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Reflection Paper

Diversity in an organization allows us to explore or learn from one another. In this sense, it will
make people build stronger sense of identity and wellbeing and develop their skills and knowledge as
long as their interests and perspectives are understood and they feel the inclusion inside the
organization. With that being said, we should be open – minded about diversity and inclusion. When
one is open – minded about inclusion and how diverse the organization is, these two terms, diversity
and inclusion, will never be a problem. For me, as a human being, we should be considerate, rational,
and open – minded about this matter because it is also a way to show that they belong and that you
respect for whoever he or she is. As quoted, “It will take one droplet of water to make a ripple and
affect the body of water” and so, starting to accept diversity is a big step towards promoting diversity.
In doing so, other people might see you as their role model and will eventually accept diversity, too.

As stated in a quote, “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity, a pessimist sees a
calamity in every opportunity”. This reminded me about the “Story of the coffee bean”. This story
thought me that when we are faced with adversity, we should be optimist or look for the silver lining.
We should turn every misery or obstacle into an opportunity for our growth and development. This
quote will be explained differently depending on who explains it or how the reader perceives it. An
optimist will see an opportunity in every situation he / she is in while the pessimist might be afraid to
accept or see the things that will help him/her grow because he / she is not comfortable with it or is not
used to it. At the end of the day, our fate and consequences of our actions is in our hands. In connection
to valuing diversity, different perspective may be scary but let’s try to look at the goodness it will bring
to us and to the organization, how great the impact will be to everyone and how each will develop his /
her identity and wellbeing.

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