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Summary physiology


Physiology is a branch of biology that deals with the study of the func*ons and mechanisms

of living organisms. It involves the study of the physical, chemical, and biological processes

that occur within an organism to maintain life.

Cellular Physiology:

Cellular physiology is the study of the func*ons of cells. It includes the study of cell structure,

metabolism, and the mechanisms by which cells communicate with each other.

Systems Physiology:

Systems physiology is the study of the func*ons of organs and organ systems. It includes the

study of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, diges*ve system, and nervous


Cardiovascular Physiology:
Cardiovascular physiology is the study of the func*ons of the heart and blood vessels. It

includes the study of blood circula*on, blood pressure, and cardiac output.

Respiratory Physiology:

Respiratory physiology is the study of the func*ons of the respiratory system. It includes the

study of pulmonary ven*la*on, gas exchange, and oxygen transport.

Diges*ve Physiology:

Diges*ve physiology is the study of the func*ons of the diges*ve system. It includes the

study of diges*on, absorp*on, and elimina*on of waste.

Nervous System Physiology:

Nervous system physiology is the study of the func*ons of the nervous system. It includes

the study of sensory percep*on, motor control, and cogni*ve processes.

Physiology is an important field of study that helps us to understand the func*ons and

mechanisms of living organisms. Through the study of physiology, we are able to develop

new treatments and interven*ons for diseases and disorders that affect human health.

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