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Zwroty przydatne w restauracji po angielsku – ćwiczenia

Ćwiczenie 1

Uzupełnij dialog używając powyższych pytań. 

Waiter: Good evening.

Client: Good evening. We have a reservation for two.

Waiter: Yes. Please follow me. This is your table.

Client: Thank you. ………………………………………….. (Czy możemy prosić kartę dań?)

Waiter: Yes of course. …………………………….. (Zaraz wracam).

            …………………………………………………….. (Czy mogę przyjąć zamówienie?)

Client: Yes, I would like a chicken soup and a mushroom soup.

Waiter: ……………………………………………………… (Czy mogę podać coś do picia?)

Client: Yes. We will have some coffee and water. …………………………………. (Czy macie
świeżo wyciskany sok z owoców?)

Waiter: Yes, we do.

Client: I will have an orange juice.

Waiter: ……………………………………….. (Czy życzą sobie Państwo deser?)

Client: No, thank you. …………………………………………. (Czy mogę prosić o rachunek?)

Waiter: Yes. Here you are. Have a nice day.

Ćwiczenie 2

Uzupełnij poniższy dialog słówkami z ramki.

Ramka: bill, table, menu, dessert, order, non-smoker, meal of the day, drink, bottle,

Guest: A ………………. for four, please.

Waiter: Smoker or ……………….. ?

Guest: Non-smoker, please.

Waiter: Come with me please. Would you like to see the ………… ?

Guest: Yes, please.

After a while

Waiter: Are you ready to …………?

Guest: Yes. We would like a …………………, please.

Waiter: Would you like something to …………?

Guest: An apple juice and a ………………… of sparkling water.

After finishing a meal

Waiter: Would you like a …………. ?

Guest: No, thank you. Could we have the …………., please?

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