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1. I would describe the painting of Salvador Dali which is the persistence

of memory were undefinable, unknowable at the same time it was
something of mysterious artwork I’ve seen.

2. It was realistic painting because Salvador Dali’s artwork used of “hand

painted dream photograph which it is identify in his artwork based from
of his hallucination/ imagination. And it was makes surreal because of the
“melting clocks figure that have a deeply meaning. By showing that time
persist around life but begins to deteriorate when life ends.

3. I see the dislocation based on the painting which the clocks like
melting figure and the ants above on the object which is recognize of one
of a face down pocket watch in that composition.

4. Firstly, when I saw that painting I was distracted in the so called soft
clocks or the dripping clocks so that I can considered as a scale change on
that painting.

5. Maybe in his experience in life that something like he relate so that

he entitled of Persistence of Memory. To think that it was based on his
dreaming and saw. So, that was the time he connect the ideas and the
message of the painting so I think that was the reason why he entitled of
his painting.

6. The symbol of soft clocks I think the concept of time consumed or

had lost all meaning in the unconscious world. Or maybe its the human
perception of time changes according to mood or actions. Is something
the time was not fixed and stable but relative and passing.

7. In any form of art especially in painting whether we create

or observing, the artwork makes me feel have strong grasp and
personally inspired somehow terrified something like that
because you know the feeling of being you’ve wanted to do like
this, to explore and that was amazing however it gives me hope
that someday through art will changes that things better or
maybe illustrated creatively through art in all issues in this
world. It gives healing, stress relieved somehow .

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