of each belt = $.........................................

Cost of each wallet = $.........................................

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School
4. The sum of the ages of both Sam and Joel is 40. Five years ago, Sam was twice as old as Joel.
(i) If Sam’s age is a years, write down an algebraic expression for Sam’s age five years ago.
(ii) If Joel’s age is b years, write down an algebraic expression for Joel’s age five years ago.
(iii) Write down an algebraic equation to show the relationship between Sam and Joel’s ages five
years ago.
(iv) Write down an algebraic equation to show the relationship between Sam and Joel’s present
(v) Solve the 2 simultaneous equations in (iii) and (iv) to determine Sam and Joel’s present ages.

Answer: (i) Sam ........................................

(ii) Joel .......................................
(iii) .......................................
(iv) .......................................
(v) Sam .......................................
Joel .......................................
Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School
5. One year ago, a man was seven times as old as his daughter. In six years’ time, he will be four times
as old as his daughter. Given that the man’s present age is m and his daughter’s present age is d,
(a) form two equations involving m and d,
(b) solve these equations to find their present ages.

Answer: Man’s present age.........................................

Daughter’s present age.........................................

6. A farmer rears x ducks and y horses. If the total number of ducks and horses in the farm is 71 and the
total number of legs is 180,
(a) Form two simultaneous equations in x and y.
(b) Solve the equations to find the number of ducks and horses the farmer rears respectively.

Answer: Number of ducks = .........................................

Number of horses =.........................................

Sec 2E Mathematics Loyang View Secondary School

7. A cyclist was traveling between two towns.

(i) If he traveled for 3 hours at x km/h and then 2 hours at y km/h, he would have covered a
distance of 53 km. Write down an equation connecting x and y.
(ii) If he traveled for 4 hours at x km/h and then 5 hours at y km/h, he would have covered a
distance of 94 km. Write down another equation connecting x and y.
(iii) Hence find the values of x and y.

Answer: (i) \ ........................................

(ii) .......................................
(iv) x = .......................................
y = .......................................
[Answer Key]
1. (b) x = 5, y = –2 (c) 24 cm2
2. Stool $3, Chair $10 3. Belt $25, Wallet $27
4. (i) (a – 5) years old (ii) (b – 5) years old (iii) a – 2b = – 5 (iv) a + b = 40
(v) Sam is 25 years old and Joel is 15 years old
5. (a) m − 1 = 7(d − 1);3 + 6 = 4(d + 6) (b) man = 50 years old, daughter = 8 years old
6. (a) x + y = 71, 2 x + 4 y = 180 (b) 52 ducks, 19 horses
7. (i) 3 x + 2 y = 53 (ii) 4 x + 5 y = 94 (iii) x = 11, y = 10

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