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Name: __Marlon

Semicolon or Comma?
Directions: determine whether the clauses need to be joined with commas or semicolons. Put the
proper punctuation on the blank.

1. The artist preferred to paint in oils, he did not like watercolors.

2. Even when the house looks clean there is usually a bunch of dirt swept under the rug.

3. I’m going to leave early today, unless the boss comes back from the meeting.

4. The computer can perform many calculations at once; however, it cannot reason like a human.

5. In the first place, it was snowing too hard to see the road; in the second place, we had no chains.

6. Italy is my favorite foreign country; in fact, I plan on staying there for three weeks this summer.

7. The challenges are not impossible, but they are very hard to clear.

8. I’m going to do all of my English homework every night because that’s how you get an “A”.

9. If he misses his appointment, he’ll have to wait another six months to see the dentist.

10. There are many negative side effects to smoking, there are no positive side effects from smoking.

Identify and correct any fused sentences. (Run-on sentences) If the sentence is correct put a check
next to it.

1. The severe weather warning did not deter some travelers traffic on I-75 was not as heavy as usual.

2. The sky turned black the rain fell in torrents.

The sky turned black; the rain fell in torrents.

3. Many drivers turned on their flashers because visibility was poor.

4. Since I could no longer see the road, I pulled off at the first exit.

Since I could no longer see the road; I pulled off at the first exit.

5. There was no gas station at the exit I joined the many cars that were pulled off on the side of the road.

6. I was almost out of gas, so I turned off my engine.

7. When the rain slackened, I got back on the interstate I drove to the next exit.

When the rain slackened, I got back on the interstate. I drove to the next exit.

8. I'm glad that I kept driving I later learned that a tornado touched down near where I had been parked.
I’m glad that I kept driving. I later learned that a tornado touched down near where I had been parked

9. It destroyed several homes fortunately no one was hurt.

It destroyed several homes, and fortunately no one was hurt.

10. Now that you have completed questions one through nine, you should check your answers.

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