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Sprunger Géraldine



70% ! This is the percentage increase of insomnia, depression and anxiety for

young people (14 to 24 years old) in the last 25 years. Since the arrival of social

networks. This is what a British study found in 2017. The same study estimated

that over 90% of these young people have an account on one of the following social

networks : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat or YouTube. I personally think

that social media has a negative impact on teenagers.

In the first place, social networks can become an addiction very quickly, especially

for teenagers. These young people spend all their time on their phones chatting,

sharing photos, just watching videos,… But they won’t think to talk in real life with

other people or going out with friends. Their phones have become their priority

and this is unfortunately not the real life.

Furthermore, social Networks can also be dangerous because informations on

them can be false, like fake news for example. A teenager is particularly vulnerable

so he could believe false informations and even share them. This could quickly

become uncontrollable and have serious consequences for the society.

In conclusion, social media can really be bad for teenagers because it can become

an addiction and it could also make them forget the real word. It is also negative

because the informations in the social network is not necessarily true. For all this

reasons, I finally think that social media has a negative impact on teenagers.

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