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Personal Philosophy: The Beauty of Growing

By: Jacinthe Peñalosa, 11- GAS

During my younger years, I never cared about my academics. I just kept on playing and
lying around, wasting time dubiously. However, one day I was disappointed with the grades on
my card. It made me realize that something needs to be done for me to be better. As time passed,
I made an effort in my academics and began seeking opportunities that forever changed me and
made me who I am today. With this story, we realize that we attempt to look for ways to change
to be better within. As this line says by Aurthur Laslow, “Improvement begins with I.” For me,
we need to discover ourselves, overcome our limitations, and be open to growing and living an
authentic life.

We as people can improve if we put effort into knowing ourselves. Knowing ourselves
makes us discover aspects of ourselves that need to be enhanced. Socrates said, “Know thyself,”
which means to be aware of our character and limitations. Concerning this, knowing ourselves
helps us gain knowledge about ourselves which is crucial in creating the right choices that would
make us happy and content. We can change our personality flaws and improve on our
weaknesses. We are empowered to become who we want to be, which will aid us in becoming
more well-rounded. If we know ourselves, we will realize everything we need is within us,
waiting to be discovered.

Refining ourselves by transcending our limitations leads to a life of genuineness as it

allows us to overcome our negative limited thoughts and beliefs. It enables us to make the best
and progress our talents. Transcending from our limitations warrants us to go out of our comfort
zone to try new things and commit to doing something beyond our present ability. It pushes us to
follow our goals and dreams because it builds the drive and motivation to overcome whatever
hindrances there will be. In return, all of these bring us the urgency to search for our potential
and explore all of life’s possibilities to become the most authentic version of ourselves.

One must strive towards openness to develop oneself to live authentically.

Open-mindedness means willingly considering other perspectives. Herewith, being open-minded
helps us to grow as a person. It compels us to learn and understand numerous things about the
world around us, making life more enjoyable, less restrictive, and adventurous. Being open will
enable us to recognize and respect others, building a more harmonious relationship with whoever
we meet. It urges us to put our differences aside and cooperate to progress with others as we are
intersubject with people, which is vital in living a life of genuineness as we are social beings.

With all of this in mind, knowing ourselves, transcending our limitations, and having
openness will aid us in growing to live life the way we truly want. All of these need to be
accomplished to build meaning in our lives and become what we can become. By this means,
being the same person over time is not about holding on to every aspect of our current self but
about changing purposefully.

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