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Three facts about the Graying Population 

consider global facts and in United States facts.

First, there is no such fact as a "typical" elderly person when it comes to health.

In contrast to chronological age, biological age has only a tenuous relationship to the passing of

time. There are people who are 80 years old who have the mental and physical abilities of many

people 20 years younger. Some people's physical and mental abilities begin to decrease at even

younger ages.

The second fact: health in old age is not haphazard

Some differences in health status among the elderly can be traced back to inherited traits, but the

vast majority can be attributed to environmental factors including access to resources and social

support. It's important to note that these elements begin to impact aging in childhood. What this

means is that a person of a disadvantaged age is doubly at risk for ill health: they are less likely

to receive the resources and care they may require, and they are more likely to experience poor

health themselves.

The prevalence of ageism may now exceed that of sexism and racism, which is a fact 3.

Negative effects on older persons and on society at large are a direct result of ageism. Age

discrimination can be manifested in a variety of ways, from overt prejudice to subtle forms of

bias including biased hiring practices or even institutionalized policy. The quality of health and

social care provided to the elderly can be greatly diminished, and it can also impede the creation

of effective policies.

Three facts about Life Expectancy consider global facts and United States facts.

From 1980 to 2019, U.S. and peer country life expectancy increased. After 2014, overdose

deaths drove life expectancy down to 78.9 years, although it rose to 78.8 years in 2018 and 2019.

Life expectancy rose in all similar nations from 2018 to 2019.

COVID-19 lowered birth expectancy in most peer nations in 2020. Australia and Japan increased

life expectancy in 2020. These two countries had the lowest COVID-19 mortality in 2020 due to

their infection management.

In 2020, comparable nations had an average birth life expectancy of 82.1 years, down 0.5 years

from 2019. According to the CDC, U.S. life expectancy at birth dropped to 77 years in 2020

from 78.8 years in 2019. In 2020, the U.S.'s birth life expectancy gap widened.

Period life expectancy estimates are based on 2020 excess mortality. Period life expectancy at

birth represents the hypothetical cohort's mortality experience if current conditions persisted into

the future. In July 2021, the CDC stated that if excess mortality in 2021 remains below 2020

levels, life expectancy may increase slightly but will likely remain below pre-pandemic rates.

What are three health concerns during the period of Late Adulthood. Explain and provide


The evidence indicates that the percentage of healthy years of life has stayed rather stable,

suggesting that the extra years are spent in poor health. If people can experience these extra years

of life in good health and if they live in a supportive environment, their ability to do the things

they value will be little different from that of a younger person. The implications for both

individuals and society as a whole become more dire if the majority of those extra years are

spent experiencing impairments in physical and mental capacity.

Some differences in health status among the elderly can be attributed to innate factors, but the

vast majority can be traced back to factors such as location (such as the quality of a person's

home or neighborhood) and social group (such as their sex, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status),
as well as individual (physical) characteristics. When a person's early life experiences are

factored in with their inherent traits and disposition, the sum of these factors has a profound

impact on how that person ages.

Opportunities, decisions, and health-related behaviors can all be influenced by the physical and

social settings. Reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases, boosting physical and mental

capacity, and postponing care dependency are all benefits of maintaining healthy behaviors

throughout life, including eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and

refraining from tobacco use.

It is possible for people to continue to pursue their values, even when they experience declines in

ability, when they are surrounded by people and places that provide encouragement and

assistance. Public transportation and buildings that are easy to navigate on foot are two examples

of what we mean by "friendly settings." It is crucial to take into account both human and

environmental strategies that reduce the negative effects of aging and those that may promote

recovery, adaptation, and psychological development when formulating a public-health response

to aging.

Choose one of the following abnormal memory loss conditions and discuss with three facts,

include an example ( Alzheimer’s disease, delirium, and dementia)

( Alzheimer’s disease)

Memory loss and trouble with other higher-order cognitive processes like problem solving or

language use are hallmarks of the dementia syndrome. Brain injury, most notably from

Alzheimer's disease, is a leading cause of dementia.

Physical damage to the brain is the root cause of Alzheimer's disease. As the first person to

describe it, Dr. Alois Alzheimer has earned the honor of having his name attached to this disease.

Alzheimer's disease's root causes

There are billions of nerve cells in the brain, all of which are interconnected. These cells' ability

to communicate with one another is diminished by Alzheimer's disease. Since proteins tend to

accumulate and create aberrant structures (plaques and tangles), this is the case. Without a

functioning nervous system, the brain will deteriorate and perish.

Chemical messengers that aid in cell-to-cell communication can also be found in the brain. In

Alzheimer's patients, the levels of certain 'chemical messengers' in the brain are lower than in

healthy individuals, resulting in a disruption in the transmission of signals. Some drugs used to

treat Alzheimer's disease have been shown to increase brain levels of certain chemical

messengers. Some of the symptoms may be relieved by doing this.

The effects of Alzheimer's can worsen with time. This means that additional brain regions suffer

damage with time. As this happens, more symptoms develop, and they also get worse.

More than 520,000 people in the UK have dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease and this

figure is set to rise.

Choose one the following important relationships in Late Adulthood. Include three

important facts about the relationship and offer an example.( Grandparenting, parenting,

friendships, cohabitate, marriage, divorce, widowhood,  LBGTQ+)

Psychologists generally agree on four parenting styles. Childrearing styles effect children

differently. Some parenting techniques may cause low self-esteem, behavioral issues, or poor

social skills. Healthy parenting creates a positive parent-child relationship and well-adjusted

Most aspire to be better parents than their parents. Maybe your parents were overly strict and

you've resolved to offer your kids more freedom and flexibility. It's normal to want to

overschedule your kids if your parents didn't. Many parents struggle to combine authority with

letting their kids explore, learn, and grow.

Understanding parenting styles can help you contextualize your childhood and see how your

parents may still be influencing you today. This information can help you build better

relationships with your kids if you're a parent.


10 facts on ageing and health. (2017, May 1). WHO | World Health



Fox, S. (2022, January 18). How does a parenting style impact us in adulthood? Flourish


How does U.S. life expectancy compare to other countries? (2022, April 8). Peterson-KFF

Health System Tracker.



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