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Chapter 6. Application Activity

1. What is experimental research?

 Experimental Research is to discuss the influence of one or more factors upon a

condition, group or situation, purpose of which is to discover what will be. It is also the
procedure involving the control or manipulation of conditions for purpose of studying
the relative effects of various treatment applied to members of a sample.

2-3. What is the difference between independent and dependent variables?

 The difference between independent and dependent variable is, the Independent
variable are those that a researcher can manipulate or change in a scientific experiment
to test the effects on the dependent variable, by manipulating the value of an
independent variable one hopes to cause a response in the dependent variable while
the dependent variable is the variable being tested and measured in a scientific
experiment and it is the actions from the independent variables are applied.

4-5 Give the different concepts of causation and explain briefly.

 One- to one relationship- it refers to relationships of two items in which one can only
belong with the other. One independent variable causes an effect upon one dependent
variable. When we create a database, when one row directly corresponds to another
 Two- variable relationship- involves two causing an effect upon variable. These
variables already occur in the group or population and are not controlled or
manipulated by the experimenter.
 Complex relationship- this is a case where two or more variables cause a single effect to
produce possible conditions.
6-7. What is experimental design?

 Experimental design it refers to the conceptual framework which the experiment is

conducted. It often considered being the gold standard in research designs; it is one of
the most rigorous of all research designs. In this design, one or more independent
variables are manipulated or controlled by the researcher.

8-10. Explain the differences of the different experimental designs.

 Single group with only a post- test design – involves a thing person or a group subjected
or exposed to a certain experimental factor for a certain period of time.
 Single group with a pre-test and post-test - The group is exposed to a certain
experimental factor. In this design, the group is given a pre- test about the subject
matter to be covered in the experiment in the research study and then after the period
of experimental, the group is given the same pre-test but in a different form or way to
avoid the effect of practice which is the post test.
 Match group design- One group is exposed to the experimental or independent variable
while the other is not , in this design two groups are matched in age, sex, grade level,
mental ability etc. After the period of experimental, the two groups are given the same
 Randomized multi group with a post-test design – there are two or more experimental
variables to be tested. In this design, all variables are kept equal or the same. In this
design, the same test on the lesson taken by all of the groups is given to all of them after
the period of experimental.
 Randomized multi group with a pre-test and post- test design – it has two or more
experimental variables to be tested but there is a pre-test to be conduct in this kind of
design. In this design the results of the pre-test and those of the post-test are subjected
to some statistical methods after the experimental period.

11-15. Why do we have to conduct an experimental research? Explain.

 We have to conduct an experimental research because it gathers the data necessary to

help us to make better decisions in our research study. When we conduct an
experimental research we will be able to understand the importance of the cause and
effect as well as it allow us to test our idea in a controlled environment before taking it
to market, it provides also the best method or techniques to test our theory wherein
our data that we collected considered as a foundation on which to build more ideas and
conduct more research.

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