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Performance Task

Community, Engagement, Solidarity
and Citizenship

Submitted by: Sam Allen Manzo

Submitted to: Jean Panganoron
Middle Class

As I have noticed in the middle class neighborhood, they maintain cleanliness of

their own property, their neighborhood is peaceful, and seldom see people going
outside of their homes. Middle class posses bigger lot space compared to the lower
class. Those in the middle class often are employed as professionals, managers,
and civil servants, and most of them have stable jobs.

Lower Class

As I have noticed in the lower class neighborhood, their neighborhood is crowded,

and lack space to sustain the population. In this lower class neighborhood they don’t
have proper drainage to maintain cleanliness of the area, unlike to the middle class
and, some often don’t have stable jobs, and those with jobs earn just about minimum
wage some even below that.

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