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Marienne Denise O.



Problem # 1

#Allowing user to enter 20 values

sum = 0

max = float()

min = float()

#Ask user to input twenty values

print("Please enter values (20):")

for n in range(20):

val = float(input(f"Val {n+1}: "))

sum += val

if val > max:

max = val

if val < min:

min = val

#Calculate the average

ave = sum / 20

#Print the sum

print("Sum:", sum)

#Print the average

print("Average:", ave)

#Print the maximum

print("Maximum:", max)

#Print the minimum

print("Minimum:", min)
Problem # 2

#Empty list for students and teachers

students = []

teachers = []

#Calculate the fees for student

def calculate_sfees(student):

if student['status'] == 'regular':

return 20000

elif student['status'] == 'new':

return 30000

elif student['status'] == 'transferee':

return 40000


return 0

while True:

#Ask user to input from choices

print("Welcome to University of Batangas! \nPlease see the options below:")

print("1 - Add student")

print("2 - Add teacher")

print("3 - Student list")

print("4 - Teacher list")

choice = int(input("Please enter choice from 1-4: "))

#Adding a student in the list

if choice == 1:
#Ask user to input name, age and status

name = input("Enter student name: ")

status = input("Enter student status (regular, new, or transferee): ")

age = int(input("Enter student age: "))

student = {'name': name, 'status': status, 'age': age}

student['fees'] = calculate_fees(student)


print("Student added.")

#Adding a teacher in the list

elif choice == 2:

name = input("Enter teacher name: ")

level = input("What level will she/he teach? ")

subject = input("Specialized in which subject? ")

teacher = name, level, subject


#Display the teacher successfully added to the list

print("Teacher has been added to the list.")

print("Thank you and come again!")

#Displaying student records

elif choice == 3:

print("\nStudent Records")

for student in students:

#Show the student name, status, age, and school fees

print("\nStudent Name:", name)

print(f"Status: {student['status']}")

print("Age: ", age)

print(f"Fees: P{student['sfees']}")
#Displaying the teacher records

elif choice == 4:

print("\nTeacher Records")

for teacher in teachers:

print("Name: ", name)

print("Level: ", level)

print("Subject: ", subject)

# invalid choice


print("Sorry, invalid choice. Please try again")

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