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 a. American Political Culture

The Alexis de
Tocqueville Tour
In 1831, Alexis de
Tocqueville and
Gustave de
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Beaumont spent nine
months criss-crossing
the United States in
an attempt to learn 4a. American Political Culture
more about the prison
system. But in the The AMERICAN DREAM. It's the belief
end, they learned a
whole heap about that each American has the freedom
American political to pursue a better life — a nice
culture. Relive their
historic journey at this house, a car or two, and a more
C-SPAN produced
comfortable existence than our
website. Read
modern references to parents.
Tocqueville from
today's leaders, read This freedom has fueled incredible
excerpts from
Democracy in "RAGS TO RICHES" stories, such as
America, learn more
Presidents starting out in log cabins
about Tocqueville's
France, and tons and highly successful entrepreneurs
who came to America as penniless
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immigrants — not to mention the
guy that dropped out of Harvard to
become the richest man in the
Welcome to the
West world. These stories contribute to
America has always
the American political culture.
been a land that
believes in growth Horatio Alger, Jr.'s novels embodied
and expansion. At no Every country has a POLITICAL the American ideal that hard work
time was this more and determination would eventually
CULTURE — widely shared beliefs,
evident than the be rewarded. The young
1800s, when going values, and norms that define the protagonists of his books "pulled
west became the themselves up by their bootstraps"
thing to do! PBS
relationship between citizens and
and proved America to be the land
provides a multimedia government, and citizens to one of opportunity.
tour of the settlement
of the West based on another. Beliefs about economic life
their 8-part television are part of the political culture
documentary series.
Get a firsthand look at because politics affects economics. A good understanding of a
the people, the gold, country's political culture can help make sense of the way a
and the battles for
free soil, and find out country's government is designed, as well as the political decisions
how the "Wild West" its leaders make. For example, why does Great Britain still have a
got its name.
queen? She doesn't have any real political power, so why don't
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they just end the monarchy? These questions can be puzzling,
unless you understand something about the British political culture
The Civil War — one that highly prizes tradition.
Although you'd think
freedom would be at Alexis de Tocqueville
the top of a list of
American ideals, this
was not the case
Why does our system of government work for us better than for
during the Civil War. almost anyone else? French writer ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE, an early
Because of
disagreements on observer of the American political culture, gave some answers
slavery and many during the 1830s.
other issues, the
United States became
two countries at war
Tocqueville came to the United States primarily to answer the
with one another. question, "Why are the Americans doing so well with democracy,
Learn more about this
violent expression of while France is having so much trouble with it?" France was in
opposing political turmoil at the time, swinging back and forth between absolutism
ideals at this History
Place website. and radical democracy, and Tocqueville thought that France could
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learn a thing or two from the Americans. Tocqueville's
observations remain today a classic study of American political
The World Wars
American political He identified several factors that influenced America's success —
culture has long abundant and fertile land, countless opportunities for people to
supported democracy
and freedom acquire land and make a living, lack of a feudal aristocracy that
throughout the world.
blocked the ambitious, and the independent spirit encouraged by
This support was
especially evident frontier living.
during the two world
wars that took place
during the 20th The American View
century. Visit this
page, part of Mr. The American political culture that Tocqueville described in the
Dowling's Electronic 1830s has changed over the years, but in many ways, it has
Passport, for a short
synopsis of the two remained remarkably the same, even after the continent was
conflicts, complete
settled coast to coast. The American view has been characterized
with images and links
for further study. by several familiar elements:
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LIBERTY: Most people believe in the
right to be free, as long as
another's rights aren't abused.
If you like our
content, please EQUALITY: This generally translates
share it on social as "equality of opportunity," not
media! absolute equality.
Tweet Democracy: Elected officials are
accountable to the people. Citizens
have the responsibility to choose
their officials thoughtfully and

INDIVIDUALISM: The individual's

rights are valued above those of American political culture
the state (government); individual puts a special emphasis on
initiative and responsibility are hard work, and is rife with
stories of successful
strongly encouraged. businessmen and leaders.
Consider Abraham Lincoln,
THE RULE OF LAW: Government is who achieved great stature
despite having been born in a
based on a body of law applied
log cabin.
equally and fairly, not on the whims
of a ruler.

NATIONALISM: Despite some current negative attitudes

toward the government, most Americans are proud of our
past and tend to de-emphasize problems, such as intolerance
or military setbacks. This value includes the belief that we
are stronger and more virtuous than other nations.

CAPITALISM At the heart of the American Dream are beliefs in

the rights to own private property and compete freely in
OPEN MARKETS with as little government involvement as

Other countries may share some, or even

all, of these beliefs and values. However,
the arrangement and subtleties of this
core form an array that makes every
political culture a little different than all
the others. The elements of the American
political culture include disagreement and
debate. They include ideals, but they
leave room for the reality of falling short
of goals.

Famous events from American history —

One of the hallmarks of the movement West, the Civil War, the
British political culture is the
existence of a monarchy,
despite the fact that today's World Wars I and II, the New Deal and
King or Queen has little
the Great Society — have been
power or authority over the
government. expressions of American political culture.
Many events have questioned and
answered various interpretations of American values and beliefs.
But most of all, the political culture defines political attitudes,
institutions, and activities that are most cherished in American
political life.

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