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Aligarh College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh

CSE/IT (III SEM) –Pre-Sem Examination, 2022-2023

Subject: Data Structure (Code: KCS-301)
Time: 2:00 Hours Total Marks: 50


Attempt question any two parts from this section. (8*2=16 marks)
(a)- Convert infix expression into postfix notation of the sequence: (A+B)*(C*D-E)*F
(b)- What is a sparse array? Explain lower and upper triangular matrices.
(c)- Find out infix, prefix and postfix notation of the following binary tree.

(d)- What do you mean by sorting? Explain merge sort technique with example.
(e)- write down C-function to insert and delete operation in the stack.
(f)- Write sort note any two of the followings-

Attempt any one parts from any three questions. (8*3=24 marks)
(a)- Define array and its representation; assume that 4 bytes of storage are required to hold each element of the
following array int a[10][4]; Assume further that the storage for the array beings at bytes 4000 in memory. Give
the actual address
of the element a[6][3].
(b)- Explain conversion between infix, prefix and postfix notation with suitable example.
(a)- What is queue? Explain D-queue and write down C-function for insertion in D-queue.
(b)- Define binary search tree. Create BST for the sequence: 3,5,7,1,8,9,2,0,4
(a)- What is stack? Explain operation and applications of stack.
(b)- Write down the algorithm to Linear search and Binary search with their time complexities.
(a)- Write down the C-function to insert the element in the max heap. Create max heap for the sequence
(b)- What is linked list? Write down algorithm to insert new node at the beginning, at the middle and at the end
of singly linked list.
(a)- Define the term B-tree. Describe the various properties of B-tree.
(b)- Write down the algorithm to insert the element in the B-tree. Create 5-order B-tree for the sequence:

(i) Doubly linked list
(ii) Insertion sort
(ii) C-function to convert prefix into postfix notation

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