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The Cinema 110467

First of all watching movies is one of my

favourites hobbies since I was a little child.

I like different types and genres of movies,

obviously they changed during the time. When
I was little I only used to watch fantasy movies,
but know I would say that I really appreciate
the Old gangster movies like Scarface,the
godfather,mean street, goodfellas and so on.
We can summarize that I love movies directed
by M scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola.
I adore them for many different reasons, first of
all for the stunning performances of legendary
actors like al pacino and marlon brando,their
iconic lines and dialogues, that nowdays are
part of the pop culture. Also for the complex
plots with many breathtaking twists.
I love also scifi movies like...........

While if i had to pick up a genre that i dont like

i will defenitly chose the romantic one. I hate
this tearful stories, with predictable endings,
and shallow characters.Also for the fact that if
there is someone sick they will find a cure in
the last moment and they will live happily ever.
People were always interested in the 7th art
since it’ s creation in the early years of 20th
century, because it was the first time that
people could see moving and after also talking
images. The cinema itself is a magic
mesmerizing place with many peculiar details
and traditions that you can only find here: the
comfortable red chairs, the sweet scent of hot
pop corn in the room, and last , but not least,
the real star : the big creamy scream that will
bring you in spectacular adventures for a
couple of hours. I think that people love to go
there because is a different way of unwind and
relax yourself, you don’ t think about everyday
problems and you turn back as a child.

I think that this will be a such terrible idea,

because in my opinion creativity and art must
not have limits everyone has the right to do
what he really wants and like.Also putting
everytime an educational message would ruin
the film making it boring and quirky.

This is a neverending question and everyone

has a different opinion. I think that the correct
answer is to firstly enjoy the opera in the way it
was created. If first it was written the book,
then read it first! Many loyal fans are mad and
upset about film adaptations, because in their
opinion it ruined the concept. A crystal clear
example is the Percy Jackson saga where even
the plot was changed for marketing
reasons,unbelivable. But once in a blue moon it
happens that there is an adaptation good as the
book, for example the LOTR trilogy directed by
peter jackson. He changed some parts, but the
Tolkien’s idea and characters are expressed in
the best way.
Another example is Joker by Todd Philipps,
here the poignant interpretation of joaquin
phoenix show this well famous character in a
new dark way.

Unfortunatly nowdays this is a sad truth that

we must accept and , most important, to find a
solution too.
The money question has always been a truoble
for cinema industry since the first blockbusters
of the so called hollywood golden age.
People must realize that bigger budget doesen t
mean a better movie, in some way they can be
considered as antonyms. There are many young
talented directors that made famous low
budget movies, like for example reservoir dogs
or the big lebownski, they are the proof that the
quality has nothing to do with CGI effects.

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