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Passives: more practice (page 100):

1. Correct or not?
1. not: built -> was built
2. correct
3. correct
4. not: is been -> is/ is being/ has been
5. correct
6. not: has been -> was
7. not: making -> made
8. correct
9. correct
10. correct
2. Present perfect passives.
1. The Café Royal has been turned into a casino.
2. The houseboats have been rebuilt into floating restaurants.
3. The Super Cinema has been built into a pedestrian area.
4. The new car park has been widened into put up in the park of a supermarket.
5. The old fire station has been turned into a supermaket.
6. The town centre has been modernized into a pedestrian area.
7. The opera house has been rebuilt into a museum.
3. Grammar and vocabulary
1. be broken ; be dropped
2. be heard
3. be handled
4. be trusted
5. be read
6. be eaten or drunk
7. be understood
8. be eaten
9. be found
10. be blown up.

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