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Roselle M.

Altar February 24, 2023

BS Agriculture- Crop Science 3201 Agrin311-Community-Based

Title: Farm Modernazation in Masaguitsit Lobo Batangas

 Trainings;
 Hydroponics
 Vertical Farming
 Poultry
 Fishery
 Mushroom Production
 Crop planting in the approach of hydroponics and vertical farming.
 Crop harvesting from the hydroponics and vertical farming.
 Harvesting Mushrooms
 Fishing
 Egg collection

Objectives/Goal: The main objective of this project is to teach the citezen to farm in a modern
way. They will be assist by the LGU of Masaguitsit Lobo Batangas. Additional to this the citizen
also, will understand the benefit of agriculture production in the economics of their
Barangay/Municipality by conducting a backyard hydroponics and Vertical Farming.


From time to time the approaches of the farming system is continually changing, from cultural
way into modernized approach such as using technologies to lessen the man power as well to
yield more than its usual regarding in farming.

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