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Cell Membrane
 Cell membranes  would be the policemen in the city. They are the ones who regulate
what goes in and out. Also, both  policemen and cell organelles protect what is inside the
Cell Wall
 Cell wall would be the city's wall boundary. Both of this support, give structure, and
protection to what is inside. 
 The atmosphere will be a good analogy for cytoplasm because everything that is
inside(organelle)  is surrounded by the atmosphere (cytoplasm).
 Since mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, this would be the powerplant of the
city, because it also produces energy to give power to the city. 
 Lysosomes would be the dumpsite. Both dispose of wastes and excess materials once
they have been broken down.
 Vacuoles stock items and materials the same as a warehouse. 
Golgi Complex/Bodies/Apparatus
 Just like a post office does with the mail, Golgi apparatus help process, package, and
distribute packaging proteins and lipids to the target designated.
 A good analogy for chloroplast are solar panels, because they produce energy that was
captured from the sun.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
 The ER would be the streets because cars drive through the city on the streets, whereas
ribosomes travel through the ER.
 Food factories, because ribosomes and food factories both bring raw materials together.
Protein synthesis for the nucleus is performed by them.
 The nucleus would be the  City Hall because both are the ones controlling the city/cell.
  My analogy for the nucleolus is the departments in the city hall because this is the
primary area where all information is compiled or stored. 

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