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Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of

Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

Tony Manninen
Department of Information Processing Science, University of Oulu, Finland

Abstract: This paper relates to the problems of designing rich interaction, in the context of multi-player games, that would adequately
support communication, control and co-ordination. The aspects of fun and rich experiences, usually required within the entertainment
context, are easily overlooked in technologically driven system design. The concepts of a future ubiquitous game can be difficult to
comprehend and evaluate in cases where a fully functioning physical prototype is not an option. One solution for the problem is
Contextual Virtual Reality Prototyping that adds the missing context to the design simulations. The product can be designed and
demonstrated in the corresponding environment, thus making it easier to understand the use-cases of, for example, a mobile device that
has various location-dependent features. The main contribution of this research is the design and development approach that supports
the creation of rich interaction. The primary emphasis of the approach is to avoid purely technologically driven design and
development, but rather to provide a supporting, or even a guiding, approach that focuses on the creative process and conceptual
understanding of rich interaction. This conceptually grounded content production-oriented approach to interactive system design is
described and evaluated.

Keywords: Communication; Design process; Interaction design; Multi-player games; Simulation; Networked virtual environments

1. Introduction interaction. The problem can be explained by

two factors. First, technologically oriented
This paper describes the rich interaction design development is usually governed by the restric-
390 approach that was used in designing and tions and conventions of contemporary systems.
developing a multi-player game for networked Secondly, the limitations of user interfaces,
platforms. The approach is based on the especially in the mobile context, are often said
conceptual understanding of interaction mani- to cause the downscale in interactional degrees-
festations. The outcome of the approach is of-freedom.
evaluated by two experimental designs. The One of the basic problems in ubiquitous
rich interaction can be defined as an interaction game design is the scope of the product. In
set consisting of a large number of individual particular, the novel game concepts, which
interaction possibilities that are supported by require more than existing hardware and soft-
hierarchical structuring and artistic selectivity. ware, are relatively difficult to test before the
The described design approach forms the basis final product has been fully implemented. One
for rich interaction design guidelines that can be major issue is how to prototype games which
utilised when creating new services and applica- are used in different contexts, at different
tions for networked platforms, such as, mobile
locations, and even with different collaborators.
devices, digital television and personal com-
What about the cases where the interaction
with the prototype is not enough, but there is
Current multi-player games contain rela-
also the need to have interaction with the
tively limited interaction in terms of commu-
environment and with other players? Can the
nication, control and co-ordination. The design
prospective game players and clients really ‘see’
and development of applications tend to follow
the future concept from the figures? How is it
the technologically oriented path where every
interaction form and function is dictated by the possible to test a product when there is no
platform, devices and software architecture. product yet, or, when the use environment and
This often leads to systems that are not corresponding ubiquitous artefacts are not
harnessing the true potential of interpersonal directly accessible?

Ownership and Copyright

# Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2002
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (2002) 6:390–406
The difficulties in computer-mediated inter- just the basic features to function. Expectations
action with other users, or with the virtual of customers increase alongside the technologi-
environment, render the gaming experiences far cal development. People are not willing to
from satisfying. The users feel they are adapting accept the traditional and cumbersome applica-
and conforming to the intrigues of the systems tions for very long.
when, instead, they would like to be in the The purpose of this paper is to describe and
‘driving seat’ with all the control they need. analyse one solution for multimedia supported
The main reason for this problem may be product design and development that answers
because of the difficulties in designing inter- the aforementioned questions. The proposed
actively rich multi-player systems. Even with all solution is based on the utilisation of an existing
the theoretical and creative support, system entertainment industry application (i.e. multi-
design tends to fall short of the expectations of media network game engine) and rich media
the users. concepts in designing games which enable rich
Rich interaction allows the complex and interaction. The research problem addressed in
intuitive combination of interaction sequences. this paper relates to the design of rich interaction
Richer interaction possibilities provide the in multi-player game settings. The problem
participants with flexible ways of communicating consists of three aspects:
and acting within the game environment. First,
the availability of various interaction mechan- 1. How to design and develop rich interaction
isms helps participants choose the ones fitting for multi-player games.
their purposes. Secondly, the combination of 2. How to bring contextual effects and aware-
different communication channels makes it ness to design prototypes.
possible to enhance the messages, or to execute 3. How to avoid the technological conventions
contradicting behaviours. Third, the tacit that restrict rich interaction design.
‘knowledge’ can be conveyed by enabling sub-
conscious and intuitive actions, which still are The answers to these questions have been
perceivable by other participants. searched using conceptual analysis and construc-
The rich interaction design guidelines de- tive approaches. The empirical part of the work
scribed in this paper are constructed from the consists of two design and development produc-
theories of communication and interaction. The tions conducted by the research group. The 391
starting point is to understand what the concept work, thus, involves iterative phases of theore-
of interaction means in the context of multi- tical concept modelling, constructive design and
player networked games. This understanding is development of the systems, and experimental
then used to create a number of interaction testing and refinement of the systems and the
models, which in turn, form the basis for conceptual models.
the design guidelines. The experimental cases, The rest of the paper consists of seven
ConsoleDEMO and Tuppi3D, have been used to sections. The next section describes the focus
test and evaluate various areas of rich interaction of the work. Section 3 lays the foundations for
design in practice. the work, described in this paper, by illustrating
The illustrated approach is beneficial for the the related research. Section 4 explains the
designers and developers who work in the theoretical background of interaction design and
various fields of telecommunication services rich interaction. Furthermore, it presents the
and applications. Although the described cases proposed rich interaction design approach. Sec-
involve the design and development of a 3D PC tion 5 describes the first of the two empirical
game, the experiences apply to other areas of experiments, ConsoleDEMO, while Sect. 6 out-
multi-user systems as well. Whether the applica- lines the rich interaction design and the
tion to be designed is multi-platform multi- corresponding content oriented production pro-
player game or purely ubiquitous gaming cess of the Tuppi3D experiment. Section 7
environment, the rich interaction design can illustrates the evaluations and lessons learned
explicitly direct the development to include all from the production, and identifies the benefits
the necessary interaction forms. Rich interaction and limitations of the described design approach.
design is needed, particularly, in areas of new The last section summarises the findings and the
services and applications that require more than main results.

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

2. Contextual Virtual has also been defined as embodied action [1] and
Interaction virtual interaction [2].
Contextual virtual interaction consists of two
Interaction in the context of this research is not main areas: (1) interaction with other players;
directly related to the ability of the user to make and (2) interaction with the game environment.
choices when using a computer program. In Interaction with other players, in this context,
relation to this, the interface issues, including involves mainly computer-mediated communi-
cation and interpersonal actions. The commu-
input/output devices, are not within the main
nicative aspects include speech that can be
focus area, although their importance and effects
supported with various forms of non-verbal
cannot be overlooked. The nature of ubiquitous
communication. The interpersonal actions are
computing is to hide the computers within or
targeted at the avatar, or player character, of the
inside artefacts, thus making the interfacing
other user.
issues different than in traditional computing.
Interaction between a user and the environ-
However, the representative role of interaction
ment involves the use of information that
forms in these games is as important, if not more
reflects both spatial and temporal changes of
important, than with desktop systems. To
the relative environment. It is important that
establish more solid ground for this research,
players are able to determine where they are
interaction has to be defined within the context heading when moving through the environment
of this work. and also to estimate how contact with objects
The definition of interaction in the context of can be made or avoided.
this research can be considered to follow the
lines of natural interaction occurring in real life
environments. Figure 1 illustrates the compo- 3. Related Work
nents of human-computer interaction. The
interaction sequence starts from human action There are several issues, in relation to the
(if a user-launched activity, i.e. input, is interaction in Collaborative Virtual Environ-
considered, then the output sequence is the ments (CVEs), which act as motivators for this
opposite), which is executed by means of the research. The basic problem with many of the
392 input device (such as the mouse in this networked environments seems to be the diffi-
example). Interaction techniques are used to culties in communication, co-ordination and co-
map the user input from the device to the operation. From the perspective of this research,
computer application. Finally, there is the the most significant drawback is the limited and
executed interaction that occurs within the cumbersome interaction mechanisms and meta-
game environment represented by the system. phors. This section outlines some of the issues
The focus of this work is on manifestations, or brought forward in the related literature by
forms, of interactions that can be perceived by drawing on the virtual environment design as
the user and by other users. The phenomenon background.

3.1. Interaction design

Interaction design is usually explicitly or im-

plicitly embedded within the production process.
Computer system design generally follows differ-
ent production models. For example, methods in
multimedia production draw on traditions from
both software and the media. Traditional soft-
ware production uses methods dealing with
problems of functionality: system requirements,
object orientation, functional prototyping, etc.
Traditional media production, however, uses
another methodology to deal with content
Fig. 1. The various components of human-computer inter- problems: storyboard, script, relations between
action. roles, etc. [3, p. 422].

Tony Manninen
The user-driven approach for interaction types, for as many design and development
design has been experimented with, for instance, phases as possible.
in the context of entertainment. For example, One approach to the conceptualisation,
Drozd et al. [4] have created a system that design and development of interactive systems
provides people technical resources which they is to use virtual reality techniques that allow
can use as part of their co-ordination activities. platform independent experimenting. Virtual
The creators of the system did not mandate co- Reality Prototyping (VRP), according to Kerttu-
ordination in a heavyweight way. The narrative, la et al. [15, p. 86] is ‘‘a process by which a
in their example, is not automatically main- product or a product concept, its behaviour and
tained (e.g. through the use of some narrative usage are simulated as realistically as possible
‘parser’ which checks progress against a script), using computer models and virtual reality
nor are object-behaviours pre-programmed. The techniques’’. The result of the process – the
design philosophy has been to embed technolo- Virtual Reality Prototype is thus ‘‘a simulation
gies in social practice and to let the participants of a target object aimed with an adequate degree
have full control over the contents and actions of realism that is comparable with the physical
of the system. and logical functionality and the appearance of a
The non-verbal communication aspects of possible real object, achieved by combining
CVEs have been studied, for example, in the different simulation models . . .’’ [15]. The main
context of user embodiment [5], communicative issues and problem areas to be tackled by VRP
behaviours [6], and realistically expressing ava- research are somewhat similar to the ones
tars [7]. Each of these approaches can be seen as discussed in this paper. The need to build
a potential solution to interpersonal interaction. demonstrative prototypes in a short time (rapid
Furthermore, guidelines for CVE design have prototyping), the requirements of interactive
been constructed and described from various prototypes (functional, physical and tangible
aspects, such as, collaboration [8], applications products) [15] and the demands of global
[9], usability evaluation [10], and interaction design teams for distribution support [16] are
techniques [11]. all highly relevant issues. One important aspect
There are numerous models describing various
not directly discussed or answered within the
aspects of interaction. Of these, the closest in
aforementioned literature is the need for support
relation to our work are: (1) taxonomy of 393
in creative content-oriented design. The proto-
embodied actions [1]; (2) hierarchical model of
typed concepts are usually physical products (e.g.
human actions for avatar modelling [12]; (3)
mobile multimedia consoles) or work solutions
layered and modular action control [13]; and (4)
(e.g. functional assembly lines of future fac-
layered architecture and a general behavioural
tories). The entertainment domain involves
model for perception and action selection [14].
many aspects that have not been dealt with,
Although the aforementioned related re-
such as, engagement, compelling experiences
search provides significant benefits to interaction
and rich media content. However, the research
design in the context of this research, they do
community has started to adopt game engines as
not approach the problem in a holistic enough
way for our purposes. The models and guidelines platforms for scientific research experiments [17].
are targeted for highly specific areas, and they This trend may well direct the research and
tend to solve only small portions of the total design towards aforementioned issues.
problem area. When considering the issues related to
interactive virtual prototypes of ubiquitous
3.2. Contextual virtual reality games, the aspect of immersion should be taken
prototyping into account. The contemporary computer
games that contain the highest level of immer-
The product design and development work of sion are generally the ones that attempt to
today’s hi-tech industry is facing new challenges simulate the interaction of real world within the
due to the fast-paced development of markets, context of the game. It is claimed that this
trends and organisational structures. For exam- replication of the interaction from the physical
ple, the development of mobile products, such as world to the virtual world is never completely
multimedia phones, is usually done using inter- realistic, and severely limits the potential for
active computerised models, or virtual proto- productivity (see, for example, Bowman and

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

Hodges [11] and Preece [18]). On the other aspect of play is all-important and leads to
hand, the nature of these games is usually more further socialising, which in turn, leads to more
in the simulation of some real or fictional setting play.
and the corresponding interactions. This aspect Multi-player games have some common
clearly justifies the approach of replicated denominators with so-called god games. Accord-
interactions, as it is important to provide a ing to Bates [22], these games do not have pre-set
realistic look-and-feel of the future real world ‘win’ condition. The game designer must still
situations. design a compelling activity that is fun for the
The work presented in this paper is closely player, but instead of pushing in a given
related to the VRP issues described earlier. The direction, the players are allowed to choose
major factor differentiating this approach from their own paths. In a way, the games can be
the earlier ones is the enlargement of the virtual related to sandboxes that are filled with oppor-
prototyping to also cover content oriented tunities for action and self-expression.
design, virtual environment, use case, and Computer games are very close in structure to
other contextual issues of the application under films. According to Clanton [23], films are
development. Manninen [19] has proposed the mostly about action. As games focus on action,
term Contextual Virtual Reality Prototyping to be a film is the closest linear narrative form to
used to describe this expanded scope of the games, much more similar than either plays or
prototyping with rich interaction. novels. In fact, whether a game contains a story
or not, much of the craft of filmmaking applies to
3.3. Game design computer games as well. The Tuppi3D experi-
ment was highly influenced by film and game
Although there is an increasing body of theore- production processes, although the main goal of
tical and, in particular, empirical literature, game the production was neither purely game nor film.
design is still a relatively ambiguous area. The Bates [22] claims that no one person can
area of ubiquitous game research being relatively come up with all the creativity necessary to make
young, many of the sources consider the tradi- a game successful. Game design is a collaborative
tional computer game design. However, the well- art, and needs contributions from all the
proven conventions and design practices can be disciplines, including story, art, programming,
394 applied to the new application domain if they are gameplay, sound and music. Everyone involved
suitably modified. Some examples from the in the production of the game has a claim on the
traditional game design literature are described design, and the design process must be flexible
in this section. enough to include each person’s contributions.
According to Rouse [20], the game design This statement is highly relevant in the design of
determines what choices the player will be able ubiquitous games. Multi-modal and multi-plat-
to make in the game-world and what ramifica- form games cannot be designed with solely the
tions these choices will have on the rest of the technological approach. Instead, they need even
game. Game design determines what win or loss more support from the content-production
criteria the game may include, how users will be experts.
able to control the game, and what information Unfortunately, game design experiences and
the game will communicate to them, and it theories are not enough when designing more
establishes how hard the game will be. In short, holistic applications, such as pervasive multi-
game design determines every detail of how the player games. To approach the problem of design
gameplay will function. with a wider scope, the research described in this
Weisman [21] presents three lessons that paper concentrates on the aspects of rich
should be taken into account when designing interaction design.
multi-player games. The origin of the lessons is
within the non-computer world of a Dungeons
and Dragons role-playing game meant for a small 4. Rich Interaction Design
group of people. Weisman, however, applies the
following lessons to computer games: (1) Fur- The rich interaction design approach is inte-
nishing the visuals widens the audience; (2) grated to the practical content production
What the players bring to the game is as process of the multi-player game. However, the
important as the game itself; (3) The social successful application of the approach requires

Tony Manninen
knowledge from the fields of interaction theories mailbox tells us a lot about how full the mailbox
and interaction design. This section outlines the is. The echoes in a room tell us about the
concept of rich interaction and introduces the material in the fixtures and floors of a room. We
rich interaction design approach. use head movement to improve our directional
interpretation of sound. We use touch along with
4.1. Rich interaction sight to determine the smoothness of a surface.
Multiple modalities give us rich combinatorial
In the context of this work, the term rich windows to our environment that we use to
interaction follows the definition provided by define and refine our percept of the environment.
Manninen [24]: ‘‘. . . interaction set consisting of It is our way of reducing ambiguity.’’ [27]
a large number of individual action and interac- As this paper focuses on interaction forms, or
tion types and possibilities that allows more the manifestations of interactions, the interface
complex interaction sequences. The complexity issues are not directly addressed. Although, the
refers to the more natural forms of interacting, means of achieving multi-modal interaction may
but due to the limitations in simulations, the include complex interfaces, the work described
virtual counterpart tends to stay far behind from here emphasises content instead of interfaces, or,
the real-world one.’’ Laurel [25] has provided one as pointed out by Evard et al. [28]; ‘‘. . . rich
definition for the level of interactivity. In her interactions do not require rich interfaces.’’
definition, at least part of the interactivity could
be characterised by three variables: frequency 4.2. Implications for interaction design
(how often you could interact), range (how
many choices were available), and significance According to West and Hubbold [29], one
(how much the choices really affected matters). challenge for CVE design is to make the
However, rich interaction is not just a quanti- environments engaging and bring them to life.
tative measure – there is an as important They argue that, in part, this relies upon good
qualitative aspect as well. The attempt to ideas for content and activities, but it ultimately
replicate every detail of real world interaction depends on the techniques for coding complex
is similar to the approaches of trying to increase behaviours and managing the interactions be-
the graphics resolution, or the data transfer tween participants, and between participants and
bandwidth. Although there are several applica- the environment. They further claim that, 395
tion domains requiring a high degree of realism, although the hardware makes it possible to
there is usually a need to maintain a certain display visually rich environments, the ways in
amount of selectivity in the process of replica- which users can interact in those environments
tion. The issue has been described with terms remain inadequate. So, although technology is
such as selective fidelity [26] and artistic selectivity not the focus of this research, it provides the
[25]. basic set of enabling factors deciding what type
Rich interaction is, thus, not only related to of content and what kind of activities are feasible
the speed and the frequency of interaction. in terms of implementation. However, as stated
Aspects of qualitatively rich interaction also by Limber [30]; ‘‘. . . skilled groups of artists and
require full attention. For example, Laurel [25] scientists are required to generate compelling
has proposed an approach to interaction in virtual experiences. The structure of these groups
which computers are considered a form of is unique, and its collaborative success depends
theatre rather than tools, and where the focus on the careful integration of computer technol-
of design is on engaging users with content ogy and creative content.’’
rather than with technology. She suggested that There are several examples in the related
various behind-the-scene activities are required literature stating that gestures and facial expres-
to maintain engagement and to orchestrate the sions play an important role in human interac-
user’s experiences. tion [2, 5, 7, 31]. According to Robertson [1],
The need for richer interaction, and corre- mutual perception is one of the most important
sponding interaction forms, originates from the features in distributed systems, such as, multi-
nature of human perception. ‘‘Humans like player games. Only with reversibility of percep-
parallel information input. People make use of tion are the remote participants able to control
a combination of sensory stimuli to help reduce and adapt their actions without too unsure
ambiguity. The sound of a letter dropping in a feelings of the message.

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

In designing interactive systems, it is vital hierarchical structure starting from low-level
that the participants quickly realise they have signal-type actions and ascending to the level
control and understand what are the parameters in which the cognitively generated goals and
of that control. In this way, the users can easily objectives define the purpose of the interaction
learn the simple relationships between their itself. The fields of robotics and artificial
actions and the system itself [32]. ‘‘Users want intelligence, as well as, the game industry have
software that supports but does not take away used similar hierarchical structures.
their sense of control, so they can do what they In the context of this research, the hierarch-
want when they want, and not be constrained by ical interaction model was applied, for example,
the software.’’ [33, p. 265]. According to Rouse when designing a simulated playing card set for
[20], the true point of non-linearity in games is Tuppi3D experiment. The model emphasises a
to grant the players a sense of freedom in the bottom-up interaction design instead of the
game-world. The players can have unique activity-oriented top-down approach. The main
playing experiences by telling their own stories idea was to start the construction by modelling
through the game. The non-linearity can provide and programming the lower levels of interactions
some degree of authorship to the player and, that are applicable to a deck of cards. The levels
thus, enrich the interaction. of abstraction were then included to improve the
In a way, the implications provided by usability. However, the higher levels of interac-
Sandin, Preece and Rouse are even more tion can be left to the players, thus making it
important in the context of ubiquitous gaming. possible to use the same simulator to play almost
If the games can be played anywhere, and with any card game existing today. For example, the
anybody, the design can hardly follow the bottom-up approach makes it possible to deal the
traditional approach of linear game design. cards one by one to a number of players. On the
Latta [34] states that ‘‘. . . virtual communities other hand, if the player wants to skip this
need richly compelling content to be attractive, manual task, a higher level interaction can be
but the issue is far more complex than the selected and the ‘deal’ abstraction used instead.
placement of games, avatars, and objects within So, both options are fully available to the users,
environments.’’ which, in part, creates rich interaction (i.e.
freedom of choice, flexibility, user control, and
396 4.3. Rich Interaction Design Guidelines non-deterministic complex action sequences).
This method enables the development of a fully
The first dimension in rich interaction design is functional card deck with no restrictions im-
the hierarchical interaction model which defines posed by any set of rules. The manipulation of
the layers of interactions. Figure 2 illustrates the cards follows the lines of natural interaction.
hierarchical interaction model and correspond- Figure 3 illustrates the card game interactions
ing application examples as inverted pyramid organised according to the hierarchical interac-
structures. The inverted pyramid is used to tion model.
emphasise the number of possible acts, variables, The second dimension in rich interaction
or degrees of freedom in each level. The main design is the interaction concept model, which
idea of this structure is to divide and classify the illustrates the range, or possible forms, of
actions included in interaction, to create a interaction. Figure 4 represents the model

Fig. 2. Hierarchical interaction model and application examples.

Tony Manninen
the classes are not necessarily solid, instead there
are several occurrences where the overlap is
mainly an issue of perspective. The model
consists of 12 main categories: (1) avatar
appearance, (2) facial expressions, (3) kinesics,
(4) occulesics, (5) autonomous/AI & automatic,
(6) non-verbal audio, (7) language-based com-
munication, (8) spatial behaviour, (9) physical
contact, (10) environmental details, (11)
chronemics, and (12) olfactics.
While some of the aforementioned categories
are self-explanatory, some of them require brief
Fig. 3. Hierarchical structure of the card game interactions.
explanations. For example, the movement of the
head and body (kinesics) in space (spatial
depicting the first layers of the applicable behaviour), to re-orient (spatial behaviour) and
interaction forms. Further decomposition is not focus on a fellow player (occulesics) for present-
illustrated due to image size restrictions. The ing a winning triumph (facial expression and
model illustrates the main interaction forms that non-verbal audio) can be decomposed into
can be found, partially in the physical world, and various interaction form categories. Furthermore,
partially in current multi-player games. The the automatic (autonomous & AI) dodging
conceptual understanding of the interaction movement (kinesics, spatial behaviour) that
forms was used in the experiments as a guiding tries to avoid the opponents axe blow (environ-
philosophy defining the mapping of the feature mental details, physical contact) consists of
set. The aim was not to follow the model in several categories and their combinations.
every detail, but instead, it was used as back- The application of the aforementioned
ground material from where the corresponding models to the design is not as straightforward
set of interaction forms was selected. as to implement them to the requirement
The concept model of interaction forms acts specification. The concept model cannot be
as a concrete set of examples and categories of seen as a strict set of features which needs to 397
interaction manifestations. The boundaries of be implemented to achieve rich interaction.

Fig. 4. Concept model of interaction forms.

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

case, and other contextual issues of the product
under development.
To simulate the contextual aspects of the
future ubiquitous game concept, a suitable virtual
environment platform had to be selected. The
purpose of the platform was to provide a level of
immersion, enable interactions, and control
autonomous actors, as well as, to allow access
for multiple simultaneous users via the network.
In this sense, the virtual environment acts as a
Fig. 5.Two-layer design and development process. virtual laboratory, which can be used to design,
develop, evaluate, and market games and game
Instead, the design and development has to be products with the aid of Contextual VRP.
adapted to support the creation of rich inter- The main idea of the ConsoleDEMO experi-
action. In the described approach, the techno- ment was to create a demonstration of a hand-
logically oriented design and development held mobile game console by using the Con-
process of the mobile multi-player game is textual VRP approach. The demonstration
supported by a rich interaction design counter- simulates a small city environment which users
part, running on top of the contemporary PC can explore by walking around. The product
platform and utilising more processing power and prototype (i.e. the game console) can be used to
high-end 3D graphics. The main reason for this access various information and services located
two-layered design process is the difficulty in in the ‘city’. Figure 6 represents the concept
combining both technical and creative work into model of the console and the corresponding use
the same production. The limitations and environment. The screen of the console provides
obstacles revolving around mobile platforms a map view to the user’s location. In addition, a
can easily kill the creative potential of the destination identifier from the starting point to
design. Figure 5 illustrates the two-layer design the point of destination appears on the map as
and development process in which the rich dotted line.
interaction research and design belongs to the
398 experimental content oriented layer. This layer
of production feeds the technologically oriented
production with the applicable concepts.

5. Future Directions Through

Contextual Virtual Prototypes

The background and rationale for the experi-

ments described in this paper originates from the
multi-player game design conducted at the
University of Oulu co-ordinated Monica research
project. The experiments – ConsoleDEMO and
Tuppi3D – are part of the public demonstration Fig. 6. Mobile console used for navigation support.
of the project. The main objective of the project
was to develop a game application that would act
as a case example of the value-added service
creation process for mobile devices.
The first empirical experiment, ConsoleDE-
MO, was used to demonstrate the utilisation of
Contextual Virtual Reality Prototyping in mobile
application development. The main emphasis in
this approach was the enlarging of the virtual Fig. 7. Same location of the world viewed with and without
prototype to cover also the environment, use the console.

Tony Manninen
For example, allowing the user to view the turned out that most of the code, graphics,
world through a semi-transparent screen of the sounds and other material had to be created from
mobile console, and to see any virtual objects scratch. The first playable, although relatively
located there, the demonstration shows the restricted, version of the demonstration was
possible functions and activities the user can created in one week. The overall development
do. Figure 7 illustrates the same location of the time for the complete interactive demonstration
world viewed with and without the mobile was less than 100 working hours.
console. The penguin (the right hand side
picture) is a virtual object and, thus, is visible
only through the screen of the console. This 6. Tuppi3D Experiment
feature of the prototype illustrates one possible
location-dependent, augmented reality type of The second empirical experiment, Tuppi3D, was
interaction where the user can use the console as designed and developed in order to test and
a looking glass to access the virtual aspects of the demonstrate the rich interaction design approach
particular real world environment. Other fea- in a more holistic manner. The experiment was
tures implemented in the prototype include, for developed on top of the existing 3D game engine
instance, moving the console to the field of view, by designing and constructing all the necessary
a radar to show the directions of the objects, a rich interaction features of the game and the
location-based power-up collection, location- game world. The task concentrated on research
based information download, and several console issues, such as analysing the needs and possibi-
configuration possibilities. lities for rich interaction, demonstrating the
The experimental game concepts include relevant concepts and providing creative support
augmented reality and location dependent for the mobile game design and development.
‘Catch the Penguin’ and the pseudo-physical The focus was on rich interaction (freedom of
choice, activities, gestures, expressions, environ-
version of Pacman. Both game concepts were
ment, audio, illusion, experiences, etc.) and team
meant to be played out in the open, i.e. in the
play (social setting, community, communication,
park and on the streets of the city. The console
etc.). The experiment was used to simulate the
enabled the players to see the virtual objects,
game concepts, the gaming environment, and the
provided the networking support, and handled
potential rich interaction features to be included 399
all the game-related controls and statistics.
in the mobile version of the game.
The demonstration did not utilise highly
The key issues in designing and developing the
realistic interaction techniques between the
prototype were as follows:
user and the prototype. The main input devices
were the keyboard and the mouse. However, the . Understanding the design and development
mouse interactions were replicated as realisti- process of interactively rich multi-user appli-
cally as possible in trying to estimate and imitate cations.
the real-world case. This meant that it was . Using the interaction concept model and
possible to ‘press’ the buttons of the console by hierarchical interaction model in the design
pointing and clicking them with the mouse. and development of the application.
The Unreal Tournament game engine was . Simulating and modelling of the look and feel
selected as the technical base for the demonstra- of the familiar concept and community (i.e.
tion as, at the time, it was the most suitable game the Tuppi card game) in a computerised
engine for applications such as this. Firstly, the environment.
engine has stood the tough test of real world 3D
game development. Secondly, the lead program- 6.1. Design rationale
mer of the demonstration had some previous
experience working with the engine (i.e. game The case described is part of a research project
development), so the effort to get started was not involving the production of a computerised
high. version of Arctic Bridge (or Tuppi in Finnish), a
Technically, the development work was traditional team-based card game which has its
mostly related to programming and graphics. origins in northern Finland. The game shares
The aim was to recycle at least some of the many similarities with Bridge – its more widely
program code from the earlier projects, but it known counterpart. The aim of this case was to

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

construct a team game that would follow the idea dependent features. Rich interaction possibilities
of the original real world version. The rich are thus increased by allowing users to select the
interaction experiment was constructed in the actions and activities they would like to perform.
form of 3D representation of the game, its players The experiment is not a game in the sense that
and the corresponding thematic environment. there are no predetermined challenges or goals.
The experiment design follows the traditional It merely acts as a virtual ’sandbox’, where users
lumberjack theme with various environment and can freely play and fulfil their imagination.
atmosphere effects that support and enrich the
interaction and intensity of the experience. 6.2. Rich interaction design as part of the
Artefacts within the environment are not only production process
used to provide the context, but also to present
‘side stories’ for the users (e.g. fishing, tree The starting point of the work was to follow the
climbing, etc.). The main features of the traditional multimedia, game and film design
experiment include various card manipulation processes from synopsis through media editing to
possibilities and several forms of interpersonal programming. Although the system under devel-
interactions (e.g. non-verbal communication). opment does not fit into the traditional multi-
The system is designed to provide a flexible and media or film context in terms of being purely
rich set of interactions, which can be freely presentational material, the basic process was
combined by the players. considered to be close enough to start with. The
The main playing scene consists of a log cabin main phases in the process are briefly described
with a central table for card hitting. The interior in order to illustrate the role of the rich
of the cabin is spacious enough to allow up to 16 interaction design in various phases of the
people to be accommodated for an exciting card process. The overall task was highly iterative
game. Usually four people take part in the actual and experimental in nature, so although the
game play, while others act as observers. Figure 8 phases are described in a certain order, this does
illustrates the interior of the log cabin with one not necessarily correspond to the actual realisa-
player in action (left) and the first-person view of tion of the work.
the card table (right). Players ‘act’ their roles Synopsis being the first written outline of the
according to their personal interests. The enact- production describes the most important aspects
400 ment and embodiment requires a large set of concerning the design. The approach and
atomic actions that can be combined on the fly selected methods are decided at this stage. Rich
by the players. The purpose of these actions is to interaction is visible as a design philosophy. The
allow the players to express themselves beyond rich interaction design approach can be specified
the pre-designed interactions (i.e. supporting in the form of methods (e.g. the production
flexibility and freedom of choice). involves rich interaction design drawing from
One of the ideas behind the playing card the thematic material) and detailed content
simulator is to enable human-directed card play ideas (e.g. bottom-up manipulation structure for
in situations where there are no traditional cards the playing cards).
available. This means that the players can define Background & Context Research offers an
and decide the rules, number of players, and endless source of material for interaction
corresponding parameters without application design. The main difficulty is the need for
related restrictions. The simulator can thus be resources to tackle the task, which is not
used as a general card game core with the always perceived as a productive part of the
possible add-on rule sets and other game development. However, this phase provides
enriched interaction possibilities originating
from the context and theme of the background.
If the thematic coherence exists, the designers
have a potential resource pool for interaction
features that are intuitive and well accepted by
the users.
Script Writing as the first major creative effort
should focus on the enrichment of interaction,
Fig. 8. Log cabin with one player avatar performing a although the adaptation to the medium will be
winning act and the view through the players ‘eyes’. the final phase of implementing the features. The

Tony Manninen
main aim of this phase is to create a solid base for 7. Evaluation of the Rich
rich interaction and experiences and to expli- Interactive Design Process
citly highlight the relevant interaction concepts.
Visualisation and Concept Art make the written The success of the design process was not
descriptions visual. The visualisation process measured against any specific heuristics or
creates the final look-and-feel for the manifesta- quality criteria. Instead, there are several
tions of various interactions. Although most of issues that validate the level of success. The
the interaction forms are visual, the same rules practitioners’ point-of-view is reflected in the
apply to the sound design. response received from the project management
Interaction Design, starting from the interac- and from the industrial partners. The overall
tions illustrated by the manuscript and going all feedback was very encouraging and the industry
the way to the user interface, is an explicit representatives felt the experiment was on the
production phase in making the rich interaction right track by offering novel support for mobile
concrete. In a multi-player game, the interaction application development. The opinion was very
design is not just about human-computer inter- much in favour of the approach and this has
action and physics models, but also tackles issues resulted in a continuation research project
such as interpersonal communication and group where the two-layer design process will be
dynamics further experimented.
Level Design includes designing the spaces and Furthermore, the selected approach, with the
places for interaction, environmental cues and two experimental designs, covers a significant
affordances for actions. This phase provides a area of design and development by considering
more concrete illustration and plan of the virtual inter-disciplinary issues, such as, industrial
environment that forms the scene for the design, marketing, behavioural sciences, com-
actions. The level design overlaps with the munication, and the arts. The involvement of
the industrial partners increases the reliability
interaction design – the environment affords
and significance of the results and their applic-
certain interactions and some interactions re-
ability, although both of the described experi-
quire specific features from the environment.
ments are merely laboratory prototypes and not
Rich interactivity, in this phase, mainly relates
commercially produced products.
to the dynamics of the virtual world (i.e. is the
The validation of success from the research 401
world static, or can it be manipulated?).
point-of-view is based on the conceptual devel-
Materials, Models & Animation is largely about
opment of the interaction models. The logical
modelling and animating the avatars. The
construction of the interaction form model draws
complexity of the human model requires a lot
on the theoretical and empirical analyses [24].
of work. Richness in interaction forms is realised
Furthermore, the quasi-experimental implemen-
in terms of avatar appearance, body language and
tations indicate the significance of the rich
gestures. interaction design approach.
Media Editing does not directly support rich
interaction design and development, although
the fine-tuning of the interaction forms can be 7.1. Contextual virtual prototyping
used to enhance their effectiveness (e.g. car- approach – ConsoleDEMO
icatures of the facial expressions).
Programming is the part of the production that The virtual prototype of a mobile product, such
makes the world alive. Most of the rich as the media phone, is relatively limited without
interaction functionality is set alive in this the environment and context in which the
phase (e.g. animation sequences, physics model, product is used. The core functionality and the
control, etc.). user interface issues can possibly be tested and
Integration is the phase in which all the bits and demonstrated with the prototype, but the miss-
pieces are put together, to work as a functional ing or non-immersive context may reduce both
system. Combining graphics, audio, scripts, en- the appeal and the clarity. The Contextual VRP,
vironment and models is an example of actions on the other hand, provides enormous possibi-
that need to be completed. In a way, this task is an lities in all cases where the need for the context
ongoing activity starting from the first functional and environment exists. The ConsoleDEMO
prototype until the final version is ready. illustrated in this paper serves only as an example

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

of such a scenario. The product and the 7.2. Content-oriented design – Tuppi3D
corresponding use environment are both fic-
tional in terms of design and development. The In the beginning the idea of Tuppi3D experi-
main purpose of the demonstration is to present ment was not systematically processed, but
the concept of Contextual VRP, and therefore, instead the effort was targeted on evaluating
relatively little emphasis has been placed on the and simulating concepts that seemed entertain-
competence of the example product (i.e. the ing. Features, such as environmental decorations,
mobile game console) itself. seesaws, breakable chess pieces, semi-intelligent
The network 3D game engine as a prototyping rabbits, etc., all proved to be entertaining when
platform provides beneficial features that are experimented with, and more effort was, thus,
ready-made solutions for designers. Integrated placed on these. On the other hand, the hard
development tools provide direct access to the work of solving the not-so-entertaining problems
game engine resources, such as scripting of often resulted in possibilities to implement
actions, geometry modelling, photo realistic additional entertaining features.
texturing, and to the hundreds of control One issue providing evidence of the success of
parameters to configure the applications to best the rich interaction design, is the comparison
suit the requirements. Network support with between the mobile version of the game and the
multi-user capabilities enables the testing and 3D version described in this paper. The flex-
demonstration scenarios that require multiple ibility, control, communication and co-operation
participants (e.g. location-based grouping ser- possibilities are much more satisfactory in the
vices). The interactive multimedia application Tuppi3D when compared to the current im-
provides possibilities for seeing and using the plementation of its mobile platform counterpart.
product before it is actually manufactured. The The results from a video analysis of the game
traditional concept design with still images, sessions indicate that the players had found
scenario descriptions, or films, does not allow innovative ways to use the system features in
users to experiment with the concept. Virtual communicating and collaborating with each
prototyping has solved this problem, but it still other. Furthermore, the environmental themes
lacks support for realistic use cases that also enriched the experiences of the players.
include the environment. The analysis also indicates that the partici-
402 It should be pointed out that the Con- pants can effectively use various forms of
textual VRP constructed in this work is communication, if the system is designed to
relatively limited, both in size and in complex- support them in a memorable, yet invisible, way.
ity. The development of a bigger, more A creative combination of the various commu-
functional and more professional demonstration nication channels makes it possible to enhance
would require a larger team. Even the smallest the overall interaction and further increases the
game-related projects nowadays seem to have usefulness of the collaborative virtual environ-
at least a dozen people working on them. This ments.
is due to the fact that computer games and One example illustrating the rich interaction
their modifications are becoming increasingly design in the form of non-designed challenges
complex: a large amount of work is required to provided by the system relates to the simulation
create the graphics, animated 3D objects, nature of the application. In this case, the
sounds, levels, and the program code. On the subject of one experiment was exploring the
other hand, the same kind of resource hunger virtual environment when he encountered the
seems to apply to all areas of multimedia log cabin. Just by sheer curiosity, the subject
design and production. In any case, one of the wondered whether it would be possible to climb
major suggestions originating from this work is on to the roof of the cabin. After a series of
to promote the exploitation of ready-made fruitless running and jumping attempts, the
platforms and engines that are originally subject pushed a barrel next to the cabin wall
developed for other purposes. By using this and tried again by first jumping on to the barrel.
approach, it is possible to save time and other When this was not enough, the subject brought
resources and, still, be able to provide appeal- another barrel next to the first one and tried
ing and realistically interactive product con- again – now running and then jumping. At this
cept demonstrations. point, the subject’s aim and the pattern of

Tony Manninen
behaviour were clearly visible. After a half-hour concepts and of ‘selling’ the idea to the manage-
effort, the subject had brought more items next ment. The board meetings with industry repre-
to the cabin and constructed stairs leading to the sentatives were suitable places for
rooftop, thus gaining access to the ‘top of the demonstrations and concept trials. Due to the
world’. This experiment is an excellent example interactivity and rich media, the concept came
of a user-created challenge within the environ- out clearly, even to the partners that were not
ment – the designers certainly had not planned constantly following the details of the research
this type of activity! and development.
Perhaps the most important issue was the Still, the contextual VRP approach has been
entertainment factor of the system; both the criticised because it relies on a synthetic
design team and the outside test users spent an experience and environment. The physical
enormous amount of time just fooling around in prototypes (i.e. duct tape, wires and off-the-
the virtual environment – and having fun! Of shelf components boosted with imagination)
course, it is a prerequisite for computer games were claimed to be somewhat more concrete
that they need to be fun to use. However, the (e.g. physically), especially during the focus
main aim of this work was not directly to develop groups and user tests. However, the work
a system that was fun, but the fun factor was described in this paper focuses on the concepts
hoped to be ‘increased’ as a side product of the that are too difficult, or too expensive, to
rich interaction design approach. prototype using the traditional methods. The
approach described in this paper is by no means
7.3. Discussion and lessons learned the best practice for every possible design case.
However, the case that cannot be prototyped just
The first lesson learnt is the ambiguity in the fun by relying on imagination and rough mock-ups
factor. It is very difficult to estimate which may well benefit with more engaging simulation
features are going to be fun to use. Fortunately, of the concepts.
just by experimenting with various features with The concept of rich interaction and its role
the aid of rapid prototyping, it is possible to for the production was not clear enough. The
encounter some features that are both entertain- models and guidelines were not concrete enough
ing and easy to implement. For example, no one to be explicitly exploited. However, the models
envisioned that the virtual seesaw in Tuppi3D were used implicitly as a philosophical back- 403
experiment would be fun to use, but since it was ground for the whole production, so their role
easy to implement, and since it could be useful in was not totally without value. Based on this
accessing higher areas in the environment, it was observation, the rich interaction design guide-
thought to give it a try. After gaining enough lines have to be presented in a clear ‘cookbook’
empirical evidence, i.e. spending several hours of format. The models served the designers by
bouncing up and down with various aerobatics, it providing explicit map and scope of the design
had to be admitted that the concept was a area. This helped the group to take different
success. However, the application of seesaw aspects of interaction into account without
concept to the ubiquitous game system is not neglecting any potential design issues.
feasible as such. It is, thus, possible to construct All in all, the rich interaction design process
applicable concepts by using the rich interaction is a relatively complex task and it usually
design approach, but the successful transfer of requires a multidisciplinary team to treat the
these concepts to the ubiquitous domain is not concepts and ideas - each team member provid-
necessarily solved. In a way, the design approach ing a specific point-of-view to the concept. Still,
described in this paper offers only supporting the rich interaction design approach should be
layer for the ubiquitous game design. explicitly defined throughout the production
The rich interaction design process can process.
provide systems that are fun to use, although
this is not always the case. The trick with rich 7.4. Benefits of the approach
interaction design is in getting all the interaction
elements into the system and then allowing the The rich interaction design experiment can feed
users to find their own way of having fun. the ubiquitous game development process by
The contextual VRP approach was a rela- approaching the design and development from
tively easy and efficient way of testing various the content-oriented direction. The knowledge

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

and results acquired from experimenting with the limitations and restrictions of computer
the high-end audio-visual environment provides mediation by enabling more flexible and natural
the embedded system development with an interaction, either by using virtual environments
additional perspective that supports, without or by designing multi-modal interface artefacts.
conventional limitations, the traditional tech- Although the naturalness and intuitiveness of
nological-oriented tasks. face-to-face communication is hard to achieve,
With the two-layered design and develop- the ubiquitous games provide additional and
ment approach consisting of two separate teams, novel ways to enhance the weak areas of
the project was able to meet the short-term goals interaction.
as well as provide enough creative assets for the
current and future versions of the application. 7.5. Limitations of the approach
This helped in designing innovative concepts
and compelling content by making it possible to The contextual VRP approach can only be used
evaluate abstract concept ideas while the tech- effectively to prototype concepts that can be
nological development was steadily conducted. easily modelled and simulated. For example, if
The shared understanding between the sepa- the physical game environment consists of
rate teams was achieved with the aid of elements that require high levels of detail that
illustrative demonstration material, such as are essential for the game, the construction of
videos, experiments, and narrative descriptions. the simulation may be too demanding. Further-
When comparing the two designs – the 3D more, the simulated approach does not necessa-
version based on the PC platform and the mobile rily demonstrate the realistic experiences and
version – the benefits and drawbacks of each compelling aspects of the gameplay. For in-
solution were clearly visible. So, instead of stance, the action-packed fighting game provides
much stronger sensations when physically run-
arguing for the different visions on paper, the
ning out in the open than when sitting in front
designers and developers were able to try out
of a computer.
these totally different solutions. Empirical hands-
Although the creative and content oriented
on experience significantly outweighed the
work was implemented on top of a less limiting
design documents. Furthermore, it opened up
platform, a number of restrictions reducing the
the possibility to combine the two experiments
404 applicable interaction features still exist. The
in a multi-platform and scalable game system.
specifics of the proprietary game engine may
The project was successful in introducing a
prove to be too limiting, so the balance between
creative content production for mobile applica-
cost versus benefit can be difficult to estimate.
tion development. Contextual Virtual Reality
However, in this case, the differences between
Prototyping combined with conceptual under-
the 3D game engine running on a PC and
standing of rich interaction provided satisfactory contemporary mobile devices are still relatively
results. The rapid prototyping and development large. So, even with the limitations of the PC
enabled by selecting a proprietary game engine as platform, it was possible to outrun the vividness
the design and development platform made it and dynamics of the interaction features when
possible to focus on the interaction design and compared with the mobile platform.
achieve empirical experiences already at the The rich interaction design approach can
beginning of the production. drastically fail if production lacks freedom. The
From the rich interaction design point of successful application of the two-layer design
view, the importance of non-verbal communica- process requires enough support and trust from
tion in multi-player game environments was the management, so that the team can fruitfully
brought forward and demonstrated in theory and express their creativity. This can be seen as a
in practice. Furthermore, the rich interaction potential risk from the management side.
design philosophy led to a solution where the
user controlled the environment instead of the
environment controlling the user. 8. Contribution and
The results are significant for multi-player Conclusions
game designers as they illustrate the importance
and possibilities of non-verbal communication in This paper describes a conceptually grounded
networked settings. Thus, it is possible to reduce rich interaction design approach to multi-player

Tony Manninen
game development. The main emphasis of the The advantage of the described approach is
approach is on avoiding purely technologically that rich interaction design can provide mean-
driven design and development, and to provide, ingful and theoretically grounded interaction
in its place, a guiding approach that focuses on forms to be developed for multi-user systems.
the conceptual understanding of rich inter- Audio-visually compelling demonstrations en-
action. With this approach, it is possible to hance the possibilities for shared understanding,
design and develop rich interaction for multi- and thus make the dissemination of the concepts
user systems without limiting the process with easier. In addition to this, the rich interaction
the technological conventions. However, suc- design approach provides more flexible and
cessful application of rich interaction design communicative systems.
requires a clear and concrete conceptual under- The analysis provides several implications for
standing of interaction. design. Contextual Virtual Reality Prototyping,
The described Contextual VRP approach, as with the corresponding demonstration, indicates
an instantiation of rich interaction design, that there is true potential in a propriety game
provides designers a way to enlarge their field- engine such as Unreal for prototyping and
of-vision by adding the extremely important use designing ubiquitous game concepts. The in-
environment and context to the prototypes. The creasingly important multiplayer aspect makes it
contributions of the VRP research can be utilised possible to test how several simultaneous users
with this new approach, thus making it possible would play the game in a specific place, when
to enhance the scope, efficiency, and re-usage interacting with the world and with each other.
factors of the product design, development, and From the design point of view, the main task,
marketing. With the proposed approach, the however, is to use artistic selectivity and the
products can be tested and demonstrated in the principles of game design to achieve engaging
corresponding environments, and, in this way, and compelling systems. The conceptual and
make it easier to understand the use-cases of, for theoretical models of communication and inter-
example, a mobile device that has location- action should be utilised in order to make
dependent features. Furthermore, the evaluation solutions natural and intuitive. The need to
of the concept requires a less cognitive load in understand the whole concept of interaction in
terms of discovering the real-world counterparts virtual environments is evident if the commu-
nicational needs of the users are to be supported. 405
of the VRP interactions.
The described rich interaction design ap-
The main contribution of this paper is a
proach is not limited to the mobile application
design approach, which guides the designers and
context, so the results can be applied to the
developers to include adequate support for
design of networked virtual environments in
interaction in computer mediated multi-user
general. Interaction design focusing on inter-
services and applications. Furthermore, this
personal communication and collaboration can
paper provides theoretical and practical insights
benefit from the insights provided in this paper.
to rich interaction design. Although the main
portion of the research is situated in the context Acknowledgements
of multi-player game design, the results can be
applied by interactive system designers and This research was conducted in the Department
ubiquitous game developers working within the of Information Processing Science at the Uni-
area of multi-user virtual environments. versity of Oulu within and with the support of
One of the limitations of the approach is the the Finnish Academy funded PAULA project,
need to work on what is not, from technological the TEKES funded Monica project and the
perspective, the core activity of the production Infotech Oulu VIRGIN Research Group. I
process. This may cause difficulties in achieving would like to thank my PhD work supervisor
the shared vision, and thus, severely reduce the Professor Petri Pulli for his guidance and support
benefits of the approach. The lack of under- in relation to Virtual Reality Prototyping.
standing of the rich interaction concept and the Furthermore, I am greatly indebted to my
corresponding design philosophy, limits the use research assistants Tomi Kujanpää, Heikki
of the approach. Concrete rich interaction Korva, Soili Väinämö and Pasi Partanen for
design guidelines are needed to solve this their efforts in implementing the demonstration
problem. systems.

Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development

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16. Tuikka T, Kuutti K. Physical space and concretization of
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tion, Morioka, Japan 1999 Oulun Yliopisto, Finland. Email:

Tony Manninen

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