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Tutorial 1

Often cases where we get e-mails / letters /  SMSes from other parties (that
we are not directly connected with) to join / follow or even connect with
Q. How did they know our info? Personal info.
ANS. They know our info by visiting our social media platforms. If your
account is public then they can get all your personal info which you have
posted for the public.
Q. What were you reaction at first?
ANS. I will be shock at first and then I will try to find how did they get my
personal info.
Q. Where’s our privacy? Who to blame?
ANS. When you made your social media accounts public then you have to
blame your self for the invasion of your privacy.
Q. What are the actions took by you in order to stop this activities?
ANS. I will make my social media accounts private and I will not share my
personal info on this platforms. I will block the incoming e-mails and SMSes
from other parties which I don’t know.

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