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Questions from 1- 20 carry 2 marks each

1. Work out: 406 x 3 2. John had 34 cows and his mother gave
him more 16 cows. How many cows did
he have altogether?

3. Round off 205 to the nearest 4. What is the square of 5?


5. Find the next number in the 6. Convert 74 metres to centimetres.

sequence below.

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ……………

7. Find the value of m. 8. Draw a square and show all its lines of
3m + 9 = 26
9. Work out: -6 + -3. 10. What is the place value of 8 in the
number 908,642?

11. Given that W = {p,r,a,c,t,i,s,e} and 12. Tom scored the following marks in the
weekly tests. Use them to answer the
Y = {p,l,a,s,t,i,c}. Draw a Venn
question that follows. 89,80,98 and 89.
diagram and represent the above
information. What was Tom’s modal mark?

13. Simplify: ¼ of 24 x 6 -13 + 6 14. Find the supplement of 114°.

15 Mr. Mondo was born in 1960. Write 16. Work out: ⅜ + ⅔.
. the year in which Mr. Mondo was
born in Roman numerals.

17 Alex, Allen and Annet, shared 18. Calculate the area of the figure
. shs.27,000 equally. How much did below.
each get?
12m 10m


19 Simplify: 7n + 8m – 3n – 2m. 20. What is ⅝ of 16,000kg of sugar?

Marks for questions from 21 to 32 are indicated in the brackets.

21. In a class of 30 pupils, 20 play 22 Given that; d =6, h =4 and k =½

volleyball (V), 15 play Football (F),
a) Find d + h x k. (2marks)
x play both Volleyball and Football
and 2 do not play any of the two

a) Draw a venn diagram and

represent the above information.
b) What is k of 36? (2marks)

c) Work out: dh ÷ k. (1mark)

b. Find the number of pupils who

play both games. (3marks)
23a. Study the figure below and answer the
questions that follow.


a) Find the area of the figure above.

b. Work out the perimeter of the figure
above. (2marks)

b. If she had shs.40,000 , what was her

change? (2marks)

24. Angel went to the supermarket and

bought the following items.
25a. Draw and represent 4,502 on the
2 kg of rice at shs.3,200 per kg abacus. (1mark)
500 g of salt at sh.14,00 per kg

A dozen of books at shs.17,500

1½ kg of meat at shs.8,000 per kg

b. Find the place value of 5 in the
a) How much did she spend altogether? number above. (1mark)
c. Work out the value of 4 in the 27.
number above. (1mark)
26a. James ate ⅝ of his sugarcane in the The table below shows the number of
morning and ate ¼ in the evening. pupils in six different Primary schools.
What fraction of the sugarcane did Study it carefully and answer the
James eat? (3marks) questions that follow.

Schools Number of
School A 18
School B 24
School C 36
School D 18
School E 10
School F 12
a) Which school has the highest
number of pupils? (1mark)

b. What fraction of the sugarcane

remained? (2marks)
b) Which two schools have the same
number of pupils? (1mark)

c) How many more pupils do school C

has than school F? (2marks)
28a Musa bought a bicycle at 29. Given the digits; 4, 6, 1 and 7.
. shs.180,000 and sold it at
a. Form the biggest and the smallest
shs.165,000. Calculate his loss?
number from the digits above.

b. Find the difference between the

biggest number and the smallest
number. (2marks)
b. Anitah spent ⅔ of her salary on
food. If her salary was shs.27,000.
How much did she spend on food?

Solve for w: 5w + 6 = 21. (2marks)

b. One of the complementary angles is 32. Use a pair of compasses, pencil, and a
36°. What is the second angle? ruler to construct a rectangle with a
(2marks) length of 6m and width 4cm. (4marks)

A motorist used 4 hours to cover the
distance of 240KM. What was his
speed? (2marks)

b. Change 420 minutes to hours.


Efforts Never Die.


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