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Subject: SST Grade: IV Date: / /2022

Name: _________________________________________ Roll No :____________

Marks Scored 30
Invigilator’s Sign

Examiner’s Sign Moderator’s Sign


For Examiner’s Use


● Write your Roll number and Name in the spaces at the top
of this page.

● Grade1 to 3 - Write with HB dark pencil

● Grade 4 to 10- Write in dark Blue Ball point pen.

(Use of pencil can be made as per the need of the subject

eg. diagrams, graphs, rough calculations, maps etc...)

● Answer all questions within the question paper.

● The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of

each question or part question.

● The total number of marks for this paper is 30.



AGA/2022-2023/Term-2/Grade:VI/sub:English/P1 Total Pages 2


Q.1 Complete the pyramid diagram to show the different levels in Mayan society, [5]
starting from the top.

Choose the appropriate ranking from the box given below.

farmers king slaves nobles

craftspeople, architects and merchants

Q.2 Answer the following questions in brief. [9]

a) What was ‘bartering’? Describe bartering in your own words. 2





b) Why was trading important for city-states? 2

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c) How did merchants travel between the different city-states to sell their goods? 2





d) Observe the image given below carefully. Answer the following questions. 3

Why did Mayans have such a kind of stone carving in columns? Name these stone
carving columns.





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Q.3 Look at the Mayan number system below. Write two equations, using Mayan [2]

Equation 1:


Equation 2:


Q.4 Tick the appropriate response from the given options. [8]

a) The Mayans were able to _______________ because they had an advanced irrigation 1
1. make rain

2. plant crops

3. build cities

4. bathe

b) In a Mayan city-states, all the palaces, temples and pyramids were _____________. 1

1. in the centre of the city

2. on the edge of the city

3. near to the river

4. away from the city

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c) A very important food for the Maya was _______________. 1

1. maize

2. apples

3. cheese

4. barely

d) A popular Mayan ball game was _______________ . 1

1. tic-tok

2. pok-a-tok

3. ping-pong

4. tang-pong

e) How many calendars did the Maya use? 1

1. Five

2. Three

3. Four

4. Two

f) Maya wore huge hats which were decorated with long feathers from the 1
______________ bird.

1. quetzal

2. cockerel

3. peacock

4. parrot

g) The Maya used metate to _____________________. 1

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1. break cacao beans shell

2. hunt the animals

3. grind corn into flour

4. make tools for farming

h) Which invaders had begun to conquer the Mayan city-states in 1500 C.E? 1

1. Britishers

2. Romans

3. Greeks

4. Spanish

Q.5 Imagine you are the tourist guide of Mexico. Most tourists are interested in [6]
knowing the history of Maya. So, write down any 6 interesting facts on the Maya
civilization which you would like to share with tourists.



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