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The Man of the House

In this short story, a boy, named Gus, takes the responsibility of taking care of his
sick mother. He decides to stay home from school so he can do what it takes to
make her feel better. So he has his mother get a list together so he can run errands
for her. While he is gone a friend comes over to check on her and suggests that she
may need to get a doctor. Later on she gets worse so he calls the doctor to come
and check on her and he prescribes a prescription that one would have to pick up in
town, which was far away, and Gus agrees to go. When he gets to the hospital, a girl
is waiting as well and when they both get their medicine they start walking back
together. When the little girl guilt Gus into trying the medicine he does and ends up
drinking the whole thing before he gets any to his mother. He gets back home,
confesses, then starts to not feel well and he is put to bed by his mother. He later
wakes and realizes that his wish came true that his mother was better and he didn't
have to be the man of the house anymore.
It also shows the use of temptation and guilt and shows how they are not as easy as
they seem and one has to work to overcome them. O'Connor wrote this as a man,
himself, reflecting on this scenario that happened in his past, he wanted to use this
to show that people tend to make mistakes and they are in fact only human.
In The Man of the House by Frank O’Connor we have the theme of innocence,
temptation, guilt, responsibility, control, resilience, redemption and acceptance.
Taken from his Collected Stories collection the story is narrated in the first person by
a man called Gus Sullivan who is looking back at an incident in his life when he was
ten years old. It is also after reading the story that the reader realises that O’Connor
may be exploring the theme of responsibility. Gus tries on several occasions to act
older than his years. He lights the fire in the house. He does the shopping for his
mother and he goes to the dispensary to get the medication for his mother. However
it is noticeable that while he is at the dispensary Gus does end up drinking his
mother’s medication. Which leads to Gus feeling not only guilty but struggling with
his conscience. It is also interesting that O’Connor throughout the story looks
unfavourably on most of the male characters in the story. The man in the bar comes
across as not only been a drunk but also as an irresponsible buffoon. With no real
connection with the world. This may be deliberate as O’Connor may be attacking the
male dominated society that existed in Ireland at the time the story was written.

The fact that Gus is tempted by the young girl at the dispensary to drink his mother’s
medication is also important as not only is it the first occasion in the story in whereby
Gus lets himself down. But O’Connor may be drawing on the biblical story of Adam
and Eve (and the apple) in the Garden of Eden. Prior to taking the medication Gus’
concentration levels and his desire to do the right thing for his mother were high.
Things were going well for him and he was acting responsibly. It is only when he
becomes enamoured with the girl that he loses concentration and forgets what his
intentions really are. It is also noticeable that for such a young boy the guilt becomes
unbearable for Gus. Not only does he feel he has let his mother down but he also
feels guilty because he won’t be able to pay for a candle in the Cathedral. Having
spent the money on sweets (for the girl). The fact that Gus can’t say his prayer and
light a candle in the Cathedral may also be important as O’Connor may be putting a
spotlight on the Church and the practice of paying for prayers.

The only thing stopping Gus from going to the Cathedral and lighting the candle is
the fact that the Church has an expectation (at times) that an individual pays for their
prayer. Something which Gus has most likely been taught. How influential the
Church is (at the time the story was written) is noticeable by the fact that Gus
adheres to the principles of paying for his prayers and doesn’t go to the Cathedral to
light the candle. Based solely on the fact that he has no money. If anything Gus may
feel trapped by the conditions imposed on him by the Church. Conditions which
would seem to be more about the Church making money rather than assisting the
individual. It is also possible that O’Connor is using the candle (and prayer) as
symbolism for hope. If this is the case it is noticeable at the end of the story that Gus
feels a miracle has happened. His mother has gotten better without the need of the
candle or prayer. Which may be important as O’Connor could again be putting a
spotlight on the Church. Possibly questioning again the practice of paying for
candles (or prayers). When there may be no need to.

What is also interesting about the story is that though Gus’ mother is poorly. She
does not scorn Gus when he returns from the dispensary. Instead she takes care of
him. Thinking of Gus rather than of herself. Gus’ mother is also resilient. When Gus
first sees that his mother is sick, she smiles at him. This may be important as not
only does it suggest that Gus’ mother doesn’t want to upset Gus but she also is
displaying an exterior toughness. She won’t be beaten by what life throws at her.
Regardless of the circumstances she might find herself in. It may also be important
that when Gus takes control of the situation, when his mother is in bed, rather than it
being Gus who is writing down what needs to be done. It is his mother who is doing
the writing. Gus without knowing it seems to be dictating or ordering his mother. It is
him telling her what to do. Which may again play on how the female was treated by
the male at the time the story was written. By having Gus tell the reader that ‘It’s
funny about women, the way they’ll take orders from anything in trousers.’ O’Connor
may be highlighting how dominated women may have been (by men) at the time the
story was written.

The end of the story is also interesting. Gus feels that a miracle has happened when
he wakes up and discovers that his mother is better. It is also noticeable that Gus
has redeemed himself. He has told his mother the truth about what has happened.
Hiding nothing from her. If anything he is closer to his mother. Gus also realises that
he is too young for responsibility and that it is better if someone else takes on that
role. His one attempt at being responsible, though good natured, was not successful.
He was led to temptation, suffered guilt and because of the practices of the church
(paying for prayers) was unable to say the prayers that he wanted to for his mother.
Gus spent his day in an adult world. A world which he may not realise is
dysfunctional. As to why it is dysfunctional is left to each individual reader to decide.
Gus just appears to be happy that he is a child again. A happy and innocent child
who has yet to fully learn of the complexities of life. Though he does accept that he is
not a good nurse.

The Man of the House

This short story is about a little boy called Sullivan who has a sick mother. Sullivan is
initially unconcerned about his mother’s illness, and mildly pleased, because he got
to stay home and play at being the ‘man of the house’. However, his initial delight
changes to concern on the second day due to his fear that his mother has
pneumonia. The second night and the third day are even more frightening because
he had to fetch the doctor and travel to the North Dispensary to get her medication.
At the dispensary he meets a young girl who tricks him into drinking, and sharing the
medicine, with the result being an empty bottle to take home to his mother. Sullivan
suffers extreme guilt as a result of this and goes home crying. His mother consoles
him and forgives his childish misdemeanour.

• A town called Cork, in England.

• A very responsible little boy.
• Enjoys playing at being a man by taking care of his mother and the household

• A sickly lady.
• She feels guilty that her son has to display such maturity by taking care of her.
• Displays what a loving mother she is by understanding that Dooley is an innocent
boy that succumbed to peer pressure.
• She also takes excellent care of her son when she is able to do so.

Minnie Ryan
• She is a family friend who advises Dooly during the course of his mother’s illness.
• A middle aged woman who is very knowledgeable.
• Very pious and gossipy; according to Dooly.

• He was a fat, loud voiced man.
• He was the cleverest doctor in Cork.


Love & family relationship

This is shown in the relationship between the mother and her son. Sullivan is
frightened that his mother will die of pneumonia, so, despite his fear, he enters a
public house (pub/bar) in order to ensure that she gets her home-made remedy, and
travels to an unsavoury neighbourhood in order to get her medicine. The mother is
equally devoted to her son, as seen in her guilt over the fact that he has to take care
of her. She is also very understanding when he succumbs to the peer pressure of
drinking her medicine. She understands that one cannot expect a child to be a man,
no matter how well he does at playing at being a man. Her love for her child is also
manifested in the pride she feels when he displays the level of maturity akin to an

The fact that Sullivan does not recognize that his new friend is using him for a taste
of his cough syrup proves that he is still an innocent young man, at least in relation
to the ways of the world. Despite playing at being a man, he is still an innocent child.
His reaction, after realizing that he was used, also points to his innocence. He reacts
in the manner that any child would, he ran home crying.

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