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Triple Tanks is a 2 player game of Tank Battles where the players need to use their 3 tanks

to destroy the 3 tanks of the opponent.


The battlefield is composed of 3 cards. You

can flip or even turn the cards upside down,
with the only requirement that the middle card
has to be linked with the other 2 cards
through the roads.

Each player chooses a Tank Color (Red or

Blue). They put the 3 dice of his color in the 3
Tank symbols of the same color. Those will be
the Tanks. The front of the Tank is the 1-dot
face. On the preparation, all the Tanks have to
face following the Tank Symbol of the card.

We get the 3 Mine Tokens. Each player can

put one Mine Token in one of the Mine
Symbols of their closest card. For the card in
the middle, one of the players rolls a die. The
result is the column of the card where the
Mine Token is placed (in the Mine Symbol of
that column)

Each player gets the 3 action cards of their

Tank Color.
Map Elements

There are different Elements on the Map, those are:

Roads: Roads are only cosmetic. They are only used to get sure that the cards are linked
Mine Symbols: Showcase the potential positions of the Mine Token. Is safe to step unless it
has a Mine Token in it.
Trees, barriers: Are considered obstacles, so they stop the bullets and can’t be crossed by
Tanks: Showcase the initial position and facing of the tanks. After the start of the game,
they’re not relevant anymore. The tanks that we’ll control during the game are represented
by dice.


The 2 players decide what will be the 3 actions that their tanks will do on this turn, and the
order. For that, they will put, in front of them, face down, the three Action Cards, in order.

Because each Action Card has 2 actions, the player has to turn the card in a way that the
action that he wants to fulfill is on top.

When the 2 players already chose their Actions, so all cards are on the table, players will
unveil their most-left card, to execute the first action.

After both actions have been executed, the players will unveil the second card, executing
those actions.

After both actions have been executed, the players will unveil the last card, executing those

Each Action has a number. That number is the priority. So the action with a smaller value is
executed first, the other, later.

Those actions are:

1 Turn on any direction

Players turn their tanks in one of the 4 possible directions: No turn, 90º left, 90º right or 180º.
All 3 tanks need to make the same change of direction depending on where they were
aiming previously.
2 Normal Shot
All tanks will shoot a bullet that can reach up to 3 positions in front of him. Obstacles will not
be destroyed and will stop the bullet. Tanks or mines are destroyed by the Normal Shot, but
also will work as obstacles (so the shot won’t continue, potentially destroying other mines or

3 Charge
The tank will move 5 tiles in front of him, if possible. If they enter in the tile of a mine, the
tank is destroyed. If they collide with an obstacle, or the edge of the map, they will stop
there. If they collide with another tank, they will push the other tank as many tiles as
necessary to move the 5 tiles. Unless the tank that is being pushed collides with anything
else (another tank, and obstacle). Pushing another tank over a mine will destroy that tank,
and don’t stop the charge movement.

4 Aerial Shot
The tank will shoot a bullet that will go to the air and then hit the 3rd, 4th and 5th tile in front
of the tank. The shot goes over obstacles. The player can destroy different objectives (tanks
or mines) with a single shot if they are in the target tiles.

5 Movement
The player will move a tile forward or backward. All the tanks need to move in the same way
(forward or backward). The tank can’t pass through obstacles, tanks or the edge of the map,
and they will be destroyed if they go over a mine.

6 Turn 90º and shoot

The tank will turn either left or right and then do a Normal Shot. All 3 tanks need to turn in
the same direction, relative to the previous orientation of the tank.

Destroying a Tank

A tank can be destroyed by being hit by a shot or by stepping over a mine. If a tank is
destroyed, it’s no longer on the battlefield (we may retire the die representing the tank).
When the 3 tanks of a player have been destroyed, the other player won the duel.

Each Action has a number. That number is the priority. When we have 2 actions to fulfill, the
action with a smaller value is executed first, the other one, later. The player decides the
specifics of the action (for example, what direction to turn) in the moment of executing the

If the actions are the same, we can assume that they happen at the same time. So if the 2
players chose the action “Normal shot”, all 6 tanks will do the Normal Shot at the same time.
This means that two tanks can destroy the opponent at the same time.

If the actions are movement, they happen at the same time, so if 2 tanks aim to be in the
same tile, none of both move. If the actions are simultaneous charge, and there are charge
movements that cross between them, we do the 5 movements one by one. If in any moment
2 tanks aim to be in the same tile, that charge is stopped for both tanks.

2 tanks charging at the same time, no conflict even if they cross

2 tanks charging and “colliding”. The charge movement stops if both tanks have to be in the
same tile.

Exploding a mine

There are 6 Mine Symbols in every card, but only one Active Mine, that is represented by the
Mine Token. The tanks can move freely over the Mine Symbols, but if they step on the Active
Mine, they will be destroyed.

If a player manages to explode an Active Mine (no matter if it’s by a shot, by entering in the
tile of a mine or even pushing another tank into the mine) he can choose the new location of
the Active Mine of that card (between the 6 Mine Symbols on that card) and move the Mine
Token to that tile. The only limitation is that there can’t be a tank already over the Active
Mine. The player places the Active Mine after the 2 actions of the unveiled cards are
executed, before unveiling the next set of actions.

Win Conditions

The player that destroys all the tanks of his rival wins.

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