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Based on the Human mind’s unique characteristics and functions we can classify into three main types:

Sensory Memory:

This memory process the sensory information from our sensory organs such as
eyes,nose,ears ,skin ,tongue . When sensory organ senses something our memory will immediately
stores for a short period in our mind .For example , when we taste Chocolate it stores the information
on the type of taste, or when we see any picture it stores the visual information

Short-term Memory: This memory holds the information for a short duration of time for limited
purpose use . Its capacity is very limited and can retain information for few minutes or second . For
example, When some one dictate his /her phone number to us to store in our phone.

Long-term Memory: Long term memory can store information for life time or longer years and there is
no limitation on its capacity , it can store unlimited information. For example, Experience of our collage

A new brand should have approach to enable its recognition in customer’s mind ,

It has to highlight and form positive relations with products or services in the minds of their target

New Brand should focus on making memorable experiences that can hit the emotions of customers,
which will help them remember their brand for an extended period.

Various approaches,

1. Effective branding,

2. Unique product or service,

3. Excellent customer service,

4. marketing campaigns.

Why we need to have these Approach

Above listed are the methods can act as marketing stimuli causes certain parts of the brain and the
neurons therein to become active and influence our preferences and emotions, it is about the flow of
electrochemical energy in the brain that determines decision in favor of one brand over other brand.

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